.UC .APPENDIX SPECIAL RUNOFF COMMANDS .s The following special features may be enabled when RNO is built by enabling the line defining the symbol $FLORD .s .S.AP RUNOFF has been modified to include special commands to the FLORIDA DATA line printer. These commands allow the user to build scientific notation formulae and so on. It is suggested that certain special features of RUNOFF be changed at the start of the text you are editing. Specifically the following command should be issued: .C; .FL#ESCAPECAPE .FL#OVERSTRIKE .S This enables overstriking and escape sequences. .DHY The following functions are generally applicable to most letter quality line printers, except where noted otherwise. .s .lm +8 .paragraph -3,2  _^_> Causes the text to be shifted up 1/2 space for writing superscripts, or cancelling subscripts. _^_< Shifts the text down 1/2 space for writing subsripts or cancelling superscripts This escape sequence conflicts with the CAPITALIZE FLAG if the flag is enabled. If the flag is enabled, it takes precedence over the escape sequence definition. .S.C; FONT SELECTION for FLORIDA DATA only. _^n Where n is a number between 1 and 9 selects a font. 3 is currently a 10 pitch ROMAN font and 8 will be GREEK and special symbols. .C; SHADOW PRINT for FLORIDA DATA only _^* Begins shadow printing for boldface text. This normally ends at the end of a line or untill turned off whichever comes first. _\* End shadow print .C; ELONGATED PRINT for FLORIDA DATA only _^_= Begin elongated double width printing. CAUTION: when this is used RUNOFF doesnt know the chars are double wide so reset the margins accordingly. _\_= End elongated print. .C; GRAPHICS MODE for SPINWRITER only _^_! Begin graphics mode _\_! End graphics mode .S 2 .EHY .F .P 0,2.LM The following font has been created for the FLORIDA DATA printer at Bonner Lab. The font number 8 (^8) will have the following special characters. .ls .le The ^&Greek\& correspond to the Roman letters. For example a lower case a will be alpha etc. .le The numbers will be about 30% smaller than the normal numbers for superscripts references and so on .le The brakets [] and {} correspond to arrows. .els