.ps 60,80 .lm 5 .rm 75 .ap [VAX84A.DISASTER]AAAREADME.TXT .blank 2 .c;submitted by: .blank 2 .c;Tim Mahaney .c;Naval Air Propulsion Center .c;PO Box 7176 .c;1440 Parkway Ave. .c;Trenton, NJ 08628 .blank .c;(609) 896-5728 .blank 2 This directory contains programs for retrieving and reconstructing files from a disk that cannot be read by VMS. .list .le;SEARCHER prepares a listing of possible file headers .le;GETFILE is used to retrieve files and rebuild them. .end list .blank 2 For those with access to Datatrieve, some record definitions and procedures are provided to allow manipulation of SEARCHER's output. .blank 2 See DISASTER.DOC for further, albeit sketchy, information. .blank 2 The basis for these routines was submitted by Ray Stone on the Spring 82 SIG tape in [VAX82A.DISKFILES]. His original code is included, with extension .VIR.