.ps 60,80 .lm 5 .rm 75 .ap .C;submitted by: Frank R. Borger .c;Dept. of Medical Physics .c;Michael Reese Medical Center .c;2929 So. Ellis Ave. .c;Chicago, Ill. 60616 .c;(312) 791-2515 .blank 2 Modified for the VAX by Joe Bingham, VAX Systems SIG Librarian and Glenn Everhart, RSX SIG Librarian .blank 2 These programs were submitted for the RSX SIG tape but are included here because they are probably of interest to the VAX community. .list .le;[.BASIC] This directory contains the Michael Reese BASIC interpreter. You can just give the command RUN [.BASIC]RSXBASIC to try it out, but define a symbol as a foreign command in your system login.com (e.g. BAS*IC == "$SYS$SYSDEVICE:[VAX84A.RSXSIG.BASIC]RSXBASIC") for general use so you can include the file you want to use on the command line (e.g. BAS MYFILE). Macro-11 sources and other files from the RSX distribution are included. See [.BASIC]AAAREADME.DOC for some VAX specific information, [.BASIC]BASIC.MEM for the reference manual. .le;[.MURPHY] This directory contains MAY and MURPHY, two more programs with a (fortune) COOKIE flavor. .end list