15.I.82 Roger: As you can tell from the directory included with the tape, I have put a copy of KERNEL.MAR, SS.MAR, and FLOAT.STO on the tape. In KERNEL you will find the following code: 1. To permit floating point numbers under the decimal radix (only) 2. To permit octal integers 3. To allow local numerical qualifiers in the manner of MACRO numerical literals (i.e. ^X, ^D, ^O). 4. To signal an empty parameter stack when an "=" is executed on an empty P_stack. 5. To signal an empty vocabulary stack when an ">" is executed on an empty V_stack (does not permit user to flush the STOIC< system). 6. To convert single precision floating point to ASCII strings under Fortran G format. In SS.MAR I have added two calls: $FAO and FOR$CVN_OUT_G to add a bit more power to conversion routines. The file FLOAT.STO defines operators necessary to the implementation of floating point arithmetic. Nothing unusual here. With regard to the .RNO file: some portions are as yet incomplete and others are inadequate. You may wish to expand on some of them. Perhaps I should remark that this document arose as part of a learning exercise on my part with respect to STOIC. I had intended to submit it as an internal report at GM Research Labs.; however, it may be useful to a broader segment of the VAX community. I think that by co-authoring it I can get it out of GM and into the open literature. I hope that I have removed all the pieces of text that would make it sound like an internal report (in which, for instance, I acknowledged you as author of STOIC etc.). There are some areas with which I am still having trouble getting a clear understanding of the action of the STOIC words. These would benefit by some clarification on your part, particularly the use of "WORD" and some examples of it. I note that user defined stacks lacks a balancing operator called "BPOP" to recover pushed bytes. I have supplied such an operator and you will find its definition in the detailed description section of the text. Crude, but it works. I am not attached to the text, so it can be cut, pasted, spliced, abridged, spindled, torn and mutilated if such actions would improve it. Besides, I am sure that typos and misconceptions abound! Let me remind you that you agreed to send back to me a new version of STOIC when it is ready, a copy of the new RED, and other utilities which may be of use. Regards, Wayne Wiitanen Computer Science Department GM Research Laboratories Warren, MI 48090 (313) 575-3180