DECUS Tape submission - October 1, 1986 Farm Credit Services - Dar Schumann 245 N. Waco (316)-266-5642 Wichita, Ks 67147 README.TXT This text file A1V2LOGIN.COM Example ALLIN1 login file to be used in the LGICMD of the UAF, to push the unsuspecting user into changing his/her password. PASS.COM Script file to activate the ALLIN1 set password routine. SETPASS.COM A captive routine (other than disconnecting & CNTL Y) to check the user's old and new entry for matches of like names, etc. UAFHIT.BAS A program that is installed with syspriv and is called from SYLOGIN.COM for each user to check the password expired flag in the UAF. Version 4.4 should make this easier. UAFHIT.EXE The executable as linked for VMS V4.3. UAFREC.DDL The CDD definition used by UAFHIT.BAS. MAILATT1.BLP The Boiler plate modifications for ALLIN1 to function MAILATT2.BLP similarly to DECMail, by putting the asterisk (*) MAILMEMO1.BLP Next to the user's name that is reading or printing MAILMEMO2.BLP the document. Ray Kaplan of PIVOTAL, INC. got me started on this and I had to make some changes to get these to work without error. The main diferences are in the terminators used.