.ad 9 .im qpr6670 typ='11 10 11 193' dup=1 fontchg=yes qua=4 .ll 65;.bm 5 .ud set | .tt /SED - Screen Editing on the VAX 785//Page %/ .fo off .bd Cursor up ("Uparrow" key) Cursor Up - Moves the cursor up one line. .bd Pagetop (PF1 + "Uparrow") Hitting the 'GOLD' key and then the Uparrow key moves the cursor to the top of the page. .bd Page_restore (PF1 PF1 Uparrow) By typing the GOLD key twice, followed by the Uparrow key will restore the page marked previously with GOLD GOLD Downarrow. Any 'repeat' count in the range 1 to 7 will select the corresponding saved page mark, as in GOLD 6 GOLD GOLD Up would restore the page and line saved by a previous GOLD 6 GOLD GOLD Down. .bd Cursor down ("Downarrow" key) Cursor Down - Moves the cursor down one line. .bd Pageend (PF1 + "Downarrow") Hitting the 'GOLD' key and then the Downarrow key moves the cursor to the bottom of the current page. .bd Mark_currentpage (PF1 PF1 Downarrow) Typing the GOLD key twice followed by the downarrow key will mark the current line to be later restored via GOLD GOLD Uparrow. As in Page_restore (Gold Gold Up), any active 'repeat' count (GOLD digit) will select different markers from 1 to 7, as in GOLD 6 GOLD GOLD Down. GOLD V (for View_markers) will display all the current marked pages (and lines). .bd Left ("Leftarrow" key) Cursor Left - Moves the cursor left by one character position. .bd GOLD Leftarrow Moves cursor to the start of the current line. .bd Right ("Rightarrow" key) Cursor Right - Moves the cursor right by one character position. .cp .bd Sentence (PF1 + "Rightarrow") If a Rightarrow key is pressed following the 'GOLD' key, the cursor is moved forward through the file by sentences. (A sentence is defined as a period followed by any non-alphanumeric character.) .bd Begin line ("0") Typing the '0' key when in keypad mode will cause the cursor to move to the start of the current line. .bd Break line (PF1 + "0") The '0' key, when preceded by the 'GOLD' key, causes a CR/LF to be inserted at the current cursor position. .bd Word ("1") The '1' key will move the cursor to the next word (see .bi ã|F). .bd Lstword (PF1 + "1") The '1' key, when preceded by typing the 'PF1' key, will cause the cursor to move to the end of the previous word .bi |(see| ã|R). .bd Eol ("2") The '2' key moves the cursor to the end of the current line. .bd Deleol (PF1 + "2") Deletes from cursor to the end of the line. Entered as PF1 2. (GOLD 2) .bd Cut ("3") The '3' key starts the marking of lines for saving in the paste buffer. Lines are marked by then typing the down arrow key until the last line to be saved is passed. The '3' key is then typed again to actually save the lines. The lines are then retrieved by typing the '6' key. This key is also used to start select ranges to be used by various other commands, such as DELLINE, GOLD Q, and GOLD W. .bd (PF1 + "3") Typing GOLD and then the 3 key switches paste buffers. .cp .bd Bottom ("4") The '4' key causes a movement to the end of the file. .bd Fill (PF1 + "4") Typing GOLD and then the 4 key will cause the text on the current line to be expanded with spaces out to the current fill margin (see /FILL:N). The fill margin .bi | defaults to 72, and can be changed by typing |ã|V and then, after the 'SET>' prompt, the string FILL:value , where 'value' is the decimal value for the new fill margin. As an alternative to using the current fill factor, you can set a repeat count (using gold digits) to define the fill size. .bd Top ("5") The '5' key is top of file (line 1). .bd Center (PF1 + "5") The '5' key, when typed immediately after the PF1 key is typed, centers the current line based upon the current fill (see GOLD M or Control V). The centered line should not contain any tabs. As an alternative to using the current fill factor, you can set a repeat count (using gold digits) to define the fill size. .bd Paste ("6") The '6' key inserts text saved by the 'cut (3)' key. .bd Zapsel (PF1 + "6") The '6' key, when typed immediately after the PF1 key is typed, erases the contents of the paste buffer. .bd Findlast ("7") The '7' key is used to locate a text pattern in the file and move backwards to that page if the pattern is found. The search is from the current line to the first line of the file, a reverse search. The search uses the previous search pattern, if present. .bd SearchB (PF1 + "7") The '7' key, when typed immediately after the PF1 key is typed, does a search but from the current line to the beginning of the file instead of to the end of the file. Entered as PF1 7 from the keypad. The search is always prompted for, typing a carriage return will cause the previous pattern to be used. .bd SwapCHR ("8") By typing the 8 key, the character at the current cursor position will be swapped with the next one if neither of them are line terminators. .bd SwapLIN (PF1 + "8") By typing the PF1 key and then typing the "8" key, the current line will be swapped with the next line of the file. It is an error if the current line is the last line in the file. Entered as GOLD 8. .bd Append ("9") The '9' key appends the current line to the paste buffer. This is the only way to store lines that are not adjacent into the paste buffer. .bd SPCINS (PF1 + "9") Inserts the ASCII character whose value is given in the previous GOLD digits command. Entered as GOLD digits GOLD 9, as follows: All keypad commands (except for beginline "0") can be repeated from one to 999 times by setting a repeat count with the command sequence GOLD (which is the PF1 key) followed by a string of 1 to 3 digits. The numbers will be echoed on the last line of the display. The entering of this repeat count is stopped by typing anything other than rubout or a digit. The 'repeat count' is one-shot, it is ALWAYS cleared after each control character or KEYPAD command. It is also cleared if anything other than a command is typed after setting the repeat count. This is also used for SPSINS, in which case the value is converted to the ascii representation and placed into the current line. A repeat count of '*' (typed GOLD *) is an .bi |infinite count, except for DELLINE (PF4 or |ã|D) in which case all lines to the end of the page are deleted. .bd GOLD This key shifts the other keys to their gold functions. .bd GOLD A Typing PF1 followed by the letter A will move the current left margin to the current position in the line. .cp .bd GOLD B The command GOLD B is used to switch to the alternate editing window. This is always empty at first and can be filled by entering text (as normal), by pasting in text from the main edit window, or by typing a GOLD G command to read a disk file into it. Please note: this window is not buffered in any sense and is thus fairly slow in performance. The main use of alternate windows is to get a file, cut some text from it, switch to the main window and paste the text in. .bd GOLD D GOLD D is equivalent to a cut and delete of a select range. .bd GOLD G Typing PF1 and then G will insert a file at the current line. .bd GOLD L Typing PF1 followed by L will toggle the macro 'learn' feature. If not on, then all input following will be saved, otherwise 'learn' will be turned off. The saved .bi |text is executed by| ã|E. .bd GOLD M This gets you into a menu where various parameters can be set. .bd GOLD O This will display an octal dump of the current line up to the end of the page or until the screen is full. .bd GOLD P This will fill the current paragraph (from the current line to the next blank line) out to the current right margin (fill). See Gold M or control V for setting the margin. Default 72. A repeat count will always override the current fill factor. All text will be aligned if if there's a left margin (GOLD A). GOLD GOLD P is like GOLD P, but without the right justification of the text lines. .bd GOLD Q QUEUE the current select range/page to a print spooler. .cp .bd GOLD R This command is rather whimsical in that all it does is swap the current line around (GOLD REVERSE). .bd GOLD S This is the same as the SAVE command outside of VTEDIT. It causes the current editing to be saved to the input file. .bd GOLD T This inserts the current date and time at the cursor. .bd GOLD U .bi |The same as |ã|U, it erases the current line. See UNDEL. .bd GOLD V Gold V will display all the saved page markers along with the text of the line that is (was) at that line number. See HELP for Uparrow and Downarrow for more information. .bd GOLD W This dumps the current 'select' range out to a disk file. The range is defined as being the lines from the time the select command was given thru and including current line. .bd GOLD X This is the same as a control X, it will cause a macro to be read from a terminal. The macro can then be executed .bi | by use of control E (|ã|E). .bd GOLD Z GOLD Z will give a hexadecimal dump of the current text. .sp .bd GOLD digits This sets the command repeat count. The 'repeat' count will be interpreted in several ways depending on what the next command is. Normally it is simply a count of how many times to execute the next command. Certain commands line SPCINS (GOLD 8), Paragraph (GOLD P), and Page_Mark (GOLD GOLD Downarrow) use this value to, respectively, insert the ascii equivalent character, alter the right margin, and overide the default marker buffer. Example: GOLD 6 A would cause 6 'A's to be inserted into the current line. GOLD 3 Downarrow would move the cursor down 3 lines. .bd GOLD [ and GOLD ] These two commands cause, respectively, a move to the start of the next paragraph and a move to the end of the current paragraph. For the purposes of the editor, a new paragraph is defined as the first occurrence of a space followed by a letter in column one and two, or by the first non-blank line following a blank line or lines. The next paragraph command (GOLD [) can thus be used for both normal text and program text. When used for program text, the usual purpose of this would be to move across blocks such as BEGIN ... END in PASCAL. .bd GOLD $ The GOLD $ command asks for a optional command line and then will execute that command line as a system command. .bd GOLD # GOLD # spawns a DCL commandline and saves the output from that command in the file you are editing. .bd PF2,control P, GOLD PF2 Next page, reprint current page, and previous page respectively. .bd FINDNEXT (PF3) The findnext key does a search to the next occurrence of of a previous search string, moving the cursor to sit on the first character of the string found (if found). The search is from the current line and cursor position to the end of the file. The search pattern can be loaded by using the 'FIND' command or by GOLD ENTER. .sp .bd FIND (GOLD PF3) is FINDNEXT with a prompt for the pattern string. .bd Special Pattern Matching .sk .bi ã|X matches any character (also available as |ã|Ex) .bi ã|S Accepts any non alpha-numeric .bi ã|Ea accepts any alphabetic (A-Z,a-z) .bi ã|Ec accepts A-Z,a-z,0-9,. and dollar symbol .bi ã|Ed accepts any digit 0-9 .bi ã|Er accepts any upper case letter or any digit 0-9 .bi ã|Es accepts any space or tab .bi ã|Ev matches any lowercase letter .bi ã|Ew matches any uppercase letter .bi ã|E accept the character whose ASCII code (octal) is nnn .bi ã|R use the next character literally (for example, |ã|R|ã|E) .cp .bd DELLINE (PF4) .bd UNDELLINE (GOLD PF4) Deletes the current line or word. DELLINE is the same as Control D. Undeleteline (GOLD PF4) recovers the most recently deleted line. Delline can be modified in two ways. The first is to enter a repeat count to delete N lines (or * to delete to end of page). The other option is to start a select range (by typing the keypad key 3) and then moving down until you have moved past the last line to be deleted. Typing PF4 will then delete the entire range of lines. .bd DELWORD ("-") .bd UNDELWORD (PF1 + "-") Delword deletes up to the start of the next word. Undeleteword recovers the most recent delete. .bd DELCHAR (",") .bd UNDELCH (PF1 + ",") Same as rubout, except that at EOL, merges with the next line. UNDELCH restores the most recently deleted character. Entered as , or GOLD ,. .bd REPLACE ("ENTER") .bi |Same as control N (|ã|N). Causes a search and replace for page. .bd SETPAT (GOLD ENTER) Sets the next pattern for FINDNEXT (PF3) .sp .bd SETREP (GOLD GOLD ENTER) Sets the next replacement string for REPLACENEXT (period) .sp .bd Special pattern matching strings: .bi ã|X matches any character (also available as| ã|Ex) .bi ã|S Accepts any non alpha-numeric .bi ã|E accepts any alphabetic (A-Z,a-z) .bi ã|Ec accepts A-Z,a-z,0-9,. and dollar symbol .bi ã|Ed accepts any digit 0-9 .bi ã|Er accepts any upper case letter or any digit 0-9 .bi ã|Es accepts any space or tab .bi ã|Ev matches any lowercase letter .bi ã|Ew matches any uppercase letter .bi ã|E accepts the character whose ASCII code (octal) is nnn .bi ã|R use the next character literally (for example,| ã|R|ã|E) .cp .bd "." (PERIOD) The period (".") key unshifted is a findnext and replace function. If there is no previous search pattern, one will be prompted for, as well as for the replacement text. The search pattern is changed by GOLD ENTER. The replacement text pattern is set by GOLD GOLD ENTER. The replacement text can also contain control X's which will cause text from the pattern matched to be copied to the new text. .bd Gold + "." Typing this will cause all the following characters to replace characters, rather than to be inserted into the current line. This is automatically disabled by any keypad command or by reaching eol. This command acts like a toggle. Entered as 'PF1 .' on the keypad. .bd Control A Control A causes the VTEDIT function to terminate and returns the user to the normal command prompting mode. All changes are of course saved. .bd Control B Control B causes the displayed page to be the last page in the file (end of file). .bd Control C .bi | Control C works the same as |ã|A with the abort message displayed. .sp .bd Control D Control D deletes the current line. 'Current' is the line that cursor is presently on. All lines after the deleted line will be reprinted. Multiple lines (1-9) can be deleted at one time by preceding this command with an 'escape digit' sequence, saving much time in display reprinting. .bd Control E Control E will cause the text saved by either the control W or control X commands to be executed as a command stream. At the end of this text, input is reset back to the keyboard. This provides a simple macro-command type facility since control sequences can be stored and executed. Additionally, by preceding the command with the 'escape digit', you can repeat the .bi | commands 1 to 999 times, as in GOLD 4 |ã|E. .bd Control F Control F will cause the cursor to move forward to the next word in the current line, stopping at the end of the line. .bd Control G Control G is like control E, but only causes the saved text to be inserted into the current line. It is thus much faster than using the control E command (see text for control X and control W). This command can be modified by preceding it with the 'GOLD digit' sequence (digit is 1-6) which causes the text to be retrieved from different save areas (there are seven, the default and 1-6). .bd Control H Typing the backspace key moves the cursor to the end of of the current line. If the cursor is at the end of the line, the cursor will move back to begining of the line. .bd Control K Typing the control K combination will cause all the characters from the current cursor position to the next 'word' (see PF1) to to be deleted. This will be much faster than holding down the rubout key. .sp .bd Control N Control N is a find and replace command. It will replace all occurrences of the text with new text from the current line down to the end of the page. .bd Control P Control P reprints the VT100 header line and screen. .bd Control R Control R is the opposite of control F in that the cursor will move backwards to the previous word in the line, stopping at the left margin. .bd Control U Control U erases (but does not delete) from the current position to the start of the line. See help for PF1 for information on GOLD U, which erases the current line. .cp .bd Control V Control V calls the SET command to control various options within the editor. The SET options listed that are prefixed with an * are only applicable to full screen editing. Note that these are commands that you may want to insert in the file TEDINIT.INI . *SET 80 Sets 80 column mode (assume AVO) *SET 132 Sets 132 column mode *SET AST ANY Any command typed while a new screen is being put up cancels the screen display. *SET AST PAGE Only the PF2 key can interrupt SET CASE MIX Leaves case unchanged SET CASE UPPPER Forces lower case input to upper *SET ESCAPE ON Flags special printing for all escape characters (screen edit) *SET ESCAPE OFF Disables special escape print *SET FILL value Sets width for screen editor's Paragraph (gold P) command. SET QUIET Disables automatic echo printing SET SEARCH GENERAL Letters match regardless of case SET SEARCH EXACT Letters must be of same case SET TAB EXPANDED Causes horizontal tabs to be expanded to spaces. SET TAB KEEP Keeps horizontal tabs. *SET TERMINAL value Value is VT100, VT220 or ANSI SET VERBOSE Enables automatic echo printing *SET WORD 'delim' Allows the user to specify their own delimiters for the next word command, as in SET WORD ';' .bd Control W Control W saves all the text in the current line into the text save area. Line terminators are not included. Multiple save areas can be specified by using the 'escape digit' sequence prior to this. See the above text for control G.