This directory holds various items related to ALL-IN-1 (and some for WPS-Plus/VMS) that utilize DATATRIEVE. A good use of DTR is to examine or manipulate AI1 data structures. There are definitions here for various AI1 data files. (Most contributed by Donald Stern, DTR/4GL Newsletter Editor.) You can also look up documents in your DOCDB.DAT file faster with DATATRIEVE than with ALL-IN-1 or WPS-Plus/VMS. DTR will also give you a nice formatted report of all documents. Another use of DTR is to take the logging file produced by AI1 when logging is enabled, and process it into a more easily understood form: specifically, to extract information on what forms and DO scripts are used, and how often they are used. This makes it easier to decide which forms and scrips should be compiled for speed, and which should not be compiled, to conserve memory. (By B. Z. Lederman) There is also a help file for TRIM, a very useful utility supplied with AI1 but not documented. It is included here because the AI1 logging procedure uses it to make a table containing a list of form names for each form library. (By B. Z. Lederman)