6 FMSFLBFLI20026-DEC-1985 13:34:1126-DEC-1985 13:34:11  " MENUPHONEºMODPHONE STOREPHONE Ú SHOWPHONE FRM26-DEC-1985 13:34:13 6 FMSFLBFED20019-DEC-1985 15:24:4319-DEC-1985 15:24:43þ   þþ§ & 20P: MENUPHONE >  @ FMORE&Please enter one of the choices shown.  *   0 " Corporate Telephone Directory    Option Action performed  A Add an entry  D Delete an entry  L Lookup an entry  M Modify an entry * %Q Quit (leave telephone directory)  * * $Enter your choice and press RETURN :  FRM26-DEC-1985 13:34:14 6 FMSFLBFED20026-DEC-1985 13:25:3026-DEC-1985 13:25:30þ   ll0 ( 20ºPMMODPHONE   CKEY \ NAMECCompany or person. Examples: Limelight Assoc., John H. Watson, etc. R  TITLE7Examples: President, Sales Person, etc. (May be blank.) Z  BUSINESS;Business telephone number (if any), Example: (212) 213-0900 T  PERSONAL5Personal telephone number, in the form (212) 555-1212 L   DEPARTMENT+Examples: Sales, Shipping, Promotions, etc. \  COMPANY>Example: Greenberg Brothers Partnerships (May be left blank.) X   MAIL_STOP9Floor, room, building, etc. Example: 11th Floor Room 1101 4  STREETExample: 60 Madison Ave. H  CITY,City, such as New York, Los Angeles, London. D ZIP,Examples: 10010, 10010-1234, E4Y5B7 (Canada) L NODE3No help available for this item, May be left blank. d < COMMENTSHMay be past performance, services rendered, special considerations, etc.  ( PROMPT < @REPLY#Please supply the answer requested. B  OTHER)Other telephone number, as (212) 555-1212 :  STATE!The State, such as NY, CA, CT, NJ 8 >:[ :o :ƒ—  «  É  ç   /  6#,6r*š    " Corporate Telephone Directory   Entry Key:  :Telephone Numbers  Name:  0 Business:  Title:  0 Personal:  3Other:   Department:  Company:   Mail Stop: ! Street: " .State Zip Code # City: $ Node: %  Comments: &H CTAB to next field, BS (F12) to previous field, PAGE (PF2) for help, ' RETURN when done. ( FRM26-DEC-1985 13:34:15 6 FMSFLBFED20026-DEC-1985 13:30:3226-DEC-1985 13:30:32þ   ÀÀ„ * 20ºPM STOREPHONE j  @CKEYOThis is the field on which all subsequent lookups will be made, Left Justified. \ NAMECCompany or person. Examples: Limelight Assoc., John H. Watson, etc. R  TITLE7Examples: President, Sales Person, etc. (May be blank.) Z  BUSINESS;Business telephone number (if any), Example: (212) 213-0900 T  PERSONAL5Personal telephone number, in the form (212) 555-1212 B  OTHER)Other telephone number, as (212) 555-1212 L   DEPARTMENT+Examples: Sales, Shipping, Promotions, etc. \  COMPANY>Example: Greenberg Brothers Partnerships (May be left blank.) X   MAIL_STOP9Floor, room, building, etc. Example: 11th Floor Room 1101 4  STREETExample: 60 Madison Ave. H  CITY,City, such as New York, Los Angeles, London. :  STATE!The State, such as NY, CA, CT, NJ D ZIP,Examples: 10010, 10010-1234, E4Y5B7 (Canada) L NODE3No help available for this item, May be left blank. d < COMMENTSHMay be past performance, services rendered, special considerations, etc.  ( PROMPT < @REPLY#Please supply the answer requested. 8 >:[ :o :ƒ —  «  É  ç   /  6#,6r*š    " Corporate Telephone Directory   Entry Key:  :Telephone Numbers  Name:  0 Business:  Title:  0 Personal:  3Other:   Department:  Company:   Mail Stop: ! Street: " .State Zip Code # City: $ Node: %  Comments: &H CTAB to next field, BS (F12) to previous field, PAGE (PF2) for help, ' RETURN when done. ( FRM26-DEC-1985 13:34:17 6 FMSFLBFED20026-DEC-1985 13:33:1726-DEC-1985 13:33:17þ   ,,Z * 20ºPM SHOWPHONE   CKEY  NAME   TITLE   BUSINESS   PERSONAL    DEPARTMENT   COMPANY    MAIL_STOP   STREET   CITY  ZIP  NODE  < COMMENTS  ( PROMPT < @REPLY#Please supply the answer requested.   STATE   OTHER 8 >:[ :o ƒ —  µ  Ó ñ 6  [*ƒ / £:¦    " Corporate Telephone Directory   Entry Key:  :Telephone Numbers  Name:  0 Business:  Title:  0 Personal:  3Other:   Department:  Company:   Mail Stop: ! Street: " .State Zip Code # City: $ Node: %  Comments: &