.PAPER SIZE 60,78 .DATE .LEFT MARGIN 5.RIGHT MARGIN 75 .TITLE #####Installing the Corporate Telephone Directory .SUBTITLE #####Bart Z.#Lederman .CENTER Installing the Corporate Telephone Directory .PARAGRAPH I highly recommend that you read the document CORPHONE.MEM included with this package. It contains a description of how I developed the package, as well as how to install it, and you should at least go though it briefly to understand what is going on. If you have a VT100 family or VT200 family terminal, or an LA100, LA50 or LN03 printer you may prefer to read/print CORPHONE.LNI which has bolding and underlining. .PARAGRAPH You must also be aware of the conditions under which software is distributed by DECUS, which is that there is no warranty of any kind, implicit or implied, and that no liability is assumed by the author or DECUS for the use or correctness of the software or information contained herein. This software may be freely distributed but may not be sold, though the cost of media may be recovered: you should read the DECUS library catalogue for other restrictions. Also note that the software and documentation may not be published in newsletters, magazines, or other publications without prior permission of the author .PARAGRAPH For those of you who refuse to read the documentation, I will give a short set of instructions here. To use the package requires definitions in the CDD for DATATRIEVE, a forms library, and a data file. The CDD definitions are in CORPHONE.COM, and it assumes that there is a dictionary CDD$TOP.CORPORATE as a company wide dictionary for this and similar applications. If not, you must edit the file to change the default or use CORPHONE.OLD which has no path names. This package also assumes that the forms library will be OA$DATA:CORPHONE.FLB, and the copy of CORPHONE.FLB included here must be moved to that directory. If you are not going to use ALL-IN-1, you must define a translation for OA$DATA or edit the CORPHONE.COM file to change the directory to something else (for example, SYS$LIBRARY). The data file is defined as OA$DATA:CORPHONE.DOM, which is created from the ALL-IN-1 file OA$DATA:CORPHONE.DAT with the use of CORPHONE.FDL. This FDL file was created for our site which has 1800 entries, so you may want to change some of the parameters or analyze your own data file. If you are using ALL-IN-1 and want to continue to use the same data file for both applications you will have to edit CORPHONE.COM to change the domain definition to use OA$DATA:CORPHONE.DAT. If you are not using ALL-IN-1, you can use CORPHONE.FDL to create a new empty file, and either define a translation for OA$DATA or edit the files to change the directory. .PARAGRAPH If you have defined a command to start DATATRIEVE like this one: .BLANK $ DTR*32 :== $SYS$SYSTEM:DTR32 .BLANK in your LOGIN.COM file (or more probably in SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM), then you can invoke the application from DCL with the command: .BLANK DTR; :CDD$TOP.CORPORATE.MENU__PHONE .BLANK It is also possible to define a command to invoke this procedure so users could just type in a command such as CORPHONE in DCL and go straight to the application: .BLANK COR*PHONE :== $SYS$SYSTEM:DTR32 :CDD$TOP.CORPORATE.MENU__PHONE .PARAGRAPH To use the package from within ALL-IN-1 you must add a command to a form to invoke DATATRIEVE: look at DATABASE.FRM for an example. The form's data section will have a command: .BLANK DTR :CDD$TOP.CORPORATE.MENU__PHONE .BLANK in it. You may then have to recompile your forms library and/or ALL-IN-1. This also requires that ALL-IN-1 be linked to DATATRIEVE. Once again I suggest you read CORPHONE.MEM for further information. .PARAGRAPH The file AI1.COM contains some DATATRIEVE structures which may be useful when dealing with ALL-IN-1, such as definitions for the user profile data file (for quick lookups and modifications of users profiles), the document data base (to find out what VMS file goes with what document), and the ALL-IN-1 logging data. There is a procedure to normalize logging data and create a table of form names so you can find out how many times each form or DO script is used, and tailor the forms libraries and TXL accordingly. There is also a command procedure AI1FORMDATA.COM which creates the files with the form and script names: this procedure uses the TRIM utility supplied with AI1. If you haven't looked at this utility, I urge you to do so. It is really nifty, and makes creating lists suitable for command processing from directory or library listings very easy: several orders of magnitude easier than parsing files with DCL. .PARAGRAPH The author welcomes comments and suggestions concerning this package but makes no commitments regarding changes. .BLANK.NO JUSTIFY.NO FILL Bart Z.#Lederman 2572 E.#22nd St. Brooklyn, NY 11235-2504