This account contains material relevant to DATATRIEVE Plots. B. Z. Lederman DTR/4GL Library Rep. DTRGRAPH.RNO Joe Gallagher's monumental and invaluable work which documents the Plot language, functions, calls, etc. Contains some new/modified plots. PLOT.RNO An article on modifying DTR plots by B. Z. Lederman. MLOGY.COM A plot of multiple lines using LOG Y values. MLOGYLR.COM As MLOGY but with linear regression lines plotted. BARGRAPH.RNO An article on how to get simple vertical bargraphs in any version of DTR (including DTR-11) on any device (CRT or printer), not just graphics devices. HBAR.RNO A follow-up on how to get horizontal bargraphs in any version of DTR on any device. Also, not a bad example of how to use an OCCURS clause to turn a character string into an array (of sorts).