.PAPER SIZE 58,80 .RIGHT MARGIN 80 .FIGURE 5 .CENTER Modifying VAX-DTR Plots .TITLE Modifying VAX-DTR Plots .SUBTITLE B.#Z.#Lederman .PARAGRAPH I had some data which I wanted to plot in Datatrieve. It happened that the data was best displayed with the X (horizontal) axis linear, and the Y (vertical) axis Logarythmic: in addition, I wanted several variables plotted together. I found that Datatrieve would plot the proper axis (X__LOGY), or several variables (MULTI__LINE), but not multiple lines with Log Y. I was able to add this plot relatively easily by comparing plots X__Y and X__LOGY, and transposing the differences into a copy of MULTI__LINE. .PARAGRAPH The first step in adding a plot is to extract the old plot used as a template, and then re-name it so it won't replace the original (people might still be using it, and they'll get upset if it dissappears). I called my version MULTI__LOGY, and it is as follows: .BLANK.NO JUSTIFY.NO FILL DELETE MULTI__LOGY; REDEFINE PLOT MULTI__LOGY ! ! Created by B. Z. Lederman by modifying DTR plots. ! ! This plot is used in exactly the same manner as MULTI__LINE, ! with the same input variables. The only difference is that ! the Y-axis is logarythmic rather than linear. ! DECLARE X__REF, X__LENGTH, X__MIN, X__MAX DECLARE Y__REF, Y__LENGTH, Y__MIN__VALUE, Y__MAX__VALUE, D__LABEL DECLARE I,J,K,N, COUNT, MX, WIDTH DECLARE VECTOR X, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y__MIN, Y__MAX, Y__MX, COLOR DECLARE STRING VECTOR Y__LABEL, CHR ENTRY 0 (X__LABEL : STRING, LABEL__1 : STRING, LABEL__2 : STRING, LABEL__3 : STRING) BEGIN PLOT HOUSEKEEP 0 SET_SEGMENT 0 PRINT 'L(A2)' PRINT 'L"5"00FF8181818181FF' PRINT 'L"6"0018244281422418' PRINT 'L"0"00FF814242242418' OUTPUT_SEGMENT 0 SET_SEGMENT 1 X__REF = 100 Y__REF = 360 X__LENGTH = 600 Y__LENGTH = 350 PLOT LABEL 0 (X__REF, Y__REF, X__LENGTH, Y__LENGTH, X__LABEL, D__LABEL) ! ! One could probably change the symbol and color mappings here. ! CHR(1) = '6' COLOR(1) = 1 Y__LABEL(1) = LABEL__1 CHR(2) = '5' COLOR(2) = 2 Y__LABEL(2) = LABEL__2 CHR(3) = '0' COLOR(3) = 3 Y__LABEL(3) = LABEL__3 INCR I OVER Y__LABEL IF LENGTH(Y__LABEL(I)) NE 0 THEN COUNT = COUNT + 1 END ENTRY 1 (X__VALUE, Y1__VALUE, Y2__VALUE, Y3__VALUE) BEGIN X(SIZE(X)+1) = X__VALUE ! ! The next three lines are changed so that the log is ! taken of the input Y-axis data. ! Y1(SIZE(Y1)+1) = LOG (Y1__VALUE) Y2(SIZE(Y2)+1) = LOG (Y2__VALUE) Y3(SIZE(Y3)+1) = LOG (Y3__VALUE) END ENTRY 2 BEGIN Y__MIN(1) = MIN(Y1) Y__MIN(2) = MIN(Y2) Y__MIN(3) = MIN(Y3) Y__MAX(1) = MAX(Y1) Y__MAX(2) = MAX(Y2) Y__MAX(3) = MAX(Y3) Y__MIN__VALUE = MIN(Y__MIN) Y__MAX__VALUE = MAX(Y__MAX) PLOT LABEL 5 (Y__MIN__VALUE, Y__MAX__VALUE) ! vice label 3 X__MIN = MIN(X) X__MAX = MAX(X) PLOT LABEL 2 (X__MIN, X__MAX, X) SORT(X, Y1, Y2, Y3) PRINT 'T(BA2S[8,16])' IF COUNT GE 1 THEN PLOT MULTI__LOGY 3 (Y1) IF COUNT GE 2 THEN PLOT MULTI__LOGY 3 (Y2) IF COUNT GE 3 THEN PLOT MULTI__LOGY 3 (Y3) PRINT 'T(E)' WIDTH = X__LENGTH / 30 Y__MX(30) = 0 INCR I OVER X BEGIN Y__MIN(1) = Y1(I) Y__MIN(2) = Y2(I) Y__MIN(3) = Y3(I) MX = MIN(Y__MIN) J = ((X(I) - X__REF) / WIDTH) + 1 Y__MX(J) = 1000 IF Y__MX(J) GT MX THEN Y__MX(J) = MX END INCR I OVER Y__MX IF (I NE 1) AND (Y__MX(I) EQ 0) THEN Y__MX(I) = Y__MX(I -1) OUTPUT_SEGMENT 1 PLOT LEGEND 4 (X__REF,Y__REF,X__LENGTH,Y__LENGTH,WIDTH,Y__MX,CHR,COLOR,Y__LABEL) PLOT HOUSEKEEP 2 END ENTRY 3 (Y : VECTOR) BEGIN PLOT LABEL 8 (Y) N = N + 1 PRINT 'P', LXY(X(1), Y(1)), 'W(I', CVT(COLOR(N)), ')' INCR I OVER X PRINT 'V', LXY(X(I), Y(I)) PRINT 'W(R)' INCR I OVER X PRINT 'p', LXY(X(I)-4, Y(I)-10), 't', QUOTE(CHR(N)) PRINT 'W(V)' END END__PLOT .BLANK.JUSTIFY.FILL One change not immediately obvious is in the next to last PRINT statement: the literals 'p' and 't' are lower case: I found this to be neccessary for the graph to come out properly. The LABEL#ENTRY change from 3 to 5 was also found to be neccessary for the Y-axis to be labeled in the normal Log scale: otherwise, the exponent of the scale value is printed linearly (this might be useful to some people). If you want to use this plot, you will probably find it easier to extract MULTI__LINE and edit it rather than typing in the entire plot as printed here. .PARAGRAPH I also made an almost identical plot, MULTI__LOGY__LR, which is used in the same manner as MULTI__LOGY. The only difference is that the points are not connected: rather, a linear regression line (best fit to the data) is drawn for each Y-axis variable. .BLANK.NO JUSTIFY.NO FILL DELETE MULTI__LOGY__LR; REDEFINE PLOT MULTI__LOGY__LR ! ! This plot modified by B. Z. Lederman from MULTI__LOGY ! ! It is used in exactly the same way, but it plots the Linear ! Regression (best fit) line rather than connecting the data points. ! DECLARE X__REF, X__LENGTH, X__MIN, X__MAX DECLARE Y__REF, Y__LENGTH, Y__MIN__VALUE, Y__MAX__VALUE, D__LABEL DECLARE I,J,K,N, COUNT, MX, WIDTH DECLARE VECTOR X, Y1, Y2, Y3, Y__MIN, Y__MAX, Y__MX, COLOR DECLARE STRING VECTOR Y__LABEL, CHR ENTRY 0 (X__LABEL : STRING, LABEL__1 : STRING, LABEL__2 : STRING, LABEL__3 : STRING) BEGIN PLOT HOUSEKEEP 0 SET_SEGMENT 0 PRINT 'L(A2)' PRINT 'L"5"00FF8181818181FF' PRINT 'L"6"0018244281422418' PRINT 'L"0"00FF814242242418' OUTPUT_SEGMENT 0 SET_SEGMENT 1 X__REF = 100 Y__REF = 360 X__LENGTH = 600 Y__LENGTH = 350 PLOT LABEL 0 (X__REF, Y__REF, X__LENGTH, Y__LENGTH, X__LABEL, D__LABEL) CHR(1) = '6' COLOR(1) = 1 Y__LABEL(1) = LABEL__1 CHR(2) = '5' COLOR(2) = 2 Y__LABEL(2) = LABEL__2 CHR(3) = '0' COLOR(3) = 3 Y__LABEL(3) = LABEL__3 INCR I OVER Y__LABEL IF LENGTH(Y__LABEL(I)) NE 0 THEN COUNT = COUNT + 1 END ENTRY 1 (X__VALUE, Y1__VALUE, Y2__VALUE, Y3__VALUE) BEGIN X(SIZE(X)+1) = X__VALUE Y1(SIZE(Y1)+1) = LOG (Y1__VALUE) ! Note LOG value Y2(SIZE(Y2)+1) = LOG (Y2__VALUE) Y3(SIZE(Y3)+1) = LOG (Y3__VALUE) END ENTRY 2 BEGIN Y__MIN(1) = MIN(Y1) Y__MIN(2) = MIN(Y2) Y__MIN(3) = MIN(Y3) Y__MAX(1) = MAX(Y1) Y__MAX(2) = MAX(Y2) Y__MAX(3) = MAX(Y3) Y__MIN__VALUE = MIN(Y__MIN) Y__MAX__VALUE = MAX(Y__MAX) PLOT LABEL 5 (Y__MIN__VALUE, Y__MAX__VALUE) ! vice 3 X__MIN = MIN(X) X__MAX = MAX(X) PLOT LABEL 2 (X__MIN, X__MAX, X) PRINT 'T(BA2S[8,16])' N = 0 IF COUNT GE 1 THEN PLOT MULTI__LOGY__LR 3 (Y1) IF COUNT GE 2 THEN PLOT MULTI__LOGY__LR 3 (Y2) IF COUNT GE 3 THEN PLOT MULTI__LOGY__LR 3 (Y3) PRINT 'T(E)' WIDTH = X__LENGTH / 30 Y__MX(30) = 0 INCR I OVER X BEGIN Y__MIN(1) = Y1(I) Y__MIN(2) = Y2(I) Y__MIN(3) = Y3(I) MX = MIN(Y__MIN) J = ((X(I) - X__REF) / WIDTH) + 1 Y__MX(J) = 1000 IF Y__MX(J) GT MX THEN Y__MX(J) = MX END INCR I OVER Y__MX IF (I NE 1) AND (Y__MX(I) EQ 0) THEN Y__MX(I) = Y__MX(I -1) OUTPUT_SEGMENT 1 PLOT LEGEND 4 (X__REF,Y__REF,X__LENGTH,Y__LENGTH,WIDTH,Y__MX,CHR,COLOR,Y__LABEL) PLOT HOUSEKEEP 2 END ENTRY 3 (ARRAY : VECTOR) BEGIN PLOT LABEL 8 (ARRAY) N = N + 1 PRINT 'W(RI', CVT(COLOR(N)), ')' PLOT LABEL 7 INCR I OVER X BEGIN PRINT 'p', LXY(X(I)-4,ARRAY(I)-10), 't', QUOTE(CHR(N)) END PRINT 'W(V)' END END__PLOT .JUSTIFY.FILL.PARAGRAPH Attatched are two examples of both plots using some sample data. The difference is most obvious at the top right-hand end of the "C" variable line (the topmost data line). I have also included the same data plotted with MULTI__LINE and MULTI__LR for comparison: it can be seen that a logarythmic graph fits this data better than a linear graph.