% % EXT_LATEX_HDR.INC extractor include file for LATEX command setup % % must replace "\endliteral" with "\end{verbatim}\normalsize" % in filter program !! %also, sub \argnam back in for \arg and add {} % and \intnam back in for \int and add {} % add back in \extractstart % \extractstop % \argtxt % \inttxt % other stuff the extractor process must do first: % substitute for these these % & \& % $ \$ % % \% % # \# % _ \_ % { \{ % } \} % % ~ \verb@~@ % ^ \verb@^@ % \ \verb@\@ % outside of all extractions - put in by process %\documentstyle[11pt,twoside]{extract} %\documentstyle[11pt]{extract} \documentstyle[11pt]{article} \setlength{\topmargin}{-.5in} \addtolength{\textheight}{1in} \addtolength{\textwidth}{1in} \newlength{\myleftmargin} \setlength{\myleftmargin}{\leftmargin} \addtolength{\myleftmargin}{.6in} %\setlength{\myleftmargin}{2.5\leftmargin} \newlength{\mylabelsep} \setlength{\mylabelsep}{2.0\labelsep} \newlength{\mylabelwidth} \setlength{\mylabelwidth}{\myleftmargin\advance\mylabelwidth-\mylabelsep} \def\parameterlabel#1{\hspace\labelsep \bf #1} \def\parameter{\list{}{\labelwidth\mylabelwidth %\itemindent-\myleftmargin \leftmargin\myleftmargin \let\makelabel\parameterlabel}} \let\endparameter\endlist \newcommand{\extractstart}{} %no function needed here \newcommand{\subnam}[1]{\begin{description} \item[{#1}] {~~} %no actual description text %blank line follows to start paragraph } \newcommand{\subcal}{\begin{verse}} \newcommand{\subtxt}{\end{verse} %blank line follows to start paragraph } \newcommand{\literal}{\small \begin{verbatim}} % must replace "\endliteral" with "\end{verbatim}\normalsize" in filter program !! %\newcommand{\endliteral}{\end{verbatim}} \newcommand{\arglist}{\pagebreak[0] \begin{parameter} %blank line } \newcommand{\argn}[1]{\hbadness=10000 \tolerance=10000 \item[{#1}]} \newcommand{\argtxt}{\hbadness=1000 \tolerance=200} \newcommand{\arglend}{\end{parameter}} \newcommand{\extractstop}{\end{description} \pagebreak[3] \bigskip \bigskip %blank line follows to start paragraph } \newcommand{\intlist}{\begin{parameter}} \newcommand{\intn}[1]{\hbadness=10000 \tolerance=10000 \item[{#1}]} \newcommand{\inttxt}{\hbadness=1000 \tolerance=200} \newcommand{\intlend}{\end{parameter}} \begin{document} % \end{document} must be included at end of file too