% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00E{,G{,  $BRDCSTDEF$DQFDEF$FABDEF$FATDEF$FCHDEF!$LOGDEF"$NAMDEF/ $NETAGS_DEF3f$NET_DEF6 $PCBSTSDEF:$RABDEFD"$RSC_DEFH $STATEDEFJ$UAB_DEFN4$UAFDEFe $XABALLDEFiL $XABDATDEFk$XABDEFl $XABFHCDEFo $XABKEYDEFw $XABPRODEFz $XABRDTDEF{ $XABSUMDEF}> DTR_CALL_DEFFDVDEFr MSGTYPDEFNODEDEFS REQRPYFLGl UABFLGDEF C+ $BRDCSTDEF3C Module ($BRDCSTDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C<C Defines mask bits for flags of the $BRDCST system service.C->C Extracted $BRDCSTDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER 1 BRDCST$M_ANSI = '0100'X ! 2, BRDCST$M_BOTTOM= '0200'X ! 3, BRDCST$M_REFRSH= '0400'X ! 4, BRDCST$M_SCREEN= '0100'X ! 5, BRDCST$V_ANSI = '08'X !B 6, BRDCST$V_BOTTOM= '09'X !Broadcast message to bottomw of screen@ 7, BRDCST$V_REFRSH= '0A'X !Do not refresh a read operation that+ ! was in progress before the broadcast: 8, BRDCST$V_SCREEN= '08'X !Broadcast formatted message to ! DEC_CRT terminalsCC End of $BRDCSTDEF module.CwwD C+ $DQFDEF,C Module ($DQFDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.C?C Defines symbolic byte offsets for the disk quota file record.C-7C Extracted $DQFDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:LIB on 7-JUL-1983 PARAMETER9 1 DQF$C_LENGTH = '20'X !Length of the record in bytes9 2, DQF$K_LENGTH = '20'X !Length of the record in bytes* 3, DQF$L_FLAGS = '00'X !Flags longword+ 4, DQF$L_OVERDRAFT= '10'X !Overdraft limit0 5, DQF$L_PERMQUOTA= '0C'X !Permanent disk quota. 6, DQF$L_UIC = '04'X !UIC of this record3 7, DQF$L_USAGE = '08'X !Number of blocks in use8 8, DQF$M_ACTIVE = '01'X !Record contains active entry8 9, DQF$V_ACTIVE = '00'X !Record contains active entryCC End of $DQFDEF module.Cww[. C+ $FABDEF0C Module ($FABDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDE F.TLB.C8C Defines offsets and field locations (bits) for the RMS;C File Access Block (FAB). Offsets are defined as symbolic:C constants in units of bytes. All symbols are defined asC typeless PARAMETER's.C-;C Extracted $FABDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETERCC Byte field offsets:C> 1 FAB$B_BID = '00'X !Control block identification field' 2, FAB$B_BKS = '3E'X !Bucket size6 3, FAB$B_BLN = '01'X !Control block length fieldB 4, FAB$B_DN S = '35'X !Default file specification string size 5, FAB$B_DSBMSK = '4A'X !, 6, FAB$B_FAC = '16'X !File access code: 7, FAB$B_FNS = '34'X !File specification string size3 8, FAB$B_FSZ = '3F'X !Fixed control area size- 9, FAB$B_ORG = '1D'X !File organization PARAMETER- 1 FAB$B_RAT = '1E'X !Record attributes) 2, FAB$B_RFM = '1F'X !Record format1 3, FAB$B_RTV = '1C'X !Retrieval window size0 4, FAB$B_SHR = '17'X !File sharing optionsCC Defined constants:C9 5, FAB$C_BID = '03'X !FAB block identification code, 6, FAB$C_BLN = '50'X !FAB block length; 7, FAB$C_FIX = '01'X !Fixed length record format code 8, FAB$C_HSH = '30'X !: 9, FAB$C_IDX = '20'X !Indexed file organization code PARAMETER 1 FAB$C_MAXRFM = '06'X !; 2, FAB$C_REL = '10'X !Relative file organization code6 3, FAB$C_RFM_DFLT = '02'X !Default record format code= 4, FAB$C_SEQ = '00'X !Sequential file organization code5 5, FAB$C_STM = '04'X !Stream record format code? 6, FAB$C_STMCR = '06'X !Stream (CR only) record format code? 7, FAB$C_STMLF = '05'X !Stream (LF only) record format code3 8, FAB$C_UDF = '00'X !Undefined record format> 9, FAB$C_VAR = '02'X !Variable-length record format code PARAMETER= 1 FAB$C_VFC = '03'X !Variable-length with fixed-length& ! control area record format code, 2, FAB$K_BLN = '50'X !FAB block lengthCC Longword offsets:C8 3, FAB$ L_ALQ = '10'X !Allocation quantity (blocks)# 4, FAB$L_CTX = '18'X !Context2 5, FAB$L_DEV = '40'X !Device characteristicsB 6, FAB$L_DNA = '30'X !Default file specification string addr= 7, FAB$L_FNA = '2C'X !File specification string address3 8, FAB$L_FOP = '04'X !File-processing options 9, FAB$L_JNL = '20'X ! PARAMETER1 1 FAB$L_MRN = '38'X !Maximum record number. 2, FAB$L_NAM = '28'X !Name block address< 3, FAB$L_SDC = '44'X !Secondary device characteristics2 4, FAB$L_STS = '08'X !Completion status code) 5, FAB$L_STV = '0C'X !Status values< 6, FAB$L_XAB = '24'X !Extended attribute block addressCC Bit and field masks:C 7, FAB$M_BIO = '20'X ! 8, FAB$M_BLK = '08'X ! 9, FAB$M_BRO = '40'X ! PARAMETER" 1 FAB$M_CBT = '00200000'X !" 2, FAB$M_CIF = '02000000'X ! 3, FAB$M_CR = '02'X !" 4, FAB$M_CTG = '00100000'X ! 5, FAB$M_DEL = '04'X ! 6, FAB$M_DFW = '20'X ! 7, FAB$M_DLT = '8000'X ! 8, FAB$M_DMO = '1000'X !" 9, FAB$M_ESC = '08000000'X ! PARAMETER 1 FAB$M_EXE = '80'X ! 2, FAB$M_FTN = '01'X ! 3, FAB$M_GET = '02'X !" 4, FAB$M_INP = '00080000'X !" 5, FAB$M_JNL = '00400000'X !" 6, FAB$M_KFO = '40000000'X ! 7, FAB$M_MSE = '10'X ! 8, FAB$M_MXV = '02'X !" 9, FAB$M_NAM = '01000000'X ! PARAMETER 1 FAB$M_NEF = '0400'X !" 2, FAB$M_NFS = '00010000'X ! 3, FAB$M_NIL = '20'X !" 4, FAB$M_OFP = '20000000'X ! 5, FAB$M_POS = '0100'X !" 6, FAB$M_PPF = '00040000'X ! 7, FAB$M_PPF_IND = '4000'X ! 8, FAB$M_PPF_RAT = '3FC0'X ! 9, FAB$M_PRN = '04'X ! PARAMETER 1 FAB$M_PUT = '01'X !" 2, FAB$M_RCK = '00800000'X ! 3, FAB$M_RWC = '0800'X ! 4, FAB$M_RWO = '80'X ! 5, FAB$M_SCF = '4000'X ! 6, FAB$M_SHRDEL = '04'X ! 7, FAB$M_SHRGET = '02'X ! 8, FAB$M_SHRPUT = '01'X ! 9, FAB$M_SHRUPD = '08'X ! PARAMETER 1 FAB$M_SPL = '2000'X ! 2, FAB$M_SQO = '40'X ! 3, FAB$M_SUP = '04'X !" 4, FAB$M_TEF = '10000000'X ! 5, FAB$M_TMD = '10'X ! 6, FAB$M_TMP = '08'X ! 7, FAB$M_TRN = '10'X !" 8, FAB$M_UFM = '04000000'X !" 9, FAB$M_UFO = '00020000'X ! PARAMETER 1 FAB$M_UPD = '08'X ! 2, FAB$M_UPI = '40'X ! 3, FAB$M_WCK = '0200'X !CC Field sizes (in bits):C 4, FAB$S_ORG = '04'X ! 5, FAB$S_PPF_RAT = '08'X !C C Field and bit offsets:C1 6, FAB$V_BIO = '05'X !Block I/O file access? 7, FAB$V_BLK = '03'X !Records do not span block attribute< 8, FAB$V_BRO = '06'X !Block and record I/O file access? 9, FAB$V_CBT = '15'X !Contiguous-best-try file processing PARAMETER; 1 FAB$V_CIF = '19'X !Create-if opens file processing< 2, FAB$V_CR = '01'X !Carriage return record attribute> 3, FAB$V_CTG = '14'X !Contiguous, file processing option; 4, FAB$V_DEL = '02'X !Al low use of $DELETE macro, FAC5 5, FAB$V_DFW = '05'X !Deferred write processing3 6, FAB$V_DLT = '0F'X !Delete file when closed 7, FAB$V_DMO = '0C'X !A 8, FAB$V_ESC = '1B'X !DEC only: nonstandard VAX-11 RMS file ! processing 9, FAB$V_EXE = '07'X ! PARAMETERC 1 FAB$V_FTN = '00'X !FORTRAN carriage control rec. attributeA 2, FAB$V_GET = '01'X !Use $GET or $FIND macros, file access> 3, FAB$V_INP = '13'X !DEC only: indicates SYS$INPUT file 4 , FAB$V_JNL = '16'X !5 5, FAB$V_KFO = '1E'X !DEC only: known file openA 6, FAB$V_MSE = '04'X !Allow multistream access file sharing4 7, FAB$V_MXV = '01'X !Maximize version on open, 8, FAB$V_NAM = '18'X !NAM block inputs8 9, FAB$V_NEF = '0A'X !Not at end of file (magtape) PARAMETER/ 1 FAB$V_NFS = '10'X !Non-file-structured= 2, FAB$V_NIL = '05'X !Prohibit any type of file sharing- 3, FAB$V_OFP = '1D'X !Output file parse 4, FAB$V_ORG = ' 04'X !6 5, FAB$V_POS = '08'X !Current position (magtape)< 6, FAB$V_PPF = '12'X !DEC only: process-permanent file 7, FAB$V_PPF_IND = '0E'X ! 8, FAB$V_PPF_RAT = '06'X !> 9, FAB$V_PRN = '02'X !Print file format record attribute PARAMETER9 1 FAB$V_PUT = '00'X !Allow $PUT macro, file access= 2, FAB$V_RCK = '17'X !Read-check file processing option+ 3, FAB$V_RWC = '0B'X !Rewind on close* 4, FAB$V_RWO = '07'X !Rewind on open8 5, FAB$V_SCF = '0E'X !Su bmit command file on close? 6, FAB$V_SHRDEL = '02'X !Allow other users to delete records> 7, FAB$V_SHRGET = '01'X !Allow other users to read the file> 8, FAB$V_SHRPUT = '00'X !Allow other users to write records@ 9, FAB$V_SHRUPD = '03'X !Allow other users to update existing ! records in the file PARAMETER5 1 FAB$V_SPL = '0D'X !Spool print file on close6 2, FAB$V_SQO = '06'X !Sequential processing only* 3, FAB$V_SUP = '02'X !Supersede file: 4, FAB$V_TEF = ' 1C'X !Truncate at end of file option8 5, FAB$V_TMD = '04'X !Temporary, marked for delete* 6, FAB$V_TMP = '03'X !Temporary file> 7, FAB$V_TRN = '04'X !Allow $TRUNCATE macro, file access) ! also allows truncate-on-put option? 8, FAB$V_UFM = '1A'X !DEC only: user file mode processing* 9, FAB$V_UFO = '11'X !User file open PARAMETER< 1 FAB$V_UPD = '03'X !Allow $UPDATE macro, file access# ! also allows Update-if optionA 2, FAB$V_UPI = '06'X !Allow one or more writers to a shared& ! file that is open for block I/O> 3, FAB$V_WCK = '09'X !Write-check file processing optionCC Word field offsets:C& 4, FAB$W_BLS = '3C'X !Block size; 5, FAB$W_DEQ = '14'X !Default file extension quantity/ 6, FAB$W_GBC = '48'X !Global buffer count4 7, FAB$W_IFI = '02'X !Internal file identifier/ 8, FAB$W_MRS = '36'X !Maximum record sizeCC End of $FABDEF module.Cww v C+ $FATDEF,C Module ($F ATDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.C@C This module defines the symbolic offsets and constants of the ,C record attributes area of the file header.C-7C Extracted $FATDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:LIB on 7-JUL-1983 PARAMETER2 1 FAT$B_BKTSIZE = '0E'X !Bucket size in blocks. 2, FAT$B_RATTRIB = '01'X !Record attributes> 3, FAT$B_RTYPE = '00'X !File organization and Record typeB 4, FAT$B_VFCSIZE = '0F'X !Size in bytes of fixed length control ! area for VFC records5 5, FAT$C_DIRECT = '03'X !Direct file organization1 6, FAT$C_FIXED = '01'X !Fixed-length records6 7, FAT$C_INDEXED = '02'X !Indexed file organization= 8, FAT$C_LENGTH = '20'X !Length of Record Attributes Area7 9, FAT$C_RELATIVE = '01'X !Relative file organization PARAMETER9 1 FAT$C_SEQUENTIAL= '00'X !Sequential file organization. 2, FAT$C_STREAM = '04'X !RMS stream format6 3, FAT$C_STREAMCR = '06'X !Stream terminated by 6 4, FAT$C_STREAMLF = '05'X !Stream terminated by D 5, FAT$ C_UNDEFINED = '00'X !Undefined record format (stream binary)4 6, FAT$C_VARIABLE = '02'X !Variable-length records8 7, FAT$C_VFC = '03'X !Variable with fixed control= 8, FAT$K_LENGTH = '20'X !Length of Record Attributes Area> 9, FAT$L_EFBLK = '08'X !End-of-file VBN (inverted format) PARAMETERA 1 FAT$L_HIBLK = '04'X !Highest allocated VBN (inverted fmt)5 2, FAT$M_FORTRANCC = '01'X !FORTRAN carriage control5 3, FAT$M_IMPLIEDCC = '02'X !Implied carriage control/ 4, FAT$M_NO SPAN = '08'X !No spanned records8 5, FAT$M_PRINTCC = '04'X !Print file carriage control< 6, FAT$S_FILEORG = '04'X !Size of file organization field6 7, FAT$S_RTYPE = '04'X !Size of record type field> 8, FAT$V_FILEORG = '04'X !Offset to file organization field9 9, FAT$V_FORTRANCC = '00'X !FORTRAN carriage control bit PARAMETER9 1 FAT$V_IMPLIEDCC = '01'X !Implied carriage control bit3 2, FAT$V_NOSPAN = '03'X !No spanned records bit< 3, FAT$V_PRINTCC = '02'X !Print file ca rriage control bit8 4, FAT$V_RTYPE = '00'X !Offset to record type field4 5, FAT$W_DEFEXT = '12'X !Default extend quantity: 6, FAT$W_EFBLKH = '08'X !High-order 16 bits of EOF VBN9 7, FAT$W_EFBLKL = '0A'X !Low-order 16 bits of EOF VBNA 8, FAT$W_FFBYTE = '0C'X !First free byte in end-of-file block0 9, FAT$W_GBC = '14'X !Global Buffer count PARAMETER> 1 FAT$W_HIBLKH = '04'X !High-order 16 bits of highest VBN= 2, FAT$W_HIBLKL = '06'X !Low-order 16 bits of highest VBN9 3, FAT$W_MAXREC = '10'X !Maximum record size in bytes1 4, FAT$W_RSIZE = '02'X !Record size in bytes@ 5, FAT$W_VERSIONS = '1E'X !Default version limit (only if file ! is a directory)CC End of $FATDEF module.Cww2 C+ $FCHDEF,C Module ($FCHDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.CCC This module defines the bits of the file characteristics longwordDC in the file header. The high 8 bits of this longword are reservedEC for user and CSS use. Both masks and bit offset symbols are given.C-7C Extracted $FCHDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:LIB on 7-JUL-1983 PARAMETER8 1 FCH$M_ACL = '0800'X !Access control list exists6 2, FCH$M_BADBLOCK = '4000'X !File contains bad blocks. 3, FCH$M_CONTIG = '80'X !File is contiguous? 4, FCH$M_CONTIGB = '20'X !Keep file as contiguous as possible1 5, FCH$M_DIRECTORY= '2000'X !File is a directoryE 6, FCH$M_ERASE = '00020000'X !Erase file contents before deletion3 7, FCH$M_LOCKED = '40'X !File is deaccess loc ked7 8, FCH$M_MARKDEL = '8000'X !File is marked for delete7 9, FCH$M_NOBACKUP = '02'X !File is not to be backed up PARAMETERA 1 FCH$M_NOCHARGE = '00010000'X !File space is not to be charged6 2, FCH$M_READCHECK= '08'X !Verify all read operations5 3, FCH$M_SPOOL = '1000'X !Intermediate spool file7 4, FCH$M_WRITCHECK= '10'X !Verify all write operations9 5, FCH$M_WRITEBACK= '04'X !File may be write-back cached6 6, FCH$V_ACL = '0B'X !Access control list exists4 7, FCH$V_BADBLOCK ! = '0E'X !File contains bad blocks. 8, FCH$V_CONTIG = '07'X !File is contiguous? 9, FCH$V_CONTIGB = '05'X !Keep file as contiguous as possible PARAMETER/ 1 FCH$V_DIRECTORY= '0D'X !File is a directory? 2, FCH$V_ERASE = '11'X !Erase file contents before deletion3 3, FCH$V_LOCKED = '06'X !File is deaccess locked5 4, FCH$V_MARKDEL = '0F'X !File is marked for delete7 5, FCH$V_NOBACKUP = '01'X !File is not to be backed up; 6, FCH$V_NOCHARGE = '10'X !File space is not to be charged"6 7, FCH$V_READCHECK= '03'X !Verify all read operations3 8, FCH$V_SPOOL = '0C'X !Intermediate spool file7 9, FCH$V_WRITCHECK= '04'X !Verify all write operations PARAMETER9 1 FCH$V_WRITEBACK= '02'X !File may be write-back cachedCC End of $FCHDEF module.CwwA C+ $LOGDEF.C Module ($LOGDEF) of FERMI$LIB:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C7C Defines symbols for the logical name table constants.C-8C Extracted $LOGDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:LIB on 14-Nov-1984C PARAMETER) 1 LO#G$C_GROUP = 1 !Group name table* 2, LOG$C_SYSTEM = 0 !System name table+ 3, LOG$C_PROCESS = 2 !Process name tableCC End of $LOGDEF module.Cww@"S̴ C+ $NAMDEF0C Module ($NAMDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C@C Defines offsets and codes for the VAX-11 RMS Name Block (NAM).C-;C Extracted $NAMDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETERCC Byte-wide field offsets:C> 1 NAM$B_BID = '00'X !Control block identification field6 2, $NAM$B_BLN = '01'X !Control block length field0 3, NAM$B_DEV = '39'X !Device string length 4, NAM$B_DID_NMX = '2F'X ! 5, NAM$B_DID_RVN = '2E'X !3 6, NAM$B_DIR = '3A'X !Directory string length0 7, NAM$B_ESL = '0B'X !Expand string length5 8, NAM$B_ESS = '0A'X !Expanded string area size 9, NAM$B_FID_NMX = '29'X ! PARAMETER 1 NAM$B_FID_RVN = '28'X !3 2, NAM$B_NAME = '3B'X !File name string length: 3, NAM$B_NODE = '38'X !DECnet node name string length% 4, NAM$B_NOP = '08'X ! 5, NAM$B_RFS = '09'X !3 6, NAM$B_RSL = '03'X !Resultant string length6 7, NAM$B_RSS = '02'X !Resultant string area size3 8, NAM$B_TYPE = '3C'X !File type string length6 9, NAM$B_VER = '3D'X !File version string length PARAMETERCC Constant definitions:C9 1 NAM$C_BID = '02'X !NAM block identification code, 2, NAM$C_BLN = '60'X !NAM block length 3, NAM$C_BLN_DIRWC= '60'X ! 4, NAM$C_BLN_V2 = '38'X ! 5, NAM$C_DV&I = '10'X ! 6, NAM$C_FCS11 = '04'X ! 7, NAM$C_MAXRSS = 'FC'X ! 8, NAM$C_MAXRSSLCL= 'FC'X ! 9, NAM$C_RMS11 = '01'X ! PARAMETER 1 NAM$C_RMS20 = '02'X ! 2, NAM$C_RMS32 = '03'X ! 3, NAM$C_RT11FS = '05'X ! 4, NAM$C_TOPS10FS = '08'X ! 5, NAM$C_TOPS20FS = '07'X ! 6, NAM$C_UFS = '00'X !, 7, NAM$K_BLN = '60'X !NAM block length 8, NAM$K_BLN_DIRWC= '60'X ! 9, NAM$K_BLN_V2 = '38'X ! PARAMETERCC Longword field offsets:C1 1 NAM$L_DEV = ' '44'X !Device string address4 2, NAM$L_DIR = '48'X !Directory string address8 3, NAM$L_ESA = '0C'X !Expanded string area address1 4, NAM$L_FNB = '34'X !File name status bits4 5, NAM$L_NAME = '4C'X !File name string address6 6, NAM$L_NODE = '40'X !DECnet node string address: 7, NAM$L_RLF = '10'X !Related file NAM block address9 8, NAM$L_RSA = '04'X !Resultant string area address4 9, NAM$L_TYPE = '50'X !File type string address PARAMETER7 1 NAM$L_VER ( = '54'X !File version string address, 2, NAM$L_WCC = '30'X !Wildcard contextCC Bit and field masks:C 3, NAM$M_CNCL_DEV = '1000'X !" 4, NAM$M_DIR_LVLS = '00E00000'X ! 5, NAM$M_EXP_DEV = '80'X ! 6, NAM$M_EXP_DIR = '40'X ! 7, NAM$M_EXP_NAME = '04'X ! 8, NAM$M_EXP_TYPE = '02'X ! 9, NAM$M_EXP_VER = '01'X ! PARAMETER" 1 NAM$M_GRP_MBR = '00080000'X ! 2, NAM$M_HIGHVER = '8000'X !" 3, NAM$M_IFI = '00010000'X ! 4, NAM$M_LOWVER = '4000'X !" 5, NAM$M_NODE =) '00020000'X !" 6, NAM$M_PPF = '00010000'X ! 7, NAM$M_PWD = '01'X !" 8, NAM$M_QUOTED = '00040000'X ! 9, NAM$M_ROD = '02'X ! PARAMETER 1 NAM$M_ROOT_DIR = '2000'X ! 2, NAM$M_SOD = '04'X !" 3, NAM$M_SRCHNMF = '40000000'X !" 4, NAM$M_SVCTX = '80000000'X ! 5, NAM$M_WILDCARD = '0100'X !" 6, NAM$M_WILD_DIR = '00100000'X !" 7, NAM$M_WILD_GRP = '01000000'X !" 8, NAM$M_WILD_MBR = '02000000'X ! 9, NAM$M_WILD_NAME= '20'X ! PARAMETER" 1 NAM$M_WILD_SFD1= '02000000*'X !" 2, NAM$M_WILD_SFD2= '04000000'X !" 3, NAM$M_WILD_SFD3= '08000000'X !" 4, NAM$M_WILD_SFD4= '10000000'X !" 5, NAM$M_WILD_SFD5= '20000000'X !" 6, NAM$M_WILD_SFD6= '40000000'X !" 7, NAM$M_WILD_SFD7= '80000000'X ! 8, NAM$M_WILD_TYPE= '10'X !" 9, NAM$M_WILD_UFD = '01000000'X ! PARAMETER 1 NAM$M_WILD_VER = '08'X !CC Field sizes (in bits):C 2, NAM$S_DID = '06'X !9 3, NAM$S_DIR_LVLS = '03'X !number of subdirectory levels 4, NAM$S_DVI = '10'X ! 5, NAM$S_FID = '+06'X !CC Text field offset (?):C< 6, NAM$T_DVI = '14'X !Device identification (16 bytes)CC Bit and field offsets:C1 7, NAM$V_CNCL_DEV = '0C'X !concealed device name9 8, NAM$V_DIR_LVLS = '15'X !number of subdirectory levels3 9, NAM$V_EXP_DEV = '07'X !device name is explicit PARAMETER7 1 NAM$V_EXP_DIR = '06'X !directory spec. is explicit1 2, NAM$V_EXP_NAME = '02'X !file name is explicit1 3, NAM$V_EXP_TYPE = '01'X !file type is explicit6 4, NAM$V_EXP_VER = '00'X ! ,version number is explicit< 5, NAM$V_GRP_MBR = '13'X !directory is group/member formatB 6, NAM$V_HIGHVER = '0F'X !higher-numbered version(s) of the file ! exists 7, NAM$V_IFI = '10'X !A 8, NAM$V_LOWVER = '0E'X !lower-numbered version(s) of the file ! exists> 9, NAM$V_NODE = '11'X !specification includes a node name PARAMETERD 1 NAM$V_PPF = '10'X !indirectly access process permanent file 2, NAM$V_PWD = '00'X !4 3, NAM$V_QUOTED = '12'X !includes a quo -ted string 4, NAM$V_ROD = '01'X !E 5, NAM$V_ROOT_DIR = '0D'X !device name incorporates a root directory 6, NAM$V_SOD = '02'X ! 7, NAM$V_SRCHNMF = '1E'X ! 8, NAM$V_SVCTX = '1F'X != 9, NAM$V_WILDCARD = '08'X !specification incudes a wild card PARAMETER@ 1 NAM$V_WILD_DIR = '14'X !directory spec. includes a wild card= 2, NAM$V_WILD_GRP = '18'X !group number contains a wild card> 3, NAM$V_WILD_MBR = '19'X !member number contains a wild card: 4, NAM$V_WILD_NAME= '05'X !file . name contains a wild cardA 5, NAM$V_WILD_SFD1= '19'X !subdire. 1 spec. contains a wild card 6, NAM$V_WILD_SFD2= '1A'X ! 7, NAM$V_WILD_SFD3= '1B'X ! 8, NAM$V_WILD_SFD4= '1C'X ! 9, NAM$V_WILD_SFD5= '1D'X ! PARAMETER 1 NAM$V_WILD_SFD6= '1E'X !A 2, NAM$V_WILD_SFD7= '1F'X !subdire. 7 spec. contains a wild card: 3, NAM$V_WILD_TYPE= '04'X !file type contains a wild card= 4, NAM$V_WILD_UFD = '18'X !user file directory specification ! includes a wild card? 5, NAM$V_WILD_VER = '03'X / !version number contains a wild cardCC Word-wide field offsets:C> 6, NAM$W_DID = '2A'X !Directory identification (3 words)A 7, NAM$W_DID_NUM = '2A'X !Directory identification: file numberB 8, NAM$W_DID_RVN = '2E'X !Directory identification: rel.vol.num.A 9, NAM$W_DID_SEQ = '2C'X !Directory identification: file seqno. PARAMETER8 1 NAM$W_FID = '24'X !File identification (3 words< 2, NAM$W_FID_NUM = '24'X !File identification: file number? 3, NAM$W_FID_RVN = '28'X !Fi0le identification: rel. vol. num.B 4, NAM$W_FID_SEQ = '26'X !File identification: file sequence no.CC End of $NAMDEF module.Cww@ʹC+ $NETAGS_DEF4C Module ($NETAGS_DEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C7C Defines symbolic names for ACNET Global Status values2C returned by the ACNET network (NET-style calls).C- PARAMETER/ 1 NETAGS_K_ARG = -5631 !Missing argument(s)@ 2, NETAGS_K_BSY = -2047 !Destination busy, request not queued3 3, NETAGS_K_BUG = -11519 1!Internal network error6 4, NETAGS_K_CAN = -6655 !Request has been cancelled6 5, NETAGS_K_DCN = -8703 !Replier being disconnected= 6, NETAGS_K_DWN = -10751 !Destination node down or offline6 7, NETAGS_K_END = +513 !Success: end multiple-reply PARAMETER8 1 NETAGS_K_FUL = -1791 !Destination busy, queue full+ 2, NETAGS_K_HIO = -10495 !Hard I/O error. 3, NETAGS_K_IEF = -6399 !Illegal event flag9 4, NETAGS_K_IVM = -5887 !Invalid message buffer/length9 5, NETAGS_K_L2E = -89 259 !Level II ACNET Function error1 6, NETAGS_K_LCK = -7423 !Receive buffer locked4 7, NETAGS_K_NCN = -5375 !Not connected to network1 8, NETAGS_K_NCR = -7167 !Not connected for RUM9 9, NETAGS_K_NE1 = -11775 !Unspecified network error #1 PARAMETER9 1 NETAGS_K_NE2 = -12031 !Unspecified network error #29 2, NETAGS_K_NE3 = -12287 !Unspecified network error #3* 3, NETAGS_K_NLM = -511 !No local memory4 4, NETAGS_K_NOD = -7679 !No such destination node+ 5, NETAGS_K_NRM = - 3767 !No remote memory1 6, NETAGS_K_NSR = -6143 !No such request/reply4 7, NETAGS_K_NXE = -11263 !Non-translateable error" 8, NETAGS_K_PND = +257 !Pending0 9, NETAGS_K_QPE = -1279 !Request packet error PARAMETER. 1 NETAGS_K_RIO = -255 !Retryable I/O error. 2, NETAGS_K_RPE = -1023 !Reply packet error3 3, NETAGS_K_RUM = -6911 !RUM name already existsA 4, NETAGS_K_SSR = +769 !Success: support software reply status) 5, NETAGS_K_SUC = 0 !Complete success1 6, NETAGS_K_SYS4 = -11007 !System service error+ 7, NETAGS_K_TMO = -1535 !Request timeout+ 8, NETAGS_K_TRP = -8191 !Truncated reply- 9, NETAGS_K_TRQ = -7935 !Truncated request PARAMETER4 1 NETAGS_K_TSK = -8447 !No such destination task? 2, NETAGS_K_USR = +1025 !Success: user software reply statusCC End of $NETAGS_DEF module.Cww X C+ $NET_DEF-C Module ($NET_DEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.1C Defines the ACNET network message code symbols.C-7C Extracted $NET5_DEF from NET$LIB:VAXNET on 14-AUG-1983=C Editted to change NOTBLKOWN to warning on 01-Sep-1983 (FJN) PARAMETER" 1 NET__BUGCHECK = '08018014'X !" 2, NET__DISCONING = '080180C8'X !" 3, NET__ENDMLTRPY = '0801800B'X !" 4, NET__ILLACNCOD = '0801801C'X !" 5, NET__INCWRTPWD = '08018024'X !" 6, NET__IOERROR = '0801808A'X !" 7, NET__NOBUFFER = '08018092'X !" 8, NET__NOBUFR = '0801802C'X !" 9, NET__NOCTLBLK = '0801809A'X ! PARAMETER" 1 NET__NODEDOWN = '080180A2'X !" 2, NET__NOMEMRM6T = '080180AA'X !" 3, NET__NOMSG = '08018034'X !" 4, NET__NORPYBUF = '0801803C'X !" 5, NET__NOSUCHREQ = '08018044'X !" 6, NET__NOTALLLCK = '08018054'X !" 7, NET__NOTALLMAP = '0801804C'X !" 8, NET__NOTBLKOWN = '08018120'X !" 9, NET__NOTCNCT = '0801805C'X ! PARAMETER" 1 NET__NOTREQID = '08018064'X !" 2, NET__NOTRPYID = '0801806C'X !" 3, NET__NOTRUM = '08018074'X !" 4, NET__REQPKTERR = '080180D0'X !" 5, NET__REQTBLFUL = '080180D8'X !" 6, NET__REQTRUNC = '080180E0'X !" 7, NE7T__RPYPKTERR = '080180F0'X !" 8, NET__RPYTBLFUL = '080180E8'X !" 9, NET__RPYTRUNC = '080180F8'X ! PARAMETER" 1 NET__RUMLSTFUL = '080180B2'X !" 2, NET__RUMNAMEXI = '080180BA'X !" 3, NET__SUPSINFO = '08018113'X !" 4, NET__SYSERR = '080180C2'X !" 5, NET__TASKBUSY = '08018100'X !" 6, NET__TOOLONG = '0801807C'X !" 7, NET__TSKLSTFUL = '08018084'X !" 8, NET__TSKQFUL = '08018108'X !" 9, NET__USRINFO = '0801811B'X !CC End of $NET_DEF module.CwwŧF C+ $PCBS8TSDEF1C Module ($PCBSTSDEF) of FERMI$LIB:LCLFORDEF.TLB.CAC Defines symbols for the process status bits in the PCB which is1C returned by $GETJPI for the JPI$_STS item code.C-7C Extracted $PCBDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:LIB on 30-DEC-1983 PARAMETER$ 1 PCB$V_ASTPEN = 17 !AST pending/ 2, PCB$V_BATCH = 14 !Process is a batch job& 3, PCB$V_DELPEN = 1 !Delete pending8 4, PCB$V_DISAWS = 24 !Disable automatic WS adjustment* 5, PCB$V_FORCPEN = 2 !Force exit pending? 6, PCB$V_HIBER 9 = 19 !Hibernate after initial image activate3 7, PCB$V_INQUAN = 3 !Initial quantum in progress= 8, PCB$V_LOGIN = 20 !Login w/o reading authorization file. 9, PCB$V_NETWRK = 21 !Network connected job PARAMETER2 1 PCB$V_NOACNT = 15 !No accounting for process" 2, PCB$V_NODELET = 23 !No delete0 3, PCB$V_PHDRES = 18 !Process header resident4 4, PCB$V_PSWAPM = 4 !Process swap mode (1=noswap)* 5, PCB$V_PWRAST = 22 !Power failure AST/ 6, PCB$V_RES = 0 !Resident in balance :set4 7, PCB$V_RESPEN = 5 !Resume pending, skip suspend< 8, PCB$V_SSFEXC = 6 !System service exception enabled (K) PARAMETER< 1 PCB$V_SSFEXCE = 7 !System service exception enabled (E)< 2, PCB$V_SSFEXCS = 8 !System service exception enabled (S)< 3, PCB$V_SSFEXCU = 9 !System service exception enabled (U)= 4, PCB$V_SSRWAIT = 10 !System service resource wait disable( 5, PCB$V_SUSPEN = 11 !Suspend pending8 6, PCB$V_SWPVBN = 16 !Warite for swap VBN in progress5 7, PCB$V_WAKEPEN = 1;2 !Wake pending, skip hibernate4 8, PCB$V_WALL = 13 !Wait for all events in maskCC End of $PCBSTSDEF module.Cww@=?ٴ C+ $RABDEF0C Module ($RABDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C@C Defines field and bit offsets and constants for the VAX-11 RMSAC Record Access Block (RAB). Symbols for the offsets are defined1C as constants via typeless PARAMETER statements.C-;C Extracted $RABDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETERCC Byte field offse<ts:C4 1 RAB$B_BID = '00'X !Control block identifier0 2, RAB$B_BLN = '01'X !Control block length, 3, RAB$B_KRF = '35'X !Key of reference$ 4, RAB$B_KSZ = '34'X !Key size, 5, RAB$B_MBC = '37'X !Multiblock count- 6, RAB$B_MBF = '36'X !Multibuffer count. 7, RAB$B_PSZ = '34'X !Prompt buffer size. 8, RAB$B_RAC = '1E'X !Record access mode 9, RAB$B_ROP1 = '05'X ! PARAMETER 1 RAB$B_ROP2 = '06'X ! 2, RAB$B_ROP3 = '07'X !* 3, RAB$B_TMO = = '1F'X !Timeout periodC C Constants:C< 4, RAB$C_BID = '01'X !RAB control block identification4 5, RAB$C_BLN = '44'X !RAB control block length7 6, RAB$C_KEY = '01'X !Random record access by keyA 7, RAB$C_RFA = '02'X !Random record access by record's file ! address4 8, RAB$C_SEQ = '00'X !Sequential record access 9, RAB$C_STM = '03'X ! PARAMETER 1 RAB$K_BLN = '44'X !CC Longword offsets:C' 2, RAB$L_BKT = '38'X !Bucket code( > 3, RAB$L_CTX = '18'X !User context 4, RAB$L_DCT = '38'X !; 5, RAB$L_FAB = '3C'X !File access block (FAB) address. 6, RAB$L_KBF = '30'X !Key buffer address1 7, RAB$L_PBF = '30'X !Prompt buffer address1 8, RAB$L_RBF = '28'X !Record buffer address1 9, RAB$L_RFA0 = '10'X !First longword of RFA PARAMETER0 1 RAB$L_RHB = '2C'X !Record header buffer5 2, RAB$L_ROP = '04'X !Record-processing options2 3, RAB$L_STS = '08'X !Completion status code?( 4, RAB$L_STV = '0C'X !Status value4 5, RAB$L_UBF = '24'X !User record area addressCC Bit and field masks:C 6, RAB$M_ASY = '01'X ! 7, RAB$M_BIO = '0800'X !" 8, RAB$M_CCO = '80000000'X !" 9, RAB$M_CVT = '04000000'X ! PARAMETER 1 RAB$M_EOF = '0100'X ! 2, RAB$M_FDL = '40'X ! 3, RAB$M_HSH = '80'X !" 4, RAB$M_KGE = '00200000'X !" 5, RAB$M_KGT = '00400000'X ! 6, RAB$M_LIM = '4000'X ! 7, RAB$M_LOA = '2000'X !" 8@, RAB$M_LOC = '00010000'X ! 9, RAB$M_MAS = '20'X ! PARAMETER" 1 RAB$M_NLK = '00100000'X !" 2, RAB$M_NXR = '00800000'X !" 3, RAB$M_PMT = '40000000'X ! 4, RAB$M_PPF_IND = '4000'X ! 5, RAB$M_PPF_RAT = '3FC0'X !" 6, RAB$M_PTA = '20000000'X ! 7, RAB$M_RAH = '0200'X ! 8, RAB$M_REA = '04'X !" 9, RAB$M_RLK = '00080000'X ! PARAMETER" 1 RAB$M_RNE = '01000000'X !" 2, RAB$M_RNF = '08000000'X ! 3, RAB$M_RRL = '08'X !" 4, RAB$M_ATMO = '02000000'X ! 5, RAB$M_TPT = '02'X ! 6, RAB$M_UIF = '10'X !" 7, RAB$M_ULK = '00040000'X !" 8, RAB$M_WAT = '00020000'X ! 9, RAB$M_WBH = '0400'X ! PARAMETERC$C Bit and field offsets (and sizes):C 1 RAB$S_PPF_RAT = '08'X !0 2, RAB$S_RFA = '06'X !Size of RFA in bytes( 3, RAB$V_ASY = '00'X !Asynchronous% 4, RAB$V_BIO = '0B'X !Block I/O8 5, RAB$V_CCO = '1F'X !Cancel Control-O (terminals)< 6, RAB$V_CVT = '1A'X !Convert to B uppercase (terminals)> 7, RAB$V_EOF = '08'X !Position to end-of-file at CONNECT8 8, RAB$V_FDL = '06'X !Fast delete on indexed files 9, RAB$V_HSH = '07'X ! PARAMETER; 1 RAB$V_KGE = '15'X !Key is greater than or equal to/ 2, RAB$V_KGT = '16'X !Key is greater than! 3, RAB$V_LIM = '0E'X !Limit 4, RAB$V_LOA = '0D'X !Load9 5, RAB$V_LOC = '10'X !Locate modefor GET operations 6, RAB$V_MAS = '05'X !. 7, RAB$V_NLK = '14'X !Do not lock record C9 8, RAB$V_NXR = '17'X !Nonexistent record processing. 9, RAB$V_PMT = '1E'X !Prompt (terminals) PARAMETER 1 RAB$V_PPF_IND = '0E'X ! 2, RAB$V_PPF_RAT = '06'X !8 3, RAB$V_PTA = '1D'X !Purge type-ahead (terminals)& 4, RAB$V_RAH = '09'X !Read ahead0 5, RAB$V_REA = '02'X !Lock record for read1 6, RAB$V_RLK = '13'X !Lock record for write4 7, RAB$V_RNE = '18'X !Read no echo (terminals)6 8, RAB$V_RNF = '1B'X !Read no filter (terminals)3 9, RAB$V_RRL D = '03'X !Read regardless of lock PARAMETER= 1 RAB$V_TMO = '19'X !Timeout (terminals and mailboxes)+ 2, RAB$V_TPT = '01'X !Truncate-on-put% 3, RAB$V_UIF = '04'X !Update if, 4, RAB$V_ULK = '12'X !Manual unlocking* 5, RAB$V_WAT = '11'X !Wait if locked( 6, RAB$V_WBH = '0A'X !Write behindCC Word field offsets:C6 7, RAB$W_ISI = '02'X !Internal stream identifier; 8, RAB$W_RFA = '10'X !Record's file address (3 words), 9, RAB$W_RFA4 = 'E14'X !Last word of RFA PARAMETER' 1 RAB$W_RSZ = '22'X !Record size7 2, RAB$W_STV0 = '0C'X !Low-order word status value8 3, RAB$W_STV2 = '0E'X !High-order word status value1 4, RAB$W_USZ = '20'X !User record area sizeCC End of $RABDEF module.Cww i۴ C+ $RSC_DEF1C Module ($RSC_DEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C<C Defines symbolic names for the reply status codes returned>C in the reply message header and the reply status byte of the9C User F Ast Block and via the reply status argument of the.C CHECK_REPLY and WAIT_REPLY network services.C- PARAMETER; 1 RSC_K_BADPWD = 36 !Level II: incorrect WRITE password7 2, RSC_K_BADVAL = 37 !Level II: bad value or address3 3, RSC_K_DISCON = 34 !Replier being disconnectedB 4, RSC_K_ENDMLT = 2 !Success: final reply of multiple reply set' 5, RSC_K_HRDERR = 41 !Hard I/O error9 6, RSC_K_ILLFCN = 35 !Level II: illegal ACNET function+ 7, RSC_K_IOERROR = 1 !Retryable I/O error G- 8, RSC_K_NODEDOWN = 42 !Node down or offline3 9, RSC_K_NONETMEM = 3 !No network memory available PARAMETER1 1 RSC_K_NONODE = 30 !No such destination node1 2, RSC_K_NOTASK = 33 !No such destination task 3, RSC_K_OK = 0 !Success5 4, RSC_K_REQPKTERR= 5 !Request packet assembly error2 5, RSC_K_REQTRUNC = 31 !Request message truncated3 6, RSC_K_RPYPKTERR= 4 !Reply packet assembly error9 7, RSC_K_RPYTBLFUL= 3 !Request failed, no room for reply0 8, RSC_K_RPYTRUNC = 32 !Reply H message truncated@ 9, RSC_K_SUP0 = 64 !Lowest status code for support software PARAMETER- 1 RSC_K_SYSERR = 43 !System service errorC 2, RSC_K_TASKBUSY = 8 !Request failed, destination task busy (NBW)C 3, RSC_K_TIMEOUT = 6 !Request timeout while receive buffer lockedA 4, RSC_K_TSKQFUL = 7 !Request failed, receive buffer queue full> 5, RSC_K_USR0 = 128 !Lowest status code for user software6 6, RSC_M_NETS = 63 !Mask for network status codesB 7, RSC_M_SUPS = 64 !Mask foIr support software status code bit@ 8, RSC_M_USRS = 128 !Mask for user software status code bit: 9, RSC_S_NETS = 6 !Size of network status codes field PARAMETER< 1 RSC_V_NETS = 0 !Offset to network status codes fieldB 2, RSC_V_SUPS = 6 !Offset to support software status code bit? 3, RSC_V_USRS = 7 !Offset to user software status code bitCC End of $RSC_DEF module.Cww@7紿 C+ $STATEDEF2C Module ($STATEDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C4C Defi Jnes symbols for the process scheduling states.C-9C Extracted $STATEDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:LIB on 8-SEP-1982C PARAMETER2 1 SCH$C_CEF = '03'X !Common Event Flag wait. 2, SCH$C_COLPG = '01'X !Collided Page wait1 3, SCH$C_COM = '0C'X !Computable (resident)3 4, SCH$C_COMO = '0D'X !Computable (Outswapped)5 5, SCH$C_CUR = '0E'X !Current executing process* 6, SCH$C_FPG = '0B'X !Free Page wait5 7, SCH$C_HIB = '07'X !Hibernate wait (resident)7 8, SCH$C_HIBO K = '08'X !Hibernate wait (Outswapped)< 9, SCH$C_LEF = '05'X !Local Event Flag wait (resident) PARAMETER> 1 SCH$C_LEFO = '06'X !Local Event Flag wait (Outswapped)? 2, SCH$C_MWAIT = '02'X !Miscellaneous (Mutex/Resource) wait+ 3, SCH$C_PFW = '04'X !Page Fault wait5 4, SCH$C_SUSP = '09'X !Suspended wait (resident)7 5, SCH$C_SUSPO = '0A'X !Suspended wait (Outswapped)CC End of $STATEDEF module.Cww`e촿 C+ $UAB_DEF+C Module $UAB_DEF of SYSL$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.CCC Defines symbols for offsets in the ACNET network User AST Blocks.C-7C Extracted $UAB_DEF from NET$SRC:VAXNET on 21-DEC-1982C)C Definitions for use in Reply AST's onlyC PARAMETER- 1 UAB_B_RPYSTS = '08'X !Reply status byte3 2, UAB_L_RPYADR = '04'X !Address of reply buffer8 3, UAB_M_1STPKT = '80'X !Mask for 1st packet flag bit9 4, UAB_V_1STPKT = '07'X !Offset to 1st packet flag bit2 5, UAB_W_REQID = '00'X !Request identification3 6, UAB_W_RPMYLEN = '02'X !Reply length (in words)C+C Definitions for use in Request AST's onlyC PARAMETER4 1 UAB_B_D_NODE = '0A'X !Destination logical node/ 2, UAB_B_D_TSKID = '0B'X !Destination task id* 3, UAB_B_REQSTS = '08'X !Request status/ 4, UAB_B_S_NODE = '0E'X !Source logical node* 5, UAB_B_S_TSKID = '0F'X !Source task id5 6, UAB_L_REQADR = '04'X !Address of receive buffer PARAMETER< 1 UAB_M_CANCEL = '80'X !Mask for request cancel flag bit7 2, UAB_M_MSGTYPE = '06'X N !Mask for message type field6 3, UAB_S_MSGTYPE = '02'X !Size of message type field0 4, UAB_V_CANCEL = '07'X !Offset to cancel bit8 5, UAB_V_MSGTYPE = '01'X !Offset to message type field5 6, UAB_W_REQLEN = '02'X !Request length (in words)0 7, UAB_W_RPYID = '00'X !Reply identification9 8, UAB_W_RRQID = '0C'X !Source request identificationC%C Defintions common to both AST typesC PARAMETER- 1 UAB_B_FLAGS = '09'X !Byte of bit flags2 2, UAB_K_LENGTH = '14'X !Length oOf UAB in bytes< 3, UAB_M_MULTRPY = '01'X !Mask for multiple-reply flag bit> 4, UAB_M_TOOLONG = '40'X !Mask for truncation error flag bit8 5, UAB_V_MULTRPY = '00'X !Offset to multiple-reply bit; 6, UAB_V_TOOLONG = '06'X !Offset to truncation error flagCC End of $UAB_DEF module.Cww`; C+ $UAFDEF C User authorization file format<C Note: With the exception of the username and account name,<C all strings are blank padded counted strings. Username and+C account name P are uncounted, blank padded.C-. INTEGER*4 UAF$C_USER_ID !Main user id record PARAMETER (UAF$C_USER_ID=1)' INTEGER*4 UAF$C_VERSION1 !this version PARAMETER (UAF$C_VERSION1=1)4 INTEGER*4 UAF$C_KEYED_PART !isam keys come this far PARAMETER (UAF$C_KEYED_PART=52)3 INTEGER*4 UAF$C_AD_II !autodin-ii 32 bit crc code PARAMETER (UAF$C_AD_II=0); INTEGER*4 UAF$C_PURDY !purdy polynomial over salted input PARAMETER (UAF$C_PURDY=1)F INTEGER*4 UAF$C_PURDY_V !purdy polynomial + variable lenQgth username PARAMETER (UAF$C_PURDY_V=2)0 INTEGER*4 UAF$K_FIXED !length of fixed portion PARAMETER (UAF$K_FIXED=644)0 INTEGER*4 UAF$C_FIXED !length of fixed portion PARAMETER (UAF$C_FIXED=644). INTEGER*4 UAF$K_LENGTH !Length of UAF record PARAMETER (UAF$K_LENGTH=1412) INTEGER*4 UAF$C_LENGTH  PARAMETER (UAF$C_LENGTH=1412) INTEGER*4 UAF$S_UAFDEF  PARAMETER (UAF$S_UAFDEF=1412)C-C Lengths of various fields of the UAF recordC INTEGER*4 UAF$S_USERNAME  PARAMETERR (UAF$S_USERNAME=32) INTEGER*4 UAF__UNTAGGED/ PARAMETER (UAF__UNTAGGED = UAF$S_USERNAME - 1)? INTEGER*4 UAF$S_PARENT_ID !identifier of owner of this account PARAMETER (UAF$S_PARENT_ID=8)' INTEGER*4 UAF$S_ACCOUNT !account name PARAMETER (UAF$S_ACCOUNT=32)% INTEGER*4 UAF$S_OWNER !owner's name PARAMETER (UAF$S_OWNER=32)( INTEGER*4 UAF$S_DEFDEV !default device PARAMETER (UAF$S_DEFDEV=32)+ INTEGER*4 UAF$S_DEFDIR !default directory PARAMETER (UAF$S_DEFDIR=64), INTEGER*4 UAF$S_LSGICMD !login command file PARAMETER (UAF$S_LGICMD=64)5 INTEGER*4 UAF$S_DEFCLI !default command interpreter PARAMETER (UAF$S_DEFCLI=32)+ INTEGER*4 UAF$S_CLITABLES !user cli tables PARAMETER (UAF$S_CLITABLES=32) INTEGER*4 UAF$S_PWD !password PARAMETER (UAF$S_PWD=8)' INTEGER*4 UAF$S_PWD2 !second password PARAMETER (UAF$S_PWD2=8)8 INTEGER*4 UAF$S_EXPIRATION !expiration date for account PARAMETER (UAF$S_EXPIRATION=8)0 INTEGER*4 UAF$S_PWD_LIFETIME !password lifetime! PARAMETER T (UAF$S_PWD_LIFETIME=8)2 INTEGER*4 UAF$S_PWD_DATE !date of password change PARAMETER (UAF$S_PWD_DATE=8)7 INTEGER*4 UAF$S_PWD2_DATE !date of 2nd password change PARAMETER (UAF$S_PWD2_DATE=8)< INTEGER*4 UAF$S_LASTLOGIN_I !date of last interactive login PARAMETER (UAF$S_LASTLOGIN_I=8)@ INTEGER*4 UAF$S_LASTLOGIN_N !date of last non-interactive login PARAMETER (UAF$S_LASTLOGIN_N=8)0 INTEGER*4 UAF$S_PRIV !process privilege vector PARAMETER (UAF$S_PRIV=8)5 INTEGER*4 UAF$S_DEF_PRIV !defau Ult process privileges PARAMETER (UAF$S_DEF_PRIV=8)2 INTEGER*4 UAF$S_MIN_CLASS !minimum security class PARAMETER (UAF$S_MIN_CLASS=20)2 INTEGER*4 UAF$S_MAX_CLASS !maximum security class PARAMETER (UAF$S_MAX_CLASS=20)B INTEGER*4 UAF$S_NETWORK_ACCESS_P !hourly network access, primary% PARAMETER (UAF$S_NETWORK_ACCESS_P=3)D INTEGER*4 UAF$S_NETWORK_ACCESS_S !hourly network access, secondary% PARAMETER (UAF$S_NETWORK_ACCESS_S=3)= INTEGER*4 UAF$S_BATCH_ACCESS_P !hourly batch access, primar Vy# PARAMETER (UAF$S_BATCH_ACCESS_P=3)? INTEGER*4 UAF$S_BATCH_ACCESS_S !hourly batch access, secondary# PARAMETER (UAF$S_BATCH_ACCESS_S=3)= INTEGER*4 UAF$S_LOCAL_ACCESS_P !hourly local access, primary# PARAMETER (UAF$S_LOCAL_ACCESS_P=3)? INTEGER*4 UAF$S_LOCAL_ACCESS_S !hourly local access, secondary# PARAMETER (UAF$S_LOCAL_ACCESS_S=3)? INTEGER*4 UAF$S_DIALUP_ACCESS_P !hourly dialup access, primary$ PARAMETER (UAF$S_DIALUP_ACCESS_P=3)A INTEGER*4 UAF$S_DIALUP_ACCESS_S !hourly dialup acWcess, secondary$ PARAMETER (UAF$S_DIALUP_ACCESS_S=3)? INTEGER*4 UAF$S_REMOTE_ACCESS_P !hourly remote access, primary$ PARAMETER (UAF$S_REMOTE_ACCESS_P=3)A INTEGER*4 UAF$S_REMOTE_ACCESS_S !hourly remote access, secondary$ PARAMETER (UAF$S_REMOTE_ACCESS_S=3) STRUCTURE /UAF_RECORD/% BYTE uaf$b_rtype !uaf record type* BYTE uaf$b_version !uaf format versionC INTEGER*2 uaf$w_usrdatoff !offset of counted string of user data UNION MAP1 CHARACTER*(UAF$S_USERNAME) uaf$Xt_username END MAP+ MAP !tag to differentiate records & CHARACTER*(UAF__UNTAGGED) %FILL% CHARACTER*1 uaf$t_username_tag END MAP END UNION UNION MAP4 INTEGER*4 uaf$l_uic !User Identification Code END MAP MAP+ INTEGER*2 uaf$w_mem !member subfield* INTEGER*2 uaf$w_grp !group subfield END MAP END UNION. INTEGER*4 uaf$l_sub_id !user sub-identifier INTEGER*4 uaf$q_parent_id(2) 8 CHARACTER*(UAF$S_ACCOUN YT) uaf$t_account !Account name3 CHARACTER*(UAF$S_OWNER) uaf$t_owner !Owner name9 CHARACTER*(UAF$S_DEFDEV) uaf$t_defdev !Default device< CHARACTER*(UAF$S_DEFDIR) uaf$t_defdir !Default directory= CHARACTER*(UAF$S_LGICMD) uaf$t_lgicmd !Login command file6 CHARACTER*(UAF$S_DEFCLI) uaf$t_defcli !Default CLIB CHARACTER*(UAF$S_CLITABLES) uaf$t_clitables !Default CLI tables UNION MAP1 INTEGER*4 uaf$q_pwd(2) !Encrypted password END MAP MAP+ INTEGER Z*4 uaf$l_pwd !32 bit subfield END MAP END UNION8 INTEGER*4 uaf$q_pwd2(2) !Encrypted secondary password4 INTEGER*2 uaf$w_logfails !count of login failures. INTEGER*2 uaf$w_salt !random password salt, BYTE uaf$b_encrypt !encryption algorithm9 BYTE uaf$b_encrypt2 !encryption algorithm for 2nd pwd2 BYTE uaf$b_pwd_length !minimum password length BYTE %FILL< INTEGER*4 uaf$q_expiration(2) !Expiration date of account8 INTEGER*4 uaf$q_pwd_lifetime(2) !Lifetime of pa [sswordC INTEGER*4 uaf$q_pwd_date(2) !Expiration date of primary passwordF INTEGER*4 uaf$q_pwd2_date(2) !Expiration date of secondary passwordA INTEGER*4 uaf$q_lastlogin_i(2) !Date of last interactive loginE INTEGER*4 uaf$q_lastlogin_n(2) !Date of last non-interactive login1 INTEGER*4 uaf$q_priv(2) !Authorized privileges2 INTEGER*4 uaf$q_def_priv(2) !Default privileges( BYTE uaf$r_min_class(UAF$S_MIN_CLASS)( BYTE uaf$r_max_class(UAF$S_MAX_CLASS)$ INTEGER*4 uaf$l_flags !F \lag bits6 BYTE uaf$b_network_access_p(UAF$S_NETWORK_ACCESS_P)6 BYTE uaf$b_network_access_s(UAF$S_NETWORK_ACCESS_S)2 BYTE uaf$b_batch_access_p(UAF$S_BATCH_ACCESS_P)2 BYTE uaf$b_batch_access_s(UAF$S_BATCH_ACCESS_S)2 BYTE uaf$b_local_access_p(UAF$S_LOCAL_ACCESS_P)2 BYTE uaf$b_local_access_s(UAF$S_LOCAL_ACCESS_S)4 BYTE uaf$b_dialup_access_p(UAF$S_DIALUP_ACCESS_P)4 BYTE uaf$b_dialup_access_s(UAF$S_DIALUP_ACCESS_S)4 BYTE uaf$b_remote_access_p(UAF$S_REMOTE_ACCESS_P)4 BYTE uaf$b_ ]remote_access_s(UAF$S_REMOTE_ACCESS_S) BYTE %FILL(12)< BYTE uaf$b_primedays !Definition of prime/secondary days BYTE %FILL) BYTE uaf$b_pri !base process priority3 BYTE uaf$b_quepri !maximum job queuing priority8 INTEGER*2 uaf$w_maxjobs !maximum jobs for uic allowed ! 0 means no limit@ INTEGER*2 uaf$w_maxacctjobs !maximum jobs for account allowed ! 0 means no limit@ INTEGER*2 uaf$w_maxdetach !maximum detached processes for uic ! 0 means no limit4 ^ INTEGER*2 uaf$w_prccnt !subprocess creation limit- INTEGER*2 uaf$w_biolm !buffered i/o limit+ INTEGER*2 uaf$w_diolm !direct i/o limit2 INTEGER*2 uaf$w_tqcnt !timer queue entry limit* INTEGER*2 uaf$w_astlm !ast queue limit( INTEGER*2 uaf$w_enqlm !enqueue limit* INTEGER*2 uaf$w_fillm !open file limit. INTEGER*2 uaf$w_shrfillm !shared file limit2 INTEGER*4 uaf$l_wsquota !working set size quota4 INTEGER*4 uaf$l_dfwscnt !default working set size3 INTEGER*4 uaf$l_wsext _ent !working set size limit- INTEGER*4 uaf$l_pgflquota !page file quota) INTEGER*4 uaf$l_cputim !cpu time quota8 INTEGER*4 uaf$l_bytlm !buffered i/o byte count limit< INTEGER*4 uaf$l_pbytlm !paged buffer i/o byte count limitF INTEGER*4 uaf$l_jtquota !job-wide logical name table creation quota> INTEGER*2 uaf$w_proxy_lim !number of proxies user can grant5 INTEGER*2 uaf$w_proxies !number of proxies granted> INTEGER*2 uaf$w_account_lim !number of sub-accounts allowed: INTEG`ER*2 uaf$w_accounts !number of sub-accounts in use BYTE %FILL(64) END STRUCTUREC%C Bits (and masks) for FLAGS longwordC, INTEGER*4 UAF$V_DISCTLY !no user control-y5 INTEGER*4 UAF$V_DEFCLI !only allow user default cli7 INTEGER*4 UAF$V_LOCKPWD !disable set password command9 INTEGER*4 UAF$V_CAPTIVE !captive account (no overrides)/ INTEGER*4 UAF$V_DISACNT !no interactive login0 INTEGER*4 UAF$V_DISWELCOM !skip welcome message0 INTEGER*4 UAF$V_DISMAIL !skip new mail message a/ INTEGER*4 UAF$V_NOMAIL !disable mail delivery5 INTEGER*4 UAF$V_GENPWD !passwords must be generated2 INTEGER*4 UAF$V_PWD_EXPIRED !password has expired7 INTEGER*4 UAF$V_PWD2_EXPIRED !2nd password has expired* INTEGER*4 UAF$V_AUDIT !audit all actions4 INTEGER*4 UAF$V_DISREPORT !skip last login messages4 INTEGER*4 UAF$V_DISRECONNECT !inhibit reconnections+ INTEGER*4 UAF$V_AUTOLOGIN !auto-login only PARAMETER (UAF$V_DISCTLY=0) PARAMETER (UAF$V_DEFCLI=1) PARAMETER (UAF$V_LOCKPWD=2)b PARAMETER (UAF$V_CAPTIVE=3) PARAMETER (UAF$V_DISACNT=4) PARAMETER (UAF$V_DISWELCOM=5) PARAMETER (UAF$V_DISMAIL=6) PARAMETER (UAF$V_NOMAIL=7) PARAMETER (UAF$V_GENPWD=8) PARAMETER (UAF$V_PWD_EXPIRED=9)" PARAMETER (UAF$V_PWD2_EXPIRED=10) PARAMETER (UAF$V_AUDIT=11) PARAMETER (UAF$V_DISREPORT=12)" PARAMETER (UAF$V_DISRECONNECT=13) PARAMETER (UAF$V_AUTOLOGIN=14) INTEGER*4 UAF$M_DISCTLY INTEGER*4 UAF$M_DEFCLI INTEGER*4 UAF$M_LOCKPWD INTEGER*4 UAF$M_CAPTIVE INTEGER*4 UAFc$M_DISACNT INTEGER*4 UAF$M_DISWELCOM INTEGER*4 UAF$M_DISMAIL INTEGER*4 UAF$M_NOMAIL INTEGER*4 UAF$M_GENPWD INTEGER*4 UAF$M_PWD_EXPIRED INTEGER*4 UAF$M_PWD2_EXPIRED INTEGER*4 UAF$M_AUDIT INTEGER*4 UAF$M_DISREPORT INTEGER*4 UAF$M_DISRECONNECT INTEGER*4 UAF$M_AUTOLOGIN PARAMETER (UAF$M_DISCTLY=2**0) PARAMETER (UAF$M_DEFCLI=2**1) PARAMETER (UAF$M_LOCKPWD=2**2) PARAMETER (UAF$M_CAPTIVE=2**3) PARAMETER (UAF$M_DISACNT=2**4)! PARAMETER (UAF$M_DISWELCOM=2**5) PARAMETERd (UAF$M_DISMAIL=2**6) PARAMETER (UAF$M_NOMAIL=2**7) PARAMETER (UAF$M_GENPWD=2**8)# PARAMETER (UAF$M_PWD_EXPIRED=2**9)% PARAMETER (UAF$M_PWD2_EXPIRED=2**10) PARAMETER (UAF$M_AUDIT=2**11)" PARAMETER (UAF$M_DISREPORT=2**12)% PARAMETER (UAF$M_DISRECONNECT=2**13)" PARAMETER (UAF$M_AUTOLOGIN=2**14)C(C Definitions of bits in PRIMEDAYS byte.CC bit=0 means this is a primary day, bit=1 means this is an off dayC INTEGER*4 UAF$V_MONDAY INTEGER*4 UAF$V_TUESDAY INTEGER*4 UAF$V_WEDNESDeAY  INTEGER*4 UAF$V_THURSDAY  INTEGER*4 UAF$V_FRIDAY  INTEGER*4 UAF$V_SATURDAY  INTEGER*4 UAF$V_SUNDAY  PARAMETER (UAF$V_MONDAY=0) PARAMETER (UAF$V_TUESDAY=1) PARAMETER (UAF$V_WEDNESDAY=2) PARAMETER (UAF$V_THURSDAY=3) PARAMETER (UAF$V_FRIDAY=4) PARAMETER (UAF$V_SATURDAY=5) PARAMETER (UAF$V_SUNDAY=6) BYTE UAF$M_MONDAY BYTE UAF$M_TUESDAY BYTE UAF$M_WEDNESDAY  BYTE UAF$M_THURSDAY  BYTE UAF$M_FRIDAY  BYTE UAF$M_SATURDAY  BYTE UAF$M_SUNDAY  PARAMETfER (UAF$M_MONDAY=2**0) PARAMETER (UAF$M_TUESDAY=2**1)! PARAMETER (UAF$M_WEDNESDAY=2**2) PARAMETER (UAF$M_THURSDAY=2**3) PARAMETER (UAF$M_FRIDAY=2**4) PARAMETER (UAF$M_SATURDAY=2**5) PARAMETER (UAF$M_SUNDAY=2**6)CC End of Module ($UAFDEF)C wwE𴿋 C+ $XABALLDEF3C Module ($XABALLDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C@C Defines offset constants and other constants of the VAX-11 RMS/C allocation extended attribute block (XABALL).C->C Extracted $XABALLDEF fro gm SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER6 1 XAB$B_AID = '17'X !Area identification number3 2, XAB$B_ALN = '09'X !Alignment boundary type. 3, XAB$B_AOP = '08'X !Allocation options< 4, XAB$C_ALL = '14'X !XABALL block identification code2 5, XAB$C_ALLLEN = '20'X !Length of XABALL block) 6, XAB$C_ANY = '00'X !Any alignment= 7, XAB$C_CYL = '01'X !Align to start on cylinder numberB 8, XAB$C_LBN = '02'X !Align to start at logical block numberA 9, hXAB$C_RFI = '04'X !Align to start near the file given in, ! the related file identification field PARAMETER? 1 XAB$C_VBN = '03'X !Align starts near the virtual block2 2, XAB$K_ALLLEN = '20'X !Length of XABALL block/ 3, XAB$L_ALQ = '10'X !Allocation quantity$ 4, XAB$L_LOC = '0C'X !Location 5, XAB$M_CBT = '20'X ! 6, XAB$M_CTG = '80'X ! 7, XAB$M_HRD = '01'X ! 8, XAB$M_ONC = '02'X !@ 9, XAB$S_RFI = '06'X !Relative file identifer size (ibytes) PARAMETER/ 1 XAB$V_CBT = '05'X !Contiguous best try& 2, XAB$V_CTG = '07'X !Contiguous; 3, XAB$V_HRD = '00'X !Hard, return error if requested$ ! alignment cannot be performed: 4, XAB$V_ONC = '01'X !On cylinder boundary alignment6 5, XAB$W_DEQ = '14'X !Default extension quantity4 6, XAB$W_RFI = '18'X !Relative file identifier 7, XAB$W_RFI0 = '18'X ! 8, XAB$W_RFI2 = '1A'X ! 9, XAB$W_RFI4 = '1C'X ! PARAMETER2 1 XAB$W_VOL = '0Aj'X !Relative volume numberCC End of $XABALLDEF module.Cwwv{񴿋 C+ $XABDATDEF3C Module ($XABDATDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C>C Defines offset constants and other values for the VAX-11 RMS2C date and time extended attribute block (XABDAT).C->C Extracted $XABDATDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER: 1 XAB$C_DAT = '12'X !XABDAT control block type code7 2, XAB$C_DATLEN = '2C'X !XABDAT control block length5 3, XAB$C_DATLEN_V2= '24k'X !XABDAT length from VMS V2 4, XAB$K_DATLEN = '2C'X ! 5, XAB$K_DATLEN_V2= '24'X ! 6, XAB$L_BDT0 = '24'X ! 7, XAB$L_BDT4 = '28'X ! 8, XAB$L_CDT0 = '14'X ! 9, XAB$L_CDT4 = '18'X ! PARAMETER 1 XAB$L_EDT0 = '1C'X ! 2, XAB$L_EDT4 = '20'X !9 3, XAB$Q_BDT = '24'X !Backup date and time quadword; 4, XAB$Q_CDT = '14'X !Creation date and time quadword= 5, XAB$Q_EDT = '1C'X !Expiration date and time quadwordC$C Size of date/time fields in byltes:C 6, XAB$S_BDT = '08'X ! 7, XAB$S_CDT = '08'X ! 8, XAB$S_EDT = '08'X !CC End of $XABDATDEF module.Cww 򴿋 C+ $XABDEF0C Module ($XABDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C:C Defines offset constants and other values common to most4C of the VAX-11 RMS extended attribute (XAB) blocks.C-;C Extracted $XABDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER' 1 XAB$B_BKZ = '16'X !Bucket size0 2, XAB$B_BLN = '01'X !Control blocmk length3 3, XAB$B_COD = '00'X !Control block type code8 4, XAB$L_NXT = '04'X !Address of next XAB in chain 5, XAB$L_RDT0 = '0C'X ! 6, XAB$L_RDT4 = '10'X !; 7, XAB$Q_RDT = '0C'X !Revision date and time quadword< 8, XAB$S_RDT = '08'X !Size of date/time field in bytes1 9, XAB$W_RVN = '08'X !Revision number fieldCC End of $XABDEF module.CwwG󴿋 C+ $XABFHCDEF3C Module ($XABFHCDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C>C Defines offset n constants and other values for the VAX-11 RMSAC file header characteristics extended attributes block (XABFHC).C->C Extracted $XABFHCDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER9 1 XAB$B_ATR = '09'X !Record attributes (FAB$B_RAT): 2, XAB$B_HSZ = '17'X !Fixed length control area size ! (FAB$B_FSZ)? 3, XAB$B_RFO = '08'X !File organization and record format: 4, XAB$C_FHC = '1D'X !XABFHC control block type code7 5, XAB$C_FHCLEN = '2C'X !XABFHC contr ool block length 6, XAB$K_FHCLEN = '2C'X !4 7, XAB$L_EBK = '10'X !End-of-file block number8 8, XAB$L_HBK = '0C'X !Highest virtual block number@ 9, XAB$L_SBN = '28'X !Starting logical block number if CTG PARAMETERB 1 XAB$W_DXQ = '1A'X !Default extension quantity (FAB$W_DEQ) 2, XAB$W_EBK0 = '10'X ! 3, XAB$W_EBK2 = '12'X !D 4, XAB$W_FFB = '14'X !First free byte in the end-of-file block7 5, XAB$W_GBC = '1C'X !Default global buffer count 6, XAB$W_HBpK0 = '0C'X ! 7, XAB$W_HBK2 = '0E'X !1 8, XAB$W_LRL = '0A'X !Longest record length; 9, XAB$W_MRZ = '18'X !Maximum record size (FAB$W_MRS) PARAMETER2 1 XAB$W_VERLIMIT = '26'X !Version limit for fileCC End of $XABFHCDEF module.Cww #5 C+ $XABKEYDEF3C Module ($XABKEYDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C>C Defines offset constants and other values for the VAX-11 RMS2C key definition extended attribute (XABKEY) blockC->C Extracted $XABKEYDEF fqrom SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETERCC Byte-wide field offsets:C3 1 XAB$B_DAN = '0A'X !Data bucket area number, 2, XAB$B_DBS = '0D'X !Data bucket size0 3, XAB$B_DTP = '13'X !Data type of the key1 4, XAB$B_FLG = '12'X !Key options flag byte4 5, XAB$B_IAN = '08'X !Index bucket area number- 6, XAB$B_IBS = '0C'X !Index bucket size= 7, XAB$B_LAN = '09'X !Lowest level of index area number0 8, XAB$B_LVL = '0B'X !Level of root buckret2 9, XAB$B_NSG = '14'X !Number of key segments PARAMETER* 1 XAB$B_NUL = '15'X !Null key value* 2, XAB$B_PROLOG = '48'X !Prologue level, 3, XAB$B_REF = '17'X !Key of reference$ 4, XAB$B_SIZ = '2E'X !Key size1 5, XAB$B_SIZ0 = '2E'X !Alternate key #1 size 6, XAB$B_SIZ1 = '2F'X ! 7, XAB$B_SIZ2 = '30'X ! 8, XAB$B_SIZ3 = '31'X ! 9, XAB$B_SIZ4 = '32'X ! PARAMETER 1 XAB$B_SIZ5 = '33'X ! 2, XAB$B_SIZ6 = '34'X ! 3, XAB$B_SIZ7 = 's35'X !0 4, XAB$B_TKS = '16'X !Total key field size 5, XAB$B_TYP = '40'X ! 6, XAB$B_TYP0 = '40'X ! 7, XAB$B_TYP1 = '41'X ! 8, XAB$B_TYP2 = '42'X ! 9, XAB$B_TYP3 = '43'X ! PARAMETER 1 XAB$B_TYP4 = '44'X ! 2, XAB$B_TYP5 = '45'X ! 3, XAB$B_TYP6 = '46'X ! 4, XAB$B_TYP7 = '47'X !C C Constants:C? 5, XAB$C_BN2 = '02'X !Data type is unsigned 2-byte binary? 6, XAB$C_BN4 = '04'X !Data type is unsigned 4-byte binary> 7, XAB$C_IN t2 = '01'X !Data type is signed 2-byte integer> 8, XAB$C_IN4 = '03'X !Data type is signed 4-byte integer: 9, XAB$C_KEY = '15'X !XABKEY control block type code PARAMETER7 1 XAB$C_KEYLEN = '4C'X !XABKEY control block length 2, XAB$C_KEYLEN_V2= '40'X ! 3, XAB$C_MAXDTP = '05'X !> 4, XAB$C_PAC = '05'X !Data type is packed decimal string, 5, XAB$C_PRG1 = '01'X !Prologue level 1, 6, XAB$C_PRG2 = '02'X !Prologue level 2, 7, XAB$C_PRG3 = '03'X !Prologue level 3uA 8, XAB$C_STG = '00'X !Data type is left-justified string of ! unsigned, 8-bit bytes 9, XAB$K_KEYLEN = '4C'X ! PARAMETER 1 XAB$K_KEYLEN_V2= '40'X !CC Longword field offsets:CA 2, XAB$L_DVB = '3C'X !First data block virtual block number3 3, XAB$L_KNM = '38'X !Key name buffer address< 4, XAB$L_RVB = '0E'X !Root bucket virtual block numberCC Bit and field masks:C 5, XAB$M_CHG = '02'X ! 6, XAB$M_DAT_NCMPR= '80'X ! 7, XAB$M_DUP = 'v01'X ! 8, XAB$M_IDX_NCMPR= '08'X ! 9, XAB$M_KEY_NCMPR= '40'X ! PARAMETER 1 XAB$M_NUL = '04'X !CC Field sizes:C 2, XAB$S_POS = '10'X ! 3, XAB$S_SIZ = '08'X ! 4, XAB$S_TYP = '08'X !CC Bit offsets:C> 5, XAB$V_CHG = '01'X !Key value in record can be changed ! (alternate keys only)0 6, XAB$V_DAT_NCMPR= '07'X !Do not compress data7 7, XAB$V_DUP = '00'X !Duplicate keys are possible1 8, XAB$V_IDX_NCMPR= '03'X !Do not compress index/ 9, wXAB$V_KEY_NCMPR= '06'X !Do not compress key PARAMETER? 1 XAB$V_NUL = '02'X !NUL field contains a null key value' ! if the key data type is a stringCC Word-wide field offsets:C1 2, XAB$W_DFL = '1C'X !Data bucket fill size2 3, XAB$W_IFL = '1A'X !Index bucket fill size1 4, XAB$W_MRL = '18'X !Minimum record length( 5, XAB$W_POS = '1E'X !Key position 6, XAB$W_POS0 = '1E'X ! 7, XAB$W_POS1 = '20'X ! 8, XAB$W_POS2 = '22'X ! 9, XAB$W_POS3 x = '24'X ! PARAMETER 1 XAB$W_POS4 = '26'X ! 2, XAB$W_POS5 = '28'X ! 3, XAB$W_POS6 = '2A'X ! 4, XAB$W_POS7 = '2C'X !CC End of $XABKEYDEF module.Cww@ C+ $XABPRODEF3C Module ($XABPRODEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C>C Defines offset constants and other values for the VAX-11 RMSBC file protection and ownership extended attribute (XABPRO) block.C->C Extracted $XABPRODEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER7 1 XAB$ yB_MTACC = '0A'X !Magnetic tape accessibility: 2, XAB$C_PRO = '13'X !XABPRO control block type code7 3, XAB$C_PROLEN = '10'X !XABPRO control block length 4, XAB$K_PROLEN = '10'X !* 5, XAB$L_UIC = '0C'X !File owner UIC9 6, XAB$M_NODEL = '08'X !Mask for no-delete access bit: 7, XAB$M_NOEXE = '04'X !Mask for no-execute access bit7 8, XAB$M_NOREAD = '01'X !Mask for no-read access bit8 9, XAB$M_NOWRITE = '02'X !Mask for no-write access bit PARAMETERA 1 XAB$S_GRP z = '04'X !Size of group protection field (bits)A 2, XAB$S_OWN = '04'X !Size of owner protection field (bits)B 3, XAB$S_SYS = '04'X !Size of system protection field (bits)A 4, XAB$S_WLD = '04'X !Size of world protection field (bits)A 5, XAB$V_GRP = '08'X !Offset to group protection bits field: 6, XAB$V_NODEL = '03'X !Offset to no-delete access bit; 7, XAB$V_NOEXE = '02'X !Offset to no-execute access bit8 8, XAB$V_NOREAD = '00'X !Offset to no-read access bit9 9{, XAB$V_NOWRITE = '01'X !Offset to no-write access bit PARAMETERA 1 XAB$V_OWN = '04'X !Offset to owner protection bits fieldB 2, XAB$V_SYS = '00'X !Offset to system protection bits fieldA 3, XAB$V_WLD = '0C'X !Offset to world protection bits field3 4, XAB$W_GRP = '0E'X !File owner group number4 5, XAB$W_MBM = '0C'X !File owner member number, 6, XAB$W_PRO = '08'X !File protectioinCC End of $XABPRODEF moduleCww C+ $XABRDTDEF3C |Module ($XABRDTDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C4C Defines constants for the VAX-11 RMS revision date,C and time extended attribute block (XABRDT)C->C Extracted $XABRDTDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER5 1 XAB$C_RDT = '1E'X !XABRDT control block type7 2, XAB$C_RDTLEN = '14'X !XABRDT control block length 3, XAB$K_RDTLEN = '14'X !CC End of $XABRDTDEF module.Cww C+ $XABSUMDEF3C Module ($XABSUMDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORD}EF.TLB.C>C Defines offset constants and other values for the VAX-11 RMS9C indexed file summary extended attribute (XABSUM) block.C->C Extracted $XABSUMDEF from SYS$LIBRARY:STARLET on 9-SEP-1982C PARAMETER6 1 XAB$B_NOA = '08'X !Number of allocation areas* 2, XAB$B_NOK = '09'X !Number of keys5 3, XAB$C_SUM = '16'X !XABSUM control block type7 4, XAB$C_SUMLEN = '0C'X !XABSUM control block length 5, XAB$K_SUMLEN = '0C'X !3 6, XAB$W_PVN = '0A'X !Prologue ver~sion numberCC End of $XABSUMDEF module.Cww`4uC+ DTR_CALL_DEF9C Module (DTR_CALL_DEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF and fileC SYS$LIBRARY:DAB.INC.C>C Defines the VAX-11 Datatrieve Call Interface from FORTRAN by)C defining the /DAB_COMMON/ common block.C-C&C VAX-11 Datatrieve Access DefinitionsC; LOGICAL*1 DAB$B_BID, DAB$B_BLN, DAB$B_VER_LETTER, DAB(100), INTEGER*2 DAB$W_MSG_BUF_LEN, DAB$W_MSG_LEN,& 1 DAB$W_AUX_BUF_LEN, DAB$W_AUX_LEN,. 2 DAB$W_IDI, DAB$W_STATE, DAB$W_REC_LENGTH,2 3 DAB$W_VERSION, DAB$W_LEVEL, DAB$W_BASE_LEVEL,) 4 DAB$W_UDK_INDEX, DAB$W_COLUMNS_PAGE, 5 DAB$W_TT_CHANNEL( LOGICAL*4 DAB$A_MSG_BUF, DAB$A_AUX_BUF,0 1 DAB$L_CONDITION, DAB$L_FLAGS, DAB$L_OPTIONS COMMON /DAB_COMMON/  1 DAB$B_BID,  2 DAB$B_BLN,  3 DAB$L_CONDITION, 4 DAB$A_MSG_BUF, 5 DAB$W_MSG_BUF_LEN,  6 DAB$W_MSG_LEN, 7 DAB$A_AUX_BUF,  8 DAB$W_AUX_BUF_LEN,  9 DAB$W_AUX_LEN, 1 DAB$W_IDI,  2 DAB$W_STATE,  3 DAB$L_FLAGS,  4 DAB$L_OPTIONS, 5 DAB$W_REC_LENGTH,  6 DAB$W_VERSION,  7 DAB$W_LEVEL,  8 DAB$B_VER_LETTER,  9 DAB$W_BASE_LEVEL,  1 DAB$W_UDK_INDEX, 2 DAB$W_COLUMNS_PAGE, 3 DAB$W_TT_CHANNEL EQUIVALENCE (DAB, DAB$B_BID); INTEGER DTR$K_STL_CMD, DTR$K_STL_PRMPT, DTR$K_STL_LINE,4 1 DTR$K_STL_MSG, DTR$K_STL_PGET, DTR$K_STL_PPUT,6 2 DTR$K_STL_CONT, DTR$K_STL_UDK, DTR$K_STL_END_UDK PARAMETER (DTR$K_STL_CMD=1, 1 DTR$K_STL_PRMPT=2, 2 DTR$K_STL_LINE=3, 3 DTR$K_STL_MSG=4, 4 DTR$K_STL_PGET=5, 5 DTR$K_STL_PPUT=6, 6 DTR$K_STL_CONT=7, 7 DTR$K_STL_UDK=8, 8 DTR$K_STL_END_UDK=9)2 INTEGER DTR$K_SEMI_COLON_OPT, DTR$K_UNQUOTED_LIT,+ 1 DTR$K_SYNTAX_PROMPT, DTR$K_IMMED_RETURN,: 2 DTR$K_FORMS_ENABLE, DTR$K_VERIFY, DTR$K_CONTEXT_SEARCH,; 3 DTR$K_HYPHEN_DISABLED, DTR$K_MORE_COMMANDS, DTR$K_ABORT, 4 DTR$K_LOCK_WAIT# PARAMETER (DTR$K_SEMI_COLON_OPT=1, 1 DTR$K_UNQUOTED_LIT=16, 2 DTR$K_SYNTAX_PROMPT=32, 3 DTR$K_IMMED_RETURN=64, 4 DTR$K_FORMS_ENABLE=128, 5 DTR$K_VERIFY=256, 6 DTR$K_CONTEXT_SEARCH=2048,! 7 DTR$K_HYPHEN_DISABLED=4096, 8 DTR$K_MORE_COMMANDS=8192, 9 DTR$K_ABORT=16384, 1 DTR$K_LOCK_WAIT=32768)= INTEGER DTR$M_OPT_CMD, DTR$M_OPT_PRMPT, DTR$M_OPT_LINE,4 1 DTR$M_OPT_MSG, DTR$M_OPT_PGET, DTR$M_OPT_PPUT,7 2 DTR$M_OPT_CONT, DTR$M_OPT_UDK, DTR$M_OPT_DTR_UDK,+ 3 DTR$M_OPT_END_UDK, DTR$M_OPT_UNWIND, . 4 DTR$M_OPT_CONTROL_C, DTR$M_OPT_STARTUP, ) 5 DTR$M_OPT_FOREIGN, DTR$M_OPT_BANNER PARAMETER (DTR$M_OPT_CMD=1, 1 DTR$M_OPT_PRMPT=2, 2 DTR$M_OPT_LINE=4, 3 DTR$M_OPT_MSG=8, 4 DTR$M_OPT_PGET=16, 5 DTR$M_OPT_PPUT=32, 6 DTR$M_OPT_CONT=64, 7 DTR$M_OPT_UDK=128, 8 DTR$M_OPT_DTR_UDK=256, 9 DTR$M_OPT_END_UDK=512, 1 DTR$M_OPT_UNWIND=1024, 2 DTR$M_OPT_CONTROL_C=2048, 3 DTR$M_OPT_STARTUP=4096, 4 DTR$M_OPT_FOREIGN=8192, 5 DTR$M_OPT_BANNER=16384)< INTEGER DTR$K_UDK_SET, DTR$K_UDK_SET_NO, DTR$K_UDK_SHOW,- 1 DTR$K_UDK_STATEMENT, DTR$K_UDK_COMMAND PARAMETER (DTR$K_UDK_SET=1,  1 DTR$K_UDK_SET_NO=2, 2 DTR$K_UDK_SHOW=3, 3 DTR$K_UDK_STATEMENT=4, 4 DTR$K_UDK_COMMAND=5)0 INTEGER DTR$K_TOK_TOKEN, DTR$K_TOK_PICTURE, , 1 DTR$K_TOK_FILENAME, DTR$K_TOK_COMMAND, 2 DTR$K_TOK_TEST_TOKEN PARAMETER (DTR$K_TOK_TOKEN=1, 1 DTR$K_TOK_PICTURE=2, 2 DTR$K_TOK_FILENAME=3, 3 DTR$K_TOK_COMMAND=4, 4 DTR$K_TOK_TEST_TOKEN=5) CHARACTER*80 MSG_BUFF CHARACTER*20 AUX_BUFF COMMON MSG_BUFF,AUX_BUFF EXTERNAL DTR$_SUCCESSCC End of DTR_CALL_DEF moduleCww C+ FDVDEF7C Module (FDVDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF and the fileC SYS$LIBRARY:FDVDEF.FOR.C >C Define the completion codes returned by the VAX-11 FMS Forms;C Driver (FDV$_... symbols) and the field termination codesC (FDV$K_FT_... symbols).C-4C FMS V2.0 file editted from SYS$LIBRARY: 03-May-83C C FDVDEF.FORC C Form Driver completion codesC+ EXTERNAL FDV$_ITT ! Invalid terminal typeC FMS CODE = -258 EXTERNAL FDV$_FVM ! Error freeing virtual memoryC FMS CODE = -23.< EXTERNAL FDV$_ICH ! Invalid channel number specifiedC FMS CODE = -6.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_IFN ! Invalid call in current form contextC FMS CODE = -19.1 EXTERNAL FDV$_IMP ! Impure area too smallC FMS CODE = -2.3 EXTERNAL FDV$_INC ! Current form incompleteC FMS CODE = 2.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_INI ! Impure area not initialized for callC FMS CODE = -21.6 EXTERNAL FDV$_IOL ! Error opening form libraryC FMS CODE = -4.6 EXTERNAL FDV$_IOR ! Error reading form libraryC FMS CODE = -18.7 EXTERNAL FDV$_IVM ! Insufficient virtual memoryC FMS CODE = -24.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_LIN ! Invalid first line number to display ! formC FMS CODE = -10.6 EXTER NAL FDV$_NOF ! No fields defined for formC FMS CODE = -12.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_NSC ! Specified field not in scrolled areaC FMS CODE = -14.1 EXTERNAL FDV$_STR ! Invalid string lengthC FMS CODE = -22.1 EXTERNAL FDV$_SUC ! Successful completionC FMS CODE = 1.6 EXTERNAL FDV$_UTR ! Undefined field terminatorC FMS CODE = -17.? EXTERNAL FDV$_ARG ! Invalid number of arguments in callC FMS CODE = -20.> EXTERNAL FDV$_DLN ! Output Data too long, truncated to ! fitC FMS CODE = -16.? EXTERNAL FDV$_DNM ! Specified named data does not existC FMS CODE = -15.? EXTERNAL FDV$_DSP ! Invalid request to read output only ! fieldC FMS CODE = -13.1 EXTERNAL FDV$_FCD ! Invalid function codeC FMS CODE = -1.> EXTERNAL FDV$_FCH ! Form library not open on specified ! channelC FMS CODE = -7.@ EXTERNAL FDV$_FLB ! Specified file is not a form libraryC FMS CODE = -5.: EXTERNAL FDV$_FLD ! Specified field does not existC FMS CODE = -11.9 EXTERNAL FDV$_FNM ! Specified form does not existC FMS CODE = -9.3 EXTERNAL FDV$_FRM ! Invalid form definitionC FMS CODE = -8.6 EXTERNAL FDV$_FSP ! Invalid file specificationC FMS CODE = -3.C$C Form Driver field terminator codesC PARAMETER3 1 FDV$K_FT_ATB = 3, ! Auto-tab field was filled) 1 FDV$K_FT_NTR = 0, ! Enter key input9 1 FDV$K_FT_NXT = 1 ! Next field key terminated input PARAMETER= 1 FDV$K_FT_PRV = 2, ! Previous field key terminated input= 1 FDV$K_FT_SBK = 9, ! Scrolled area input terminated with ! scroll backward key= 1 FDV$K_FT_SFW = 8, ! Scrolled area input terminated with ! scroll forward key7 1 FDV$K_FT_SNX = 6, ! Last field in scroll line was% ! terminated with next field key8 1 FDV$K_FT_SPR = 7, ! First field in scroll line was) ! terminated with previous field key; 1 FDV$K_FT_XBK = 4, ! Input in scrolled area terminated, ! with exit scrolled area backwards key; 1 FDV$K_FT_XFW = 5 ! Input in scrolled area terminated+ ! with exit scrolled area forwards keyCC End of FDVDEF.FORCww ʴ C+ MSGTYPDEF2C Module (MSGTYPDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.CDC MSGTYPDEF defines the ACNET message type code symbols for FORTRAN.CAC HDR_K_LENGTH gives the length of the message header in bytes3C MSG_K_REPLY gives the Reply message type code%C MSG_K_RPY same as MSG_K_REPLY5C MSG_K_REQUEST gives the Request message type code'C MSG_K_REQ same as MSG_K_REQUESTAC MSG_K_UNSOLIC gives the Unsolicited Special Message type code'C MSG_K_USM same as MSG_K_UNSOLICCC- PARAMETER: 1 HDR_K_LENGTH = 14 !Length of message header in bytes* 2, MSG_K_REPLY = 2 !Reply message type, 3, MSG_K_REQUEST = 1 !Request message type> 4, MSG_K_UNSOLIC = 0 !Unsolicited special message type (USM) 5, MSG_K_REQ = 1 ! 6, MSG_K_RPY = 2 ! 7, MSG_K_USM = 0 !CC End of MSGTYPDEF module.Cwwi C+ NODEDEFS/C Module (NODEDEFS) of FERMI$LIB:LCLFORDEF.TLB.2C Files NODEDEFS.FOR in CNSAPPL$INC: and RSX$LIB:.>C NODEDEFS defines symbolic names for the ACNET logical nodes.C?C Nodes should always be specified symbolically though for ease=C of verifying conversions (ODT) some node definitions may be?C computed based on the MAC number used on the XEROX systems by'C adding the following decimal offsets:C#C Booster: add 30 to old MAC number8C MR/SY: add 30 to old MAC number (includes Beam Lines)(C SCRUB System: add 50 to old MAC numberCC-JC V2.0 03-Nov-82 FJN Added CNS17-24,deleted some MAC's,added some testC Front EndsAC V2.1 04-Nov-82 FJN Expand to 72 nodes, many test Front EndsHC V2.2 12-Sep-84 FJN Add definitions of ADCALC, DEVL2 and AOPS nodesCCC Logical node 0 is always the "local" node on which the program isEC actually running. This is used to communicate to the local network@C task/process or to other user tasks/processes via the network.C INTEGER*2 LOCAL% PARAMETER (LOCAL = 0) !Local systemCIC Console logical nodes. CNS14-24 are not in existence but are assigned!JC There is absolutely no implied mapping from logical to physical console!C9 INTEGER*2 CNS1, CNS2, CNS3, CNS4, CNS5, CNS6, CNS7, CNS8@ INTEGER*2 CNS9, CNS10, CNS11, CNS12, CNS13, CNS14, CNS15, CNS16A INTEGER*2 CNS17, CNS18, CNS19, CNS20, CNS21, CNS22, CNS23, CNS24" PARAMETER (CNS1 = 1) !Console #1" PARAMETER (CNS2 = 2) !Console #2" PARAMETER (CNS3 = 3) !Console #3" PARAMETER (CNS4 = 4) !Console #4" PARAMETER (CNS5 = 5) !Console #5" PARAMETER (CNS6 = 6) !Console #6" PARAMETER (CNS7 = 7) !Console #7" PARAMETER (CNS8 = 8) !Console #8" PARAMETER (CNS9 = 9) !Console #9% PARAMETER (CNS10 = 10) !Console #10% PARAMETER (CNS11 = 11) !Console #11% PARAMETER (CNS12 = 12) !Console #12% PARAMETER (CNS13 = 13) !Console #13% PARAMETER (CNS14 = 14) !Console #14% PARAMETER (CNS15 = 15) !Console #15% PARAMETER (CNS16 = 16) !Console #16C% PARAMETER (CNS17 = 64) !Console #17% PARAMETER (CNS18 = 65) !Console #18% PARAMETER (CNS19 = 66) !Console #19% PARAMETER (CNS20 = 67) !Console #20% PARAMETER (CNS21 = 68) !Console #21% PARAMETER (CNS22 = 69) !Console #22% PARAMETER (CNS23 = 70) !Console #23% PARAMETER (CNS24 = 71) !Console #24C INTEGER*2 AOPS8 PARAMETER (AOPS = 33) !Accelerator Operations DisplaysCC VAX logical nodes.C* INTEGER*2 OPER, CDBS, ADCALC, DEVL, DEVL20 PARAMETER (OPER = 17) !Operational Central VAX5 PARAMETER (CDBS = 18) !Central Data Base System VAX8 PARAMETER (ADCALC = 19) !VAXCluster Calculational node4 PARAMETER (DEVL = 20) !VAXCluster Development node8 PARAMETER (DEVL2 = 55) !VAXCluster Development node #2CC Front End logical nodesC6 INTEGER*2 LINAC, BOOSTR, MRING, TEV, UTIL, SWYD, PBAR INTEGER*2 TEVRF, CHL, FIRUS) PARAMETER (LINAC = 21) !Linac Front End, PARAMETER (BOOSTR = 22) !Booster Front End8 PARAMETER (MRING = 23) !Main Ring/Switchyard Front End* PARAMETER (TEV = 24) !Tevatron Front End6 PARAMETER (UTIL = 25) !Utility/Clock Crate Front End5 PARAMETER (SWYD = 26) !Switchyard (clock) Front End4 PARAMETER (PBAR = 27) !Antiproton Source Front End/ PARAMET ER (TEVRF = 28) !Tevatron RF Front End: PARAMETER (CHL = 30) !Central Helium Liquifier Front End& PARAMETER (FIRUS = 54) !FIRUS systemCC MAC-16 Logical nodes.C> INTEGER*2 MACA, DECB, BTMAC, MRRF, DECC, SYMAC, MRCURV, T8GEV PARAMETER (MACA = 31) !MAC-A9 PARAMETER (DECB = 32) !DEC-B MRPS System (via PDC link)+ PARAMETER (BTMAC = 34) !Beam Transfer MAC) PARAMETER (MRRF = 35) !Main Ring RF MAC9 PARAMETER (DECC = 38) !DEC-C MRPS System (via PDC link)2 PARAMETER (SYMAC = 39)  !Switchyard Auxiliary MAC% PARAMETER (MRCURV = 41) !Curves MAC, PARAMETER (T8GEV = 42) !8 Gev Transfer MACC! INTEGER*2 RFWEST, RFEAST, SRLMAC. PARAMETER (RFWEST = 43) !Booster RF West MAC. PARAMETER (RFEAST = 44) !Booster RF East MAC- PARAMETER (SRLMAC = 46) !Booster Serial MACC INTEGER*2 COOLMC+ PARAMETER (COOLMC = 53) !Cooling Ring MACC)C Experimental Beam Line Computer SystemsC INTEGER*2 NEUTRN, MESON, PROTON. PARAMETER (NEUTRN = 50) !Neutrino Laboratory* PARAMETER (MESON = 51) !Meson Laboratory, PARAMETER (PROTON = 52) !Proton LaboratoryC7C Logical nodes for testing network and other software.C INTEGER*2 TSTING, PARAMETER (TSTING = 49) !General Test NodeCC Test Front End logical nodesC< INTEGER*2 LINACT, BOOSTT, MRINGT, TEVT, UTILT, SWYDT, PBART INTEGER*2 TEVRFT, CHLT, FIRUST/ PARAMETER (LINACT = 56) !Test Linac Front End1 PARAMETER (BOOSTT = 57) !Test Booster Front End> PARAMETER (MRINGT = 58) !Test Main Ring/Switchyard Front End0 PARAMETER (TEVT = 59) !Test Tevatron Front End< PARAMETER (UTILT = 60) !Test Utility/Clock Crate Front End; PARAMETER (SWYDT = 61) !Test Switchyard (clock) Front End: PARAMETER (PBART = 62) !Test Antiproton Source Front End5 PARAMETER (TEVRFT = 63) !Test Tevatron RF Front End< PARAMETER (CHLT = 47) !Test Central He Liquifier Front End, PARAMETER (FIRUST = 48) !Test FIRUS systemCC End of NODEDEFS module.Cww`ߨڴ C+ REQRPYFLG2C Module (REQRPYFLG) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.CCC REQRPYFLG defines the symbolic names for FORTRAN of the bit masksEC for the Request and Reply option flags used in the NET_SEND_REQUEST.C and NET_SEND_REPLY network service routines.CC The options are:C C2 ENDMULT;C Mask for the end-multiple-reply bit in the reply options.?C Used to terminate a multiple-reply request from the replier'sC end. Also known as EMR.C C2 FCPASTBC Mask for the enable first-packet-AST bit in the request options.B C Used to enable delivery of a reply AST whenever the first packet=C (in the chronological sense) has been moved into the user'sC reply buffer.C C2 LOCKED>C Mask for the buffer-remains-locked bit in the reply options.8C Used to override the receive buffer unlock done in the=C NET_SEND_REPLY. Also known as BRL (buffer-remains-locked).C C2 MULTRPY9C Mask for the multiple reply bit in the request options.AC Used to indicate a request to which more than one reply message(C is to be returned. Also known as MLT.C C2 NOBSYWT7C Mask for the no-busy-wait bit in the request options.:C Used to fail a request (return status-only reply) if the<C destination task is busy with another message. Also known C as NBW.CC- PARAMETER: 1 REQ_M_FCPAST = '04'X !NET/NTV_SEND_REQUEST - enable ! first packet reply AST's< 2, REQ_M_MLT = '01'X !NET/NTV_SEND_REQUEST - multiple, 3, REQ_M_MULTRPY = '01'X ! reply request; 4, REQ_M_NBW = '02'X !NET/NTV_SEND_REQUEST - request? 5, REQ_M_NOBSYWT = '02'X ! to be failed if destination busy9 6, RPY_M_BRL = '04'X !NET/NTV_SEND_REPLY - receive4 7, RPY_M_LOCKED = '04'X ! buffer remains locked> 8, RPY_M_EMR = '02'X !NET/NTV_SEND_REPLY - end multiple3 9, RPY_M_ENDMULT = '02'X ! replies (last reply)CC End of REQRPYFLG module.Cww`E C+ UABFLGDEF2C Module (UABFLGDEF) of SYS$LIBRARY:LCLFORDEF.TLB.C?C Defines the symbolic names (for FORTRAN) of the bit and field=C masks, bit offsets, and field sizes of the UAB_B_FLAGS byte8C and the request_flags and reply_flags arguments of the:C NET_CHECK_xxx and NET_WAIT_xxx network service routines.CEC The UAB_V_name symbols give the bit offsets (bit number relative toBC bit 0 of UAB_B_FLAGS) of the bit or field named. The UAB_M_nameGC symbols give the masks for the bits or fields (used in bit-wise .AND.CC operations) for the named bits or fields. The UAB_S_name symbolsAC give the sizes, in bits, o f the named fields. The UAB_K_LENGTH;C symbol gives the length, in bytes, of the user AST block.C C2 FieldsDC MSGTYPE is the message type code field. Only used with requests.CC2 Bits@C 1STPKT bit indicates that this reply AST is the first packet=C AST (declared after the first chronological packet=C of the message has been stored in the user's reply0C buffer). Only used with reply AST's.>C CANCEL bit indicates that the outstanding request has been=C cancelled and no more replies should be generated.C Only used with requests.%C MULTRPY is the multiple reply bit.@C TOOLONG bit indicates that the message ws truncated to fit in C the specified buffer.CC-CLC _M_ are masks, _S_ are sizes of bit fields, _V_ are bit offsets to bits orC fields, _K_ are constants.C PARAMETER2 1 UAB_K_LENGTH = '14'X !Length of UAB in bytes PARAMETER< 1 UAB_M_CANCEL = '80'X !Request being cancelled flag bit. 2, UAB_M_MSGTYPE = '06'X !Message type field3 3, UAB_M_MULTRPY = '01'X !Multiple reply flag bit7 4, UAB_M_TOOLONG = '40'X !Message truncation flag bit 5, UAB_S_MSGTYPE = 2 ! 6, UAB_V_CANCEL = 7 ! 7, UAB_V_MSGTYPE = 1 ! 8, UAB_V_MULTRPY = 0 ! 9, UAB_V_TOOLONG = 6 ! PARAMETER: 1 UAB_M_1STPKT = '80'X !1st packet reply AST indicator 2, UAB_V_1STPKT = 7 !CC End of UABFLGDEF module.Cww