[LIB.CRATE]AAAREADME.TXT CRATE converts a (VAX/VMS) DIGS binary graphics file into a formatted ASCII (card image) file, which may be reassembled into a binary DIGS file with UNCRATE. The formatted file may be used to transport such DIGS files between computer systems. In particular, at Fermilab, NET may be used to move such files between the Cyber and VAX central facility machines, and DECnet may be used to communicate with any VAXes on the network. This makes graphics printing devices available throughout the facility, regardless of the origin of the graphics files. CRATE and UNCRATE were written by John Ingebretsen of Fermilab. Usage: RUN LIB:[LIB.CRATE]CRATE or RUN LIB:[LIB.CRATE]UNCRATE Logical names : DIGS$DGF or DIGF Digs file input to CRATE, or output from UNCRATE Default file name is DIGS.DAT DIGS$DGFT or DGFTOGO Crated file output from CRATE, or input to UNCRATE Default file name is DGFTOGO.DAT