VMS Gnu EMACS V17-4 VMS This is a considerably later version of VMS GNU EMACS than appeared on the Spring 1986 VAX tapes. While it has still some bugs, it is usable and is included here in case you want to use it. Don't treat it completely as a production tool yet though; some work is still to be done on it. The Structured Languages tape will contain a distribution of Gnu Emacs, but it is offered here for those who don't have the SL tape. Because it is not the sole source of the code, and due to its size, the distribution is a compressed BACKUP saveset. To use it, you have to first uncompress the saveset (it then occupies just under 11000 blocks) and then use Backup to copy it to the directory tree of your choice and install it. It is NOT installable with VMSINSTAL so DON'T try to use that tool to get Gnu Emacs up. There are instruction files in the kit though. For some brief documentation on how to unsqueeze the saveset, see VMSGNUEMX.COM, which needs to be edited before you use it. By using this technique, this software can be included in the VAX tape collection without undue burdens on the distribution.