GETSERVER John Osudar Electronics Department Argonne National Laboratory 205 A-051 9700 South Cass Avenue Argonne, IL 60439-4837 Phone numbers: FTS: 972-7505 (312) 972-7505 Electronic mail addresses: Bitnet: B35049 at ANLCMT MFENET: B35049@AN2 Until DEC includes a cluster-wide $GETxxI system service in VMS, it will continue to be difficult to get status information across all nodes in a cluster. To fill this gap, I wrote a DECnet object called GETSERVER. GETSERVER is intended to act as a remote agent for various status programs, submitting $GETJPI and $GETSYI requests on its local node on behalf of a user on a remote node. Included in this directory, in addition to GETSERVER itself, are several programs that use it. (Each of these presently requires that the list of cluster nodes be hard-coded into the program; I am working on a consistent method for determining this information externally.) These are: SHOWSYSCLUS -- an enhancement to SHOW SYSTEM that implements a /CLUSTER qualifier USERLIST -- a command similar to SHOW USERS that lists all interactive users across the cluster WHAT -- a command similar to SHOW SYSTEM, but which displays the username and image name as well (and doesn't display physical memory usage or UIC), and allows /INTERACTIVE and /OTHER qualifiers To use SHOWSYSCLUS, you must extract the definition of the SHOW command from DCLTABLES using the VAX Sigtape VERB utility, and then edit it to include the additional definitions spelled out in SHOWSYSCLUS.CLD_DIF. To use USERLIST, install it with privilege SYSPRV and define a symbol to execute it. To use WHAT, add the definitions in WHAT.CLD to your (process or system) command tables, using SET COMMAND. (In addition, I threw in a program called USER, which doesn't make use of GETSERVER -- it simply translates a username to its corresponding owner name and directory or UIC. For general use, this also requires SYSPRV.)