SUBROUTINE ERLSIN C C This module of the ERLANG program calculates the probability C that a particular number of trunks will be occupied if a given C amount of traffic is presented. C C B. Z. Lederman I.T.T. World Communications C BYTE ANS C 220 WRITE (5, 300) 300 FORMAT ( / '$ Enter Erlangs of traffic, Number of trunks: ') READ (5, 310, END=260) A, N 310 FORMAT (F10.2, I4) C PROBL = EXP(-1. * A) IF (N .LE. 0) GO TO 350 DO 400 I = 1, N 400 PROBL = PROBL * ( A / FLOAT(I) ) C 350 WRITE (5, 370) N, A, PROBL 370 FORMAT ('0 Probability of ', I4, ' trunks occupied with ', F7.2, 1' Erlangs of traffic = ', F6.2 / 1X / 2'$ Another Single Trunk problem [Y/N] ?: ') READ (5, 420, END=260) ANS 420 FORMAT (A1) IF ((ANS .EQ. 'Y') .OR. (ANS .EQ. 'y')) GO TO 220 C 260 RETURN C END