.TITLE CMTAB .IDENT /M03.0/ ; ; ; Original AUTHOR: D. N. CUTLER 15-FEB-76 ; ; Completely rewritten ; J. CLEMENT ; 1. added many new commands (DEFINE,FLAGS,ENABLE,HEADER,UNDERLINE..) ; 2. Table is compressed!!! ; 3. Non DSR commands and non standard commands are commented ; ; RUNOFF COMMAND TABLE ; ; LOCAL MACRO DEFINITIONS ; ; The table structure goes as follows: ; CM is a table entry ; CMSUB is a common entry pointing to subentries ; Mandatory characters are in uppercase ; Incorrect chars cause skip to next space or capital letter ; Lowercase chars mark end of abbreviated name ; Each string is preceeded by a string count ; CM strings are terminated by a negative byte plus status bits ; CMSUB strings are terminated by 37 ; CMSUB string is only first word of command ; ; GENERATE COMMAND TABLE ENTRY ; .MACRO CM EP,NAM,FLAGS .STRNG .BYTE 1$-. .ASCII ^NAM^ 1$: .DSPCH .WORDA EP .ENDM ; ; Synonym entry (follows regular entry) ; .MACRO SYN NAM,FLAGS .STRNG .BYTE 1$-.+^o200 .ASCII ^NAM^ 1$: .DSPCH .ENDM ; ; Start subtable ; .MACRO CMSUB EP,NAM .STRNG .BYTE 1$-. .ASCII ^NAM^<^o37> 1$: .DSPCH .WORDA EP .ENDM ; ; Start subtable ; .MACRO CMCNT EP .STRNG .BYTE #^o200 .DSPCH .WORDA EP .ENDM ; ; Macro to set up start of table ; .MACRO CMBEG .STRNG $$$=. .DSPCH .WORDA $$$-COMTAB .ENDM ; ; End table macro ; .MACRO CMEND .STRNG .byte 0 ; End of string .DSPCH .WORDA 0 ; End of entries .endm ; ; COMMAND TABLE ; .STRNG COMTAB:: .DSPCH DSPAT:: .WORDA ACTAB .worda BCTAB .worda CCTAB .worda DCTAB .worda ECTAB .worda FCTAB .worda GCTAB .worda HCTAB .WORDA ICTAB .worda JCTAB .worda KCTAB .worda LCTAB .worda MCTAB .worda NCTAB .worda OCTAB .worda PCTAB .WORDA QCTAB .worda RCTAB .worda SCTAB .worda TCTAB .worda UCTAB .worda VCTAB .worda WCTAB .worda XCTAB .WORDA YCTAB .worda ZCTAB ACTAB: CMBEG CM APNDX,,BRKF!FOTF!NOTF SYN ,BRKF!FOTF!NOTF CMSUB A1TAB, CMEND ; marks end of table ; ; ; ; If this is changed must change N2A ; .STRNG A1STR: ; String address this .DSPCH A1TAB: CMBEG CM AUBRK,,FOTF!NOTF CM AUHYP,,FOTF!NOTF CM AUTOP,,FOTF CM AUSTL,,FOTF!RELF CM AUTTB,,FOTF CM AUTTL,,FOTF!RELF CMEND BCTAB: CMBEG CM BGBAR,<egin Bar> CM LINSKP,<lank>,BRKF CMSUB B1TAB,<Reak > CMEND ; marks end of table B1TAB: CMBEG CM BRKLN,<Line>,BRKF CM BREAK,<>,BRKF CMEND .page CCTAB: CMBEG CM CLAYOU,<Hapter LayOut>,FOTF!NOTF!LCKF ; Non dsr CM CHPTR,<Hapter>,BRKF!FOTF!NOTF ; CM COLUMN,<OLUMNs>,BRKF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM COMNT,<Omment> CM COPTOC,<COPy TOC> ; Non dsr CMSUB C1TAB,<ENTEr > ; - SPR 017 CMSUB C1TAB,<entre > CMEND ; marks end of table C1TAB: CMBEG CM CENTRT,<Text>,BRKF!RELF ; Non dsr CM CENTER,<line>,BRKF!RELF ; Non dsr CMEND ; marks end of table DCTAB: CMBEG CM DSAPN,<AX>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF CM DSCHP,<CH>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF CMSUB D3TAB,<EFine > CMSUB D4TAB,<ELete > CMSUB D2TAB,<ISPlay > CM DSLEV,<HL>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF CM DSELE,<LE>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF CM DSNUM,<NM>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF CM DSSUBP,<SP>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF CM DSINX,<IX> CM DOINX,<O INDEX>,BRKF!TEXF!FOTF!NOTF SYN <X>,BRKF!TEXF!FOTF!NOTF CMSUB D1TAB,<isable > CMEND ; marks end of table ; ; <DISABLE > ; ; If E1 is changed this must be changed also ; D1TAB: .WORDA E1STR-comtab .WORDA DSCBR .WORDA NUSRCM ; Non dsr .WORDA DSCONT ; Non dsr .WORDA DSESC ; Non dsr .WORDA DSEQU ; Non dsr .WORDA D5TAB ; Non dsr .WORDA DSHYP .WORDA DSINX .WORDA DNMCH ; Non dsr .WORDA DNMPG ; Non dsr .WORDA DISODD ; Non dsr .WORDA DSOVR .WORDA DSPAG ; Non dsr .WORDA DSSUB .WORDA DSTAB ; Non dsr .WORDA DSTOC .WORDA DSTRZ ; Non dsr .WORDA DSUNC ; Non dsr .WORDA DSUNL .WORDA 0 ; ; <DISPLAY > ; D2TAB: CMBEG CM DSAPN,<APpendix>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF CM DSCHP,<CHapter>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF CM DSELE,<ELements>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF SYN <LIst>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF CM DSLEV,<LEvels>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF CM DSNUM,<NUMbers>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF CM DSSUBP,<SUBPage>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF CM DSSTL,<SUBTitle>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF ; Non DSR CM DSTTL,<TItle>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF ; Non DSR CM DSTOCP,<TOC Page>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF ; Non DSR CMEND ; marks end of table ; ; <DEFINE > ; D3TAB: CMBEG CM DFCHW,<CHaracter Width>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM DFCOM,<COmmand>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF CM DFESC,<Escape>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM DFITM,<Item>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF CMSUB D3ATAB,<NUMber > CM DFSUB,<SUBSCript>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM DFMAC,<SUBSTitute>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM DFSUP,<SUPerscript>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM DFUNI,<UNits>,FOTF!NOTF!BRKF!TEXF CM DFVSP,<Variable SPace>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CMEND ; marks end of table D3ATAB: CMBEG CM DFNAP,<APpendix>, CM DFNCH,<CHapter>, CM DFNIT,<Items>, CM DFNHL,<LEvel>,TEXF!FOTF CM DFNLS,<LIst>FOTF CM DFNPG,<Page> ; ; <DELETE> ; D4TAB: CMBEG CM DELCOM,<COmmand>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM DLINDX,<INdex>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF CM DELSUB,<SUBstitute>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CMEND D5TAB: .WORDA F1STR-comtab .WORDA DFACFL .WORDA DFBRFL .WORDA DFCFL .WORDA ILCM .WORDA DFEFL ; Non dsr .WORDA DFEQFL ; Non dsr .WORDA DFHFL .WORDA DFIFL .WORDA DFLFL .WORDA DFOFL .WORDA DFPFL .WORDA DFQFL .WORDA DFSPFL ; Non dsr .WORDA DFSIFL .WORDA DFSBFL .WORDA DFTBFL ; Non dsr .WORDA DFUFL .WORDA DFSFL .WORDA DSAFL .WORDA 0 ; marks end of table .page ECTAB: CMBEG CM ENBAR,<B> CM ECENT,<CN>,BRKF ; Non dsr CM FOOTE,<FN>TEXF!BRKF CM ELIPS,<LLipses>,FOTF ; Non dsr CM ELIST,<LS>,BRKF!FOTF ELSCMD::CM ELSE,<LSE> CM ELTRL,<Literal>,BRKF CMSUB E2TAB,<ND > CM ENTRY,<NTry> CM ENOTC,<N>,BRKF CM ERIGHT,<R>,BRKF ; Non dsr CM ENDEQ,<SEQ>,BRKF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM PAGEC,<S>,BRKF!FOTF CM ENTEX,<TX>,BRKF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CMSUB E1TAB,<nable > CMEND ; marks end of table ; ; <ENABLE > ; If this is changed D1TAB may need to be changed ; .STRNG E1STR: ; String address this .DSPCH E1TAB: CMBEG CM ENCBR,<BAR> SYN <BB> CM USRCM,<Command Replacement>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF!LCKF CM ENCONT,<Continue> ; Non dsr CM ENESC,<EScape> ; Non dsr CM ENEQU,<EQuations>,FOTF ; Non dsr CMSUB E3TAB,<FLags > ; Non dsr CM ENHYP,<HYphenation> CM ENINX,<IndeXing> CM ENMCH,<NuMbering CHapter>,FOTF!LCKF!NOTF!TEXF ; Non dsr CM ENMPG,<NuMbering page>,FOTF!LCKF!NOTF!TEXF ; Non dsr SYN <NMPG>,FOTF!LCKF!NOTF!TEXF CM ENODD,<ODd>,FOTF!LCKF!NOTF!TEXF ; Non dsr CM ENOVR,<OVerstriking> CM ENPAG,<Paging> ; Non dsr CM ENSUB,<SubsTitution> ; Non dsr CM ENTAB,<TaBs> ; Non dsr CM ENTOC,<ToC> CM ENTRZ,<TRailing Zeroes>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF!BRKF ; Non dsr ENUCMD::CM ENUNC,<UNConditional>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF!BRKF ; Non dsr CM ENUNL,<UNderlining> SYN <UL> ; *** This must be last entry this table !!!!! CM ENALV,<LEvels>,FOTF!RELF!LCKF ; Non dsr CMEND ; marks end of table ; ; <END > ; E2TAB: CMBEG CM ENBAR,<Bar> CM ECENT,<Center>,BRKF ; Non dsr CM ECENT,<Centre>,BRKF ; Non dsr ; - SPR 018 CM FOOTE,<Footnote>BRKF!TEXF EICMD:: CM ENDIF,<If> CM ELIST,<LiSt>,BRKF!FOTF ELCMD:: CM ELTRL,<LITeral>,BRKF CM ENOTC,<Note>,BRKF CM ENDEQ,<SEparated eQuations>,BRKF!FOTF!NOTF; Non dsr CM PAGEC,<SubPage>,BRKF!FOTF CM ENTEX,<TeXt>,BRKF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM ENDTOC,<ToC>,BRKF!FOTF ; Non dsr CM ERIGHT,<Right>,BRKF ; Non dsr CMEND ; marks end of table E3TAB: .WORDA F1STR-comtab .WORDA EFACFL .WORDA EFBRFL .WORDA EFCFL .WORDA ILCM .WORDA EFEFL ; Non dsr .WORDA EFEQFL ; Non dsr .WORDA EFHFL .WORDA EFIFL .WORDA EFLFL .WORDA EFOFL .WORDA EFPFL .WORDA EFQFL .WORDA EFSPFL ; Non dsr .WORDA EFSIFL .WORDA EFSBFL .WORDA EFTBFL ; Non dsr .WORDA EFUFL .WORDA EFSFL .WORDA ENAFL .WORDA 0 ; marks end of table .page FCTAB: CMBEG CM FIGDF,<iGure Deferred>,BRKF!TEXF!FOTF!NOTF CM FIGUR,<iGure>,BRKF!FOTF CM FTITL,<irst Title>,FOTF CM FILLN,<ill>,BRKF CM TXDMP,<LUsh>,BRKF!TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM FOOTN,<ootNote>,TEXF!FOTF CMSUB F1TAB,<Lags > CMEND ; marks end of table ; ; <FLAGS > or <FL > ; ; If this table is changed All tables using F1STR must be ; changed ; .STRNG F1STR: ; String address this .DSPCH F1TAB: CMBEG CM ENACFL,<ACcept>,FOTF CM ENBRFL,<Break>,FOTF CM ENCFL,<CApitalize>,FOTF CM ENNFL,<COntrol>,FOTF CM ENEFL,<EScape>,FOTF ; Non dsr CM ENEQFL,<EQuations>,FOTF ; Non dsr CM ENHFL,<Hyphenate>,FOTF CM ENIFL,<Index>,FOTF CM ENLFL,<Lowercase>,FOTF CM ENOFL,<Overstrike>,FOTF CM ENPRFL,<Period>,FOTF CM ENQFL,<SPAce>,FOTF CM ESPFL,<SPEcial>,FOTF ; Non dsr CM ENSIFL,<SUBIndex>,FOTF CM ENSBFL,<SUBStitute>,FOTF CM ENTBFL,<Tabs>,FOTF ; Non dsr CM ENUFL,<UNderline>,FOTF CM ENSFL,<UPpercase>,FOTF CM ENAFL,<all>,FOTF CMEND ; marks end of table .page HCTAB: CMBEG CM HSPSW,<Alf SPacing>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM HEADR,<eader Level>,BRKF!FOTF!NOTF!RELF CM ENHYP,<Yphenation>,BRKF ; NON STANDARD CMSUB H1TAB,<EADers > CMSUB H1TAB,<D > CMEND ; marks end of table ; ; <HEADER > ; H1TAB: CMBEG CM HNOPG,<No PAge>,FOTF!LCKF ; Non dsr CM HPAGE,<PAge>,FOTF!LCKF ; Non dsr CM HEDSP,<SPacing>,FOTF!LCKF ; Non dsr CM HEADU,<UPper>,FOTF!LCKF CM HEADL,<LOwer>,FOTF!LCKF CM HEADM,<MIxed>,FOTF!LCKF CM HEADP,<on>,FOTF!LCKF ; Non dsr CMEND ; marks end of table ICTAB: CMBEG IFNCMD::CM IFNOT,<F Not> IFCMD:: CM IF,<F> CM IIFNOT,<mmediate IF Not> CM IIF,<mmediate IF> CMSUB I1TAB,<mmediate Test > ; Non dsr CM INDLTI,<ndent LEVels Titles>,FOTF!LCKF ; Non dsr CM INDLV,<ndent LEVels>,FOTF!LCKF ; Non dsr CM INDENT,<ndent>,BRKF CM INDEX,<NDEX> CMEND ; marks end of table I1TAB: CMBEG CM TSTPG,<Page>,TEXF!FOTF ; Non dsr CM TSTTX,<Text>,TEXF!FOTF ; Non dsr CMEND JCTAB: CMBEG CM JUSTN,<ustify>,BRKF CMEND ; marks end of table KCTAB: CMBEG CMSUB K1TAB,<eep > CMEND ; marks end of table .STRNG K1STR: ; String address this .DSPCH K1TAB: CMBEG CM KEEPT,<Tabs> ; Non DSR CM KEEPL,<lines> CMEND .page LCTAB: CMBEG CM LAYOU,<ayOut>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF CM LSTEL,<ist Element>,BRKF!FOTF CM LISTC,<iSt>,BRKF!FOTF CM SETLM,<eft Margin>,BRKF!RELF CM INDENT,<eft>,BRKF ; Must be after List E CM LITRL,<iTeral>,BRKF!FOTF!NOTF CM LOCKP,<OCK>,FOTF!LCKF!NOTF!LCKF ; Non dsr CM LWCAS,<ower Case> CMEND ; marks end of table NCTAB: CMBEG CM NAPDX,<MAX>,RELF!FOTF CM NCHPT,<MCH>,RELF!FOTF CM NUMON,<M>,RELF!FOTF ; NON STANDARD CM NLEVL,<MLV>,RELF!FOTF CM NULST,<MLS>,RELF!FOTF CM NUMON,<MPG>,RELF!FOTF CM NSPAG,<MSPG>,RELF!FOTF CM NUMOF,<NM>,FOTF!LCKF CM NOTE,<oTe>,BRKF!NOTF CM DSCFL,<FC>,FOTF ; NON STANDARD CM DSHFL,<FH>,FOTF ; NON STANDARD CMSUB N1TAB,<UMber > CMSUB N2TAB,<o > CMEND ; marks end of table ; ; <NUMBER > ; N1TAB: CMBEG CM NAPDX,<APpendix>,RELF!FOTF CM NCHPT,<CHapter>,RELF!FOTF CM NLEVL,<LEvel>,RELF!FOTF CM NMITM,<ITems>,RELF!FOTF CM NULST,<LIst>,RELF!FOTF SYN <ELements>,RELF!FOTF CM NUMON,<PAge>,RELF!FOTF CM NSPAG,<Subpage>,RELF!FOTF CM NUMON,<>,RELF!FOTF ; NON STANDARD CMEND ; marks end of table ; ; <NO > ; N2TAB: CMBEG CMSUB N2A,<Auto> CM NELIP,<ELlipses>,FOTF ; Non dsr CMSUB N2B,<FLags > CM FILOF,<Fill>,BRKF CM NHSPSW,<Half Spacing>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM NHEAD,<HeaDers on>,FOTF!LCKF CM DSHYP,<HYphenation>,BRKF ; NON STANDARD CM JUSOF,<Justify>,BRKF CMSUB N2C,<Keep > CM NOCHP,<Number Chapter>,FOTF!LCKF ; Non dsr CM NUMOF,<Number>,FOTF!LCKF CM NOPGNG,<PAging>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF CM NPERS,<PeRiod>,FOTF CM NOSPC,<SPace> CM NTITL,<TITle>,FOTF!LCKF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM UNLNC,<UNderline>,FOTF ; Non dsr CM NVSP,<Variable SPacing>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF ; Non dsr CM NOVARN,<VarianT> ; Non dsr CMEND ; marks end of table ; ; <Auto> ; ; If this is changed must also change A1STR N2A: .WORDA A1STR-comtab .WORDA NAUBRK .WORDA NAUHYP .WORDA NAUTO .WORDA NAUSTL .WORDA NAUTO .WORDA NAUTL .WORDA 0 ; ; either <NO FLAGS > or <NFL > ; ; Note if table F1 is changed this must also change ; N2B: .WORDA F1STR-comtab .WORDA DSACFL .WORDA DSBRFL .WORDA DSCFL .WORDA DSNFL .WORDA DSEFL ; Non dsr .WORDA DSEQFL ; Non dsr .WORDA DSHFL .WORDA DSIFL .WORDA DSLFL .WORDA DSOFL .WORDA DSPRFL .WORDA DSQFL .WORDA DSPFL ; Non dsr .WORDA DSSIFL .WORDA DSSBFL .WORDA DSTBFL ; Non dst .WORDA DSUFL .WORDA DSSFL .WORDA DSAFL .WORDA 0 N2C: .WORDA K1STR-comtab ; IF T1 changed this must be also .WORDA NKEEPT .WORDA NKEEPL .WORDA 0 .page PCTAB: CMBEG CM PARAG,<aragraph>,BRKF CM SETPG,<age Size>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF!RELF SYN <aper Size>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF!RELF CM PAGEV,<aGe Even>,BRKF!TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non DSR syn <GE>,BRKF!TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non DSR CM PAGOD,<aGe Odd>,BRKF!TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non DSR CM NEWPAG,<aGe>,BRKF!FOTF!NOTF CM PGNG,<Aging>,FOTF!NOTF!BRKF CM PERSP,<eRiod>,FOTF CM PERFN,<ermanent FootNote>,FOTF!NOTF CM PINDX,<rint indeX>,BRKF!TEXF!FOTF CMEND ; marks end of table RCTAB: CMBEG CM RSTU,<ESTore STatus>,FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr .if ndf RT11 CM REQBIN,<EQuire BINary>,BRKF!TEXF!FOTF!NOTF; Non dsr .endc CM REQUR,<EQuire>,FOTF!NOTF CMSUB R1TAB,<ESEt > CMSUB R2TAB,<ight > CMEND ; marks end of table ; ; <RESET > ; R1TAB: CMBEG CM RSESC,<ESCape>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM RSINDX,<INDex>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM RSSUB,<SUBstitute>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CMEND ; ; <Right> ; R2TAB: CMBEG CM SETRM,<Margin>,BRKF!RELF CM RIGHT,<TEXt>,BRKF ; Non dsr CM RIGHJ,<>,BRKF CMEND .page SCTAB: CMBEG CMSUB S1TAB,<AVe > CM BEGEQ,<Eparated eQuations>,BRKF!FOTF!NOTF; Non dsr CM SETUP,<ETUP>,FOTF!TEXF!NOTF CM SKIP,<kip>,BRKF CM SSP,<Pacing>,BRKF CM SENTC,<end ToC> CM SENPTC,<end PaGe ToC> CM SETLEV,<et Level> CM SETPR,<et PaRagraph>,FOTF CM SETSTL,<ubTitle>,FOTF CM TPAGE,<ubPaGe>,BRKF!FOTF CM STAND,<tanDard>,BRKF!FOTF!RELF ; NON STANDARD CMSUB S2TAB,<Tyle > CMEND ; marks end of table ; ; <SAVE> commands ; s1TAB: CMBEG CM APSVST,<Appendix>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM CHSVST,<Chapter>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM HDSVST,<Headers>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM LVSVST,<Levels>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM SAVU,<Status>,TEXF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CMEND S2TAB: CMBEG CM STYCH,<CHapter>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF!TEXF ; NON STANDARD CM STYHD,<Headers levels>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF!TEXF SYN <LEvels>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF!TEXF CMEND TCTAB: CMBEG CM TSTPG,<est Page>,BRKF!TEXF!FOTF CM TSTTX,<est Text>,BRKF!TEXF!FOTF ; Non dsr CMSUB T2TAB,<EXt > CMSUB T2TAB,<X > CM SETTL,<itle>,FOTF CM SETTM,<op Margin>,BRKF!RELF!FOTF!LCKF CM BETOC,<OC>,FOTF ; Non dsr CM TRACE,<RACE> ; Non dsr CM TYPE,<YPE> ; Non dsr CMSUB T1TAB,<abs > CMEND ; marks end of table T1TAB: CMBEG CM SETTAB,<Stops>,FOTF!RELF CM TABPR,<Proportional>,FOTF ; Non dsr CM TABRI,<Right>,FOTF ; Non dsr CM TABLF,<Left>,FOTF ; Non dsr CMEND T2TAB: CMBEG CM TEXTD,<Deferred>,BRKF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CM TEXTC,<>,BRKF!FOTF!NOTF ; Non dsr CMEND .page UCTAB: CMBEG CM UPCAS,<pper Case> ; Non dsr CMSUB U1TAB,<Nderline > CMSUB U1TAB,<L> ; Non dsr CMEND ; marks end of table U1TAB: CMBEG CM UNLSP,<SPaces>,FOTF ; Non dsr CM UNLNS,<No SPaces>,FOTF ; Non dsr CM UNLCH,<>,FOTF ; Non dsr CMEND ; marks end of table VCTAB: CMBEG CM VARSP,<ARiable SPacing>,BRKF!FOTF!LCKF ; Non dsr CM VARIAN,<ARIANt>,LCKF ; Non dsr CMEND ; marks end of table XCTAB: CMBEG CM INDEX,<>, YCTAB: CMBEG CM ENTRY,<> CMEND ; marks end of table ; ; Nonexistant char entries ; GCTAB: MCTAB: OCTAB: QCTAB: ; Q is reserved for user commands so do not use it WCTAB: ZCTAB: CMBEG CMEND .END