; ; Task build file for BONNER LAB RUNOFF - with FCS library ; RNO/-FP=FCSBLD/MP TASK=...RNO PAR=GEN UNITS=9 ACTFIL=7 ASG=TI:1:2 ASG=SY:3:4:5:6:7:8:9 LIBR=FCSRES:RO EXTTSK=2048 ; ; ; ; SET DEFAULT SWITCHES ; ; /FF 1 FORM FEEDS (1=YES; 0=SIMULATE WITH LINE FEEDS) ; /HY 2 HYPHENATE OUTPUT (1=YES) ; /WA 4 WAIT BETWEEN PAGES (1=YES) ; /SP 10 SPOOL OUTPUT FILE (1=YES) ; /UC 20 FORCE ALL UPPER CASE (1=YES) ; /CR 40 Output CR/LF (1=yes) 1 should be default ; /EV 100 Output even pages (1=yes) ; /OD 200 Output odd pages (1=yes) ; /DE 400 Type all input lines (1=yes) ; /TT 1000 Do write all to output device. (1=yes) (defualt=1) ; /2P 2000 Do 2 passes (1=yes) ; /WR 4000 Suppress warning messages ; /EO 10000 Errors are output to .DOC file ; GBLPAT=RNO:INI$SW:1043 ; ; SET DEFAULT UNDERLINE MODE ; 102 = /UL:B ; 114 = /UL:L ; 116 = /UL:N ; 123 = /UL:S GBLPAT=RNO:IUL:114 ; ; Modify RNPRE.MAC for other installation dependent params ; //