.ifnot HLP .APPENDIX RUNOFF ERROR MESSAGES .INDEX ERROR MESSAGES .endif HLP .HELPB ERRORS RUNOFF produces error messages in the following format: .skip .nofill .indent +16 RNO -- error message .skip .fill Most of the error messages are self-explanatory. In some cases, RUNOFF prints the line in which the error has occured, so that the user can examine the problem and correct it. Following the source line is the line number and file name in which that source line appears. If the error occured in a substitution, the substitution label is printed followed by the section in error inside brackets. .if hlp .s;FOR FURTHER HELP TYPE: the first word in the error message. .ls 1 "*" .else hlp .LIST 1 .endif hlp .HELPC BAD .list element RNO -- Bad parameters .p A command parameter is not "correct". The command listed is listed up to the point where the bad parameter appears. An example of a bad parameter would be _.INDENT 25 when you only have 20 characters per line. (Remember that the minimum number of characters per line is 16 and the minimum number of lines/page is also 16.) The following is a partial list of commands that generate this error: .ls 0 .le; _.DEFINE ESCAPE when input is not decimal or literal. .le; _.DEFINE SUBSTITUTE without delimiters around the label, or with blanks or tabs in the label. .le; _.DISPLAY with a format that is not one of the following: .i5;D, LU, LL, LM, RU, RL, or RM. .le; Commands that take literals as input when the apostrophe (') or quotes (") are missing. .le; Commands with input numbers that are too big or too small. For example, _.HEADER LEVEL 7 is nonsensical and is flagged as an error. .end list 0 .HELPC CAN .le; RNO -- Can't indent list element .p The user has nested lists that cause RNO to attempt indenting beyond the right margin. .le; RNO -- Can't justify line: .p A line of text was found containing no spaces (other than quoted spaces), so the line could not be justified. .le; RNO -- Can't reduce margins .p A _.NOTE command occured after the margins were set to values that prevent the _.NOTE command from reducing margins by 5. The margins cannot be reduced to less than 16 characters/line. .TEST PAGE 8 .HELPC CHARACTER .le; RNO -- Character already defined as flag .p In attempting to enable a character as a flag, it was discovered that the same character is already being used for another flag. You should decide which flag you want and either disable the previous flag with a _.NO FLAGS command, or use a different character for the second flag. .le; RNO -- Character specified is not special flag .p In attempting to disable an individual special flag, it was found that the flag character was not previously defined as a special flag in a _.FLAGS SPECIAL command. .HELPC COMMAND .le; RNO -- Command string syntax error .p The command string cannot be deciphered. The general form of the RUNOFF command string is: .i5; Document_file,Toc_file=Input_file/Options .br; The Options or the Toc_file can be omitted, but the other items must be specified. See the COMMAND STRING section. .le;RNO -- Command illegal inside user defined command .p The IF/IFNOT/ELSE and ENDIF commands cannot be used inside user defined commands. .HELPC CONFLICT .le; RNO -- Conflicting command .p The indicated command conflicts with a previous command. Some possibilities are: .list 0 .le; The current command is _.RIGHT, but a _.CENTER has also been specified for the current line. .le; The current command is _.CENTER, but _.RIGHT or _.INDENT has already been specified. .le; The current command is _.INDENT, but _.RIGHT has been specified. .end list 0 .HELPC DEFERRED .le; RNO -- Deferred page overflow .p The number of lines of text after the _.TEXT DEFERRED command take up more space than is available on a page. You must either reduce the amount of text or increase the page size. This error will also occur if you forget to end the section of text with either _.END TEXT, _.TEXT, _.TEXT DEFERRED, or _.PAGE. .HELPC DEFINITION .le;RNO -- Definition too long .p The definition of subscripts, superscripts must not exceed $SUPSIZ$ numbers and characters. The definition of variable spacing must not exceed $VARSIZ$ numbers and characters. .HELPC EXTRANEOUS .le; RNO -- Extraneous chars after legal command .p One or more extraneous characters appear after a legal command and before the next command. These are either typographical errors or you used the command improperly. The command is executed in either case. .HELPC IF .le; RNO -- IF - too many nestings .p Nesting of more than 31 IF statements was attempted. The maximum nesting depth is 31. .HELPC ILLEGAL .le; RNO -- Illegal command .p This message encompasses a large range of errors. The following is a partial list of commands that will generate this message: .list 0 .le; _.END FOOTNOTE, if no _.FOOTNOTE command precedes it. .le; _.END LIST, if no _.LIST command precedes it, or if the spacing is greater than 5 or less than 0. .le; _.END LITERAL, if no _.LITERAL command precedes it. .le; _.END NOTE, if no _.NOTE command precedes it. .els 0 .le; RNO -- Illegal command after _.LOCK command .p You used _.LOCK at the head of the document and subsequent illegal commands were encountered. You can probably ignore this error message if your document is satisfactory. The inclusion of the _.LOCK command was designed to exclude the statements that are now illegal. .le; RNO -- Illegal command after a _.TEXT command .p A text section was probably not ended with an _.END TEXT command. .le; RNO -- Illegal command during footnote .p An _.END FOOTNOTE statement is probably missing at the end of a footnote. Statements that change the overall page format are forbidden during footnotes. .le; RNO -- Illegal command during note .p A note is probably not ended with an _.END NOTE command. .le; RNO -- Illegal command on subpage .p A _.TEXT DEFERRED, _.PAGE EVEN, or _.PAGE ODD command might have been used after a _.SUBPAGE command, or a subpage was not ended with an _.END SUBPAGE command. .le; RNO -- Illegal flag character .p Only special characters can be used as flags. They are: .disable flags .I5;^ ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * = [ ] { } ~ + ` | < > ? _ \ / , . .enable flags .br Numbers or letters cannot be used as flag characters. .TEST PAGE 8 .HELPC IMPROPERLY .le; RNO -- Improperly nested IF, ENDIF, or ELSE .p Either: .list 0 .le; An _.ELSE or _.ENDIF was not preceded by an _.IF or _.IFNOT with the same label. .le; An _.ELSE was preceded by another _.ELSE with the same label. Only one _.ELSE per _.IF is allowed. .le; The current _.IF statement was preceded by another _.IF with the same label. Each _.IF must be followed by an _.ENDIF with the same label. .le; The end of the document was reached and the _.ENDIF corresponding to the current _.IF was not found. .els 0 .HELPC INPUT .le; RNO -- Input file error .p A read error has occured on an input file. One of the following conditions may exist: .list 0 .le; The file contains a line of text with more than 512 characters. You should edit the file and shorten all such long lines to less than 512 characters. .le; A problem exists with a physical device (e.g. device cycled down). .le; The file is corrupted, or the format is wrong. .le; The file is a nonsource file. (Object file, etc.) .els 0 .le; RNO -- Input file open error .p The file system, while attempting to open an input file, has detected an error. One of the following conditions may exist: .list 0 .le; The user directory file is protected against an open. .le; A problem exists with the physical device. .le; The volume is not mounted. .le; The specified file directory does not exist. .le; The file does not exist as specified. .els 0 .le; RNO -- Input file specification error .p An error exists in the input file specification. Correct the specification and re-enter the command. .HELPC INSUFFICIENT .le; RNO -- Insufficient dynamic memory .p One of the following commands filled up the dynamic memory: .list 0 .le; _.FOOTNOTE .le; _.TEXT .le; _.DEFINE ESCAPE - permanent .le; _.DEFINE Command - permanent .le; _.DEFINE ITEM - permanent .le; _.DEFINE SUBSTITUTE - permanent .le; _.DEFINE NUMBER - permanent .le; _.INDEX - permanent .le; _.IF,_.IFNOT,_.VARIANT - permanent .els 0 All IF labels,index entries, escape sequences, and substitutions reduce dynamic memory permanently until the end of the current document, while footnotes and _.TEXT only use it temporarily. If you define many substitutions or use _.INDEX frequently, you must cut down on these statements. If the error occured during a footnote or _.TEXT, you can reduce the amount of text before the _.END statement. Instead of _.TEXT and _.END TEXT, use _.TEST PAGE or _.TEST TEXT. If you are currently using the non-overlaid version of RUNOFF, switch to the overlaid version. If using the overlaid version, you should switch to a smaller overlaid version. On RT-11 try the virtual version. This message is fatal, and you may not get any output if RUNOFF is in 2 pass mode. .HELPC INTERNAL .le; RNO -- Internal error - Contact your system manager .p This message is caused by an internal program error. You should never get this message. If you do, contact the system manager, unless you are already that person. This error indicates that RUNOFF is not working properly and should be fixed. It is also possible that you have had a hardware malfunction if the same version of RUNOFF used to work on the same identical text. Identical means no changes at all!! This is a fatal message, and you may not get any output as a result. .HELPC LITERAL .le;RNO -- Literal or label too long .p The length of the literal or label exceeds the maximum allowed. Several commands cause this error: .list 0 .le;_.IF commands - the maximum label is $IFMAX$ characters. .le;_.DEFINE commands - the maximum label is $SUBMAX$ characters. .le;_.DISPLAY commands - the maximum literal length is $PRE$ characters. .le;_.DISPLAY ELEMENTS or _.LIST command - the maximum literal length is 1 character. .els 0 .HELPC MAXIMUM .le; RNO -- Maximum list level exceeded .p More than $LISTMAX$ lists were attempted to be created. That is, the command _.LIST was issued more than $LISTMAX$ times without any _.END LIST statements. Subsequent _.LIST statements are ignored. .le; RNO -- Maximum subindex levels exceeded .p An attempt was made to subindex more than 6 times. The index terms are ignored. You can only use the subindex flag 6 times inside an _.INDEX command. .HELPC MISSING .iif spr86 .bb .le;RNO -- Missing END FOOTNOTE .br; At the end of the document an END FOOTNOTE command is missing. .le;RNO -- Missing END LIST .br; At the end of the document one or more END LIST commands are missing. .le;RNO -- Missing END LITERAL .br; At the end of the document an END LITERAL command is missing. .le;RNO -- Missing END NOTE .br; At the end of the document an END NOTE command is missing. .le;RNO -- Missing END TEXT .br; At the end of the document an END TEXT command is missing. .iif spr86 .eb .le; RNO -- Missing parameter .p The command requires a parameter. Look up the command description to determine the missing parameter. .le; RNO -- Missing denominator in equation .p At the end of the line, the end of a numerator was not found. You forgot to: .list 0 .le;close the numerator with a right brace }, and you did not supply a denominator, or .le;put an underscore "__" in front of a left brace "_{" that you wanted to print. .els 0 .le; RNO -- Missing right braces (}) in equation .p One of the following errors have been made: .list 0 .le; You forgot to close a fraction with a right brace }. The number of right braces must be the same as the number of left braces in all fractions. .le; The fraction was too wide to fit on the current line and it overflowed to the next one. Normally this mistake will result in a whole string of error messages following the Missing right brace message. .els 0 .HELPC OUTPUT .le; RNO -- Output file error .p A write error has occured on the output file. One of the following conditions exists: .list 0 .le; The device is full or is write protected. .le; The hardware has failed. .le; The user does not have write access privileges to the file. .els 0 .le; RNO -- Output file open failure .p The file system, while attempting to open the output file, has detected an error. One of the following conditions may exist: .list 0 .le; The user's directory file is protected against an open. .le; A problem exists with the physical device. .le; The volume is not mounted. .le; The specified file directory does not exist. .le; The device is full of write protected. .els 0 .le; RNO -- Output file specification error .p An error exists in the output file specification. Correct the specification and re-enter the command. .HELPC PERMANENT .le; RNO -- Permanent footnote error .p A permanent footnote was specified while a footnote was pending for the current output page. You must specify the permanent footnote first. .le; RNO -- Permanent footnote too long .p A permanent footnote longer than 6 lines was specified. The footnote is ignored. .HELPC SUBSTITUTION .le; RNO (WARNING) -- Substitution is not unique .p The substitution has been defined, but you might have trouble using it because it is not unique. You have done one of the following: .list 0 .le; The label is contained within an existing label. For example, you defined the label "ABC" but you previously defined "ABCD". .le; The label contains a previously defined label. For example, you attempted to define the label "Sigma", but you previously defined "Sig". .els 0 This message can be turn off by the .if rt /R:N .else rt /NOWR .endif rt option. .HELPC SYMBOL .le; RNO -- Symbol already defined .p One of the following errors occured: .list 0 .le; _.DEFINE ESCAPE - The escape sequence you are attempting to define is already defined. Either change the sequence name, or _.RESET ESCAPE. .le; _.DEFINE SUBSTITUTE - The substitution name or abbreviation has already been defined. You must change the name or _.RESET SUBSTITUTE. .els 0 .HELPC SYNTAX .le; RNO -- Syntax error in equation .p An equation is incorrectly formatted. Fractions are formatted as: .i5; {Numerator}/{Denominator} .br;You have made one of the following mistakes: .list 0 .le; There are extraneous characters between the numerator and denominator. For example, the following is an error: }/Denominator .le; You have started a numerator or denominator with a right brace } when you should have used a left brace {. .le; You have omitted the slash / between the numerator and denominator. The following expression is an example of this error: .i5; {Numerator}{Denominator} .els 0 Many times this error will be followed by other error messages. These extra messages can probably be ignored. Usually syntax errors will also cause the Missing right braces message. .HELPC TOO .le; RNO -- Too many nested fractions .p While the equation flag is engaged, an attempt was made to format fractions using the braces { } and too many fractions have been nested on top of one another. For example, if you input the following expression: .i5; {{A}/{B}}/{Denominator} .br; you have nested fractions up to a depth of 2. When the nesting exceeds a depth of 6, the equation formatting may fail. See the section on EQUATION FORMATTING. .le; RNO -- Too many nested _.REQ .p More than .if rt 7 .else rt 5 .endif rt nested levels of _.REQUIRE have been found. This means that the original file contained a _.REQ for a second file, which contained a _.REQ for a third file, and so on. When the _.REQ for .if rt an eighth .else rt a sixth .endif rt file was issued, it was ignored and this error message was issued. To fix this error you must rearrange your files to prevent more than .if rt 7 .else rt 5 .endif rt input files being in use at one time. .le; RNO -- Too many nested substitutions .p More than 3 levels of substitution have been attempted. This means that the first substitution contained a second, the second contained a third and the third contained a fourth. The fourth level is ignored. .le; RNO -- Too many tabs specified .p The maximum number of tabs stops you may specify is 32. Any more are ignored. .HELPC UNDEFINED .le; RNO -- Undefined escape seq. .p An escape flag or a special flag was used and the escape sequence corresponding to the flag was not been defined. You must define it with the _.DEFINE ESCAPE command. .le; RNO -- Undefined substitution .p .list 0 .le;The substitution flag (_$) was followed by an unrecognized label. Either you made a typographical error in the label, or you wished to print the substitute flag character in the text, but forgot to precede it with an Accept flag character(__). .le;The item used in _.NUMBER ITEM, _.DISPLAY ITEM, or _.DEFINE NUMBER ITEM is undefined. You must define it via _.DEFINE ITEM. .els 0 .HELPC UNRECOGNIZED .LE; RNO -- Unrecognized command .p A command or abbreviation was probably misspelled. Any input line is considered to begin with a command if the first character in column 1 is a decimal point. If you wish to begin a line of text with a decimal point, insert a space before it to prevent it from being confused with a command. .els 0