.if vmsnative .define subst /=$/= .define subst /,$/, .define subst /)$/) .define subst /($/( .else vmsnative .define subst /=$/: .define subst /,$/: .define subst /)$/ .define subst /($/ .endif vmsnative .ifnot HLP .if micro .subtitle $$OPER Operating procedures .page .else micro .CHAPTER $$OPER OPERATING PROCEDURES .endif micro .index Operation .hl 1 initiating runoff .else hlp .helpb OPERATION .endif hlp .p;RUNOFF can be initiated in several ways. The general formats are: .nofill .if VMSNative .s.i +5;$$PROMPT RUNOFF command__string/options .i10; ... or .s.i +5;$$PROMPT RUNOFF .br The operating system will ask you for the input file name. .else VMSNative .s.indent +5;$$PROMPT RNO Command__string/options .i10; ... or .s.indent +5;$$PROMPT RNO .indent +5;RNO>Command__string/options .i10; ... or if not installed .s.indent +5;$$PROMPT RUN RNO .indent +5;RNO>Command__string/options .endif VMSNative .fill .ifnot hlp .hl 1 rno command string .index Command string .else hlp .if RSX.br;Additional help is available on: .br;COMMAND__STRING .ifnot small FILE__SPECIFICATION .endif small OPTIONS .endif RSX .endif hlp .helpc COMMAND__STRING .p .ifnot small System programs usually require a command string to specify such things as input files and various options. A standard command string has one of the following forms: .endif small .skip .nofill .indent 5 .if VMSNative input1-file,input2-file,... .else VMSNative output-file,toc-file=input1-file...,input2... .x Table of contents .skip .indent 10 or .skip .indent 5 @command-file .skip .fill The output-file, toc-file, and input-file are strings comprising a file specification. The toc-file may be omitted if no table of contents is desired. .skip .endif VMSNative .ifnot small .ifnot VMSNative The second form of command string (@command-file) is used to specify an indirect command file. In this case, each record of the file is used as a command string before any commands following the indirect command are accepted. .endif VMSNative .skip The command string syntax is described more completely in the User's Guide for the relevant operating system. .ifnot hlp .hl 2 file specifications .index File Specifications .endif hlp .helpc FILE__SPECIFICATION .endif small A file specification has the following form: .nofill .skip .indent 5 .IF RSX Dev:[UIC]Filename.Typ;Ver .ENDIF RSX .IF VMS Dev:[Directory.subdir...]Filename.Typ;Ver .endif VMS .IF IAS Dev:[UIC]Filename.Typ;Ver .ENDIF IAS .skip .ifnot small .fill In this specification, Dev must be a legal device code. If omitted, the default value is SY:, the system disk. .IF RSX UIC must be a valid User Identification Code. If omitted the default is the current UIC. .ENDIF RSX .IF IAS UIC must be a valid User Identification Code. .ENDIF IAS .IF VMS Directory must be a valid directory name of the form [Name1.Name2#.#.#.Namen]. If omitted, the default is the current default directory. .endif VMS Filename is any 1- to 9-character alphanumeric string that specifies a file name. Typ is a 1- to 3-character alphanumeric file type. Finally, Ver is the version number of the file. This field also normally can be omitted since it defaults on input to the highest existing version number for the file and on output to the highest existing version number plus one. Normally you need only specify the Filename. .endif small .skip Default file specifications (any part of which may be overridden): .indent 5 ;Input: SY:name.RNO .i5;Output: SY:name.DOC .i5;Table of contents: SY:name.RNT .s .ifnot small If the name is omitted on the Output or Toc files, it is assumed to be the same as the first Input name. In other words: .if VMSNative .i5;_$ RUNOFF /TOC file .i10;is the same as: .i5;_$ RUNOFF /OUT=file.doc /TOC=file.rnt file .else VMSNative .i5;,=file .i10;is the same as: .i5;SY:file.DOC,SY:file.RNT=SY:file.RNO .i5;=file .i10;is the same as: .i5;SY:file.DOC=SY:file.RNO .endif VMSNative .ifNOT HLP .note Editing RUNOFF Output RUNOFF output files cannot normally be edited with the standard editors. This version can produce editable output if you use the /NOCR option when the text is processed. If You do this, /UL$=$L will not work, but the output may easily be edited. If this option is used, the ouput text/line must not exceed 256 characters, the output buffer size. If you need to use this feature with more than 256 characters/line, see BUILDING RNO for how to change the output buffer size. .EN .endif HLP .endif small .HELPC OPTIONS .ifnot hlp .HL 2 RNO OPTIONS .X Options .endif hlp A command string may have one or more options associated with it. .ifnot small .if hlp .if RSX.br;More information available: .ts +5,+5,+5,+5,+5,+5,+5,+5,+5,+5,+5,+5,+5,+5,+5,+5, .nj;format list /APPENDIX /CHAPTER /CR /DEBUG /EP /EVEN /FF /HYPHENATE /ODD /PAGES /PS /RIGHT /SPOOL /TT /UC /UL /WAIT /WR /2P .j .endif RSX .endif hlp .HELPD FORMAT An option is an indicator, consisting of a slash and a two-character ASCII name, used to select program options. Options may be used anywhere in the command string. The option itself may have three forms. For example, If the option designator is SW, then: .skip .indent +5 /SW sets the option action; .indent +5 /NOSW negates the option action .ifnot vmsnative , and .indent +5 /NOSW also negates the option action. .endif vmsnative .skip .fill In addition, the option identifier can be followed by any number of values. The permitted values are strings or decimal numbers. Any numeric value can be preceded with a + or a - sign; The following are valid option specifications. .skip .nofill .indent +5 /FF$=$27 .INDENT +5 /NOFF .INDENT +5 /ul$=$L .skip .fill .ifnot hlp .PAGE Fourteen options control the RNO program. These options, described below, may be specified on either the input or output file specification. The defaults may be set by the system manager at Task Build time. .endif hlp .HELPD LIST .endif small .ts +16,+8,+8,+8,+8,+8 .s.c;TABLE of RNO OPTIONS .c;[NO] indicates the option may be negated. .c;The negative of /CR is /NOCR .s.lm+16 .i-16;/APPENDIX$=$$($[l]$,$[h]$)$ --#Output only indicated appendix range. .i-16;/CHAPTER$=$$($[l]$,$[h]$)$ --#Output only indicated chapter range. .i-16;/[NO]CR --#Output CR,LF in file. .i-16;/[NO]DEBUG --#Type out input lines (debug) .i-16;/[NO]EP --#Errors printed in .DOC file .i-16;/[NO]EVEN --#Output even numbered pages. .i-16;/[NO]FF$=$[n] --#Put form-feed at end of page. .i-16;/[NO]HYPHENATE --#Hyphenate output .i-16;/[NO]ODD --#Output odd numbered pages. .if VMSNative .i-16;/OUTPUT=file --#Specify output file name .endif VMSNative .i-16;/PAGES$=$$($[l]$,$[h]$)$ --#Output only indicated page range .i-16;/PS$=$$($[h]$,$[w]$)$ --#Set page size to H,W (height,width) .i-16;/RIGHT$=$n --#Right shift output. n=amount of shift. .i-16;/[NO]SPOOL --#Spool the output file. .if VMSNative .i-16;/TOC[=file] --#Create an intermediate table of contents file .endif VMSNative .i-16;/[NO]TT --#Bypass checks and do a write all on output. .i-16;/[NO]UC --#Force ALL uppercase output .i-16;/UL$=$x --#Underline x=[B-backspace, S-simulate, L-line, N-none] .i-16;/[NO]WAIT --#Wait at beginning of a page. .i-16;/[NO]WR --#Warning message output. .i-16;/[NO]2P --#Two pass operation. .i-16;DEFAULT: /CR/NODE/NOEP/EV/OD/PS$=$$($$DEFPAGL$$,$$DEFPAGW$$)$ .no space;/HY/NOSP/TT/UL$=$L/NOWA/WR/NO2P .lm .ifnot small .helpd /APPENDIX .text .if hlp .set paragraph 0,0,0,0 .else hlp .p This following is a detailed explanation of each option. .left margin .ts +9,+8,+8 .left margin +11 .set paragraph -11,1,4,0 .endif hlp .text.p;/APPENDIX$=$$($[l]$,$[h]$)$ --#Output only indicated appendix range. .br;l = lowest appendix to print .br;h = highest appendix to print .i5;default = print all .br;For example, if you wish to print appendix 5, type: .i5;/APPENDIX$=$$($5$,$5$)$ .br;If you wish to print appendices 3 to 6: .i5;/APPENDIX$=$$($3$,$6$)$ .br;If you wish to print appendices 2, etc.: .i5;/APPENDIX$=$2 .br;Appendix numbers may range from 0 to $NUMSIZ$. .br;(Not available in DSR) .helpd /CHAPTER .text .p;/CHAPTER$=$$($[l]$,$[h]$)$ --#Output only indicated chapter range. .br;l = lowest chapter to print .br;h = highest chapter to print .i5;default = print all .br;If you wish to print chapters 1 to 5, type: .i5;/CHAPTER$=$$($1$,$5$)$ or /CHAPTER$=$$($$,$5$)$ .br;If you wish to print chapter 4 on: .i5;/CHAPTER$=$4 .br;Chapter numbers may range from 0 to $NUMSIZ$. .br;(Not available in DSR) .helpd /CR .text .x Carriage-return .p;/CR --#Output CR,LF in file. (DEFAULT) .p;/NOCR --#Output regular text (No CR,LF). .br;When you use /CR, the output file will contain the necessary codes to advance the paper. .s.br;With /NOCR, no carriage returns or line feeds are output. The file type is "CR". This mode is intended for outputing text that may be edited by any editor or copied by FLX. This mode doesn't work properly if the output line exceeds 256 characters. It should never be used if escape sequences, half spacing, or equations are desired. .br;(Not available in DSR) .helpd /DEBUG .text .p;/DEBUG --#Type all input lines. .p;/NODEBUG --#Do not type input lines. (DEFAULT) .br;This is intended as a debugging aid. Input lines are typed on your terminal so you can view exactly where errors are in relation to the input. .br;(Subset of DSR) .helpd /EP .text .p;/EP --#Error messages are printed in .DOC file. Only non fatal error messages appear in the output file. Fatal messages are typed on the terminal. .p;/NOEP --#Error messages are typed at terminal. .br;(Similar to /MESSAGE in DSR) .helpd /EVEN .text .p;/EVEN --#Output even numbered pages. (DEFAULT) .p;/NOEVEN --#Do not output even numbered pages. .br If you wish to print on both sides of you paper, you can first print the odd pages by using /NOEVEN; then you can turn the paper over and print the even pages using /NOODD. You might want to use /RIGHT with /NOEVEN if you need extra margin for binding on odd numbered pages. .br;(Not available in DSR) .helpd /FF .text .X Form-feeds .p;/FF --#Use form-feed at end of each page. (DEFAULT) .p;/NOFF$=$[n] --#Simulate Form-feeds with blank lines .br;When you use /FF, form feeds are only output at the end of a page. This causes the printer to advance to the next page. When you start printing, the paper must be properly adjusted because there is no form feed at the beginning of the first page. Most printers keep track of the paper and automatically advance to the beginning of the next page when given a form-feed. .s.br;/NOFF is usually used with primitive line printers that do not recognize form-feeds, or it can be used to have output text that is free of form-feeds. The end of each page will be padded with sufficient blank lines to advance the paper to the beginning of the next page. n is paper length, (normally 66) set by your system manager. n must be less than 128. If n is 0, then no blank lines separate pages. .br;(Similar to /SIMULATE and /FORM__SIZE in DSR) .helpd /HYPHENATE .text .p;/HYPHENATE --#Hyphenate output. (DEFAULT) .p;/NOHYPHENATE --#Do not hyphenate output. .br;When /NOHYPHENATE is used output will not be hyphenated. Neither auto or manual hyphenation will work. This overrides the _.ENABLE HYPHENATION command. .X Hyphenation .br;(Not available in DSR) .helpd /ODD .text .p;/ODD --#Output odd numbered pages. (DEFAULT) .p;/NOODD --#Do not output odd numbered pages. .br;This command is used to separate even, from odd pages. See /EVEN. .br;(Not available in DSR) .helpd /PAGES .text .p;/PAGES$=$$($[l]$,$[h]$)$ --#Output only indicated page range. .br;l = lowest page to print .br;h = highest page to print .i5;default = print all .br;This option should be used with the /APPENDIX,or /CHAPTER options for chapter oriented text. Page numbers can range from 1 to 4000 If h is omitted, there is no maximum page number. If l is omitted, it is assumed to be page 1. For example, if you wish to print pages 5 to 10, then specify .i5;/PAGES$=$$($5$,$10$)$ .br;or you wish to print pages 6 to the end of the document, specify .i5;/PAGES$=$6 .br;(Subset of DSR) .helpd /PS .text .x Page size .p;/PS$=$$($[h]$,$[w]$)$ --#Set initial page size to h,w (height,width) .i5;default=/PS$=$$($$DEFPAGL$$,$$DEFPAGW$$)$ (See PAGE SIZE command). .br;If a _.PAGE SIZE command is used in your _.RNO file, it will override this option setting. H must be larger than 15 and less than 128. W must be larger than 15 less than 256. .br;(Similar to /FORM__SIZE in DSR) .helpd /RIGHT .text .p;/RIGHT$=$n --#Right shift output. n=amount of shift. .X Right shift .br;This adds extra space to the left margin. The shift is in addition to the _.LEFT MARGIN and the _.ENABLE BAR commands. .s.br;EXAMPLE: If you wish to add 5 spaces (1/2 inch PICA type): .i5;/RIGHT$=$5 .br;(Same as in DSR) .helpd /SPOOL .text .p;/SPOOL --#Spool the output file. .p;/NOSPOOL --#Do not spool output file. .br;causes the output file to be printed on the line printer. NOTE: This does not apply to the TOC file. .X Spooling .br;(Not available in DSR) .helpd /TT .text .p;/TT --#Do write all output. (DEFAULT) .p;/NOTT --#Normal output. .br;In /TT mode, the text is output without any changes. This bypasses normal operating system checking of output. This option works only if you send the output directly to a terminal or printer, and not to a file. The device must be defined as a terminal type device. This option affects only the _.DOC output and not the _.RNT file. Sometimes the operating system will swallow control codes sent to the output device; this option insures that this will not happen. .br;(Not available in DSR) .helpd /UC .text .p;/UC --#Force ALL uppercase output. The output will all be in caps. .p;/NOUC --#Allow normal case conversion. (DEFAULT) .X Case .br;(Not available in DSR) .helpd /UL .text .X Underlining .p;/UL$=$B --#Underline with a spacing-backspace. .br;This type of underlining may fail to work properly if sub/superscripts or weird selectable fonts are used in the text. Alternate fonts must have the underscore in the normal ASCII position for this option to work. .p;/UL$=$L --#Underline via line overprint with underline character. (DEFAULT) .p;/UL$=$N --#Underlining suppressed. .br;This overrides the _.ENABLE UNDERLINING command. .p;/UL$=$S --#Simulate underline with hyphen character on next line. .br;This is used for line printers that have no special features. Sometimes this option may add an extra line to a page to accomodate underlining. To avoid this, _.LAYOUT n,s with s greater than 0 should be used. This reserves an extra line for possible underlines. .br;(Similar to several options in DSR) .helpd /WAIT .text .p;/WAIT --#Wait at beginning of each page. .p;/NOWAIT --#Print each page with no wait. (DEFAULT) .br;/WAIT is useful if your printer must have some adjustments at the top of each page, or if you must feed in each page manually. RNO will wait for you to press the "return" key on the terminal before printing the next page. .br;(Same as /PAUSE in DSR) .helpd /WR .text .p;/WR --#Warning message output. (DEFAULT) .p;/NOWR --#No warning message output. .br Warning messages notify you of problems with the input that might cause you difficulties. Warning messages do not indicate that a problem actually occured, only that one might occur. .br;(Not available in DSR) .helpd /2P .text .p;/2P --#Two pass operation. .p;/NO2P --#One pass operation. (DEFAULT) .br;RNO can perform 2 passes so that all substitutions are defined on the first pass, and all text output on the second. This allows both forward and backward references. The _.TYPE commands are executed for the second pass, but not for the first. This option will cause error messages to appear in different places. All multiple substitute definitions appear during pass 1 while all other messages except fatal messages appear during pass 2. Fatal messages appear only once, and, if they occur, output may be missing. RNO will take about twice as long to execute in 2 pass mode. .br;(Not available in DSR) .index Two pass mode .if VMSNative .text .helpd /OUTPUT .p;/OUTPUT=file .br;Normally the output file is created in the users default directory with the same file name as the first input file, and the extension _.DOC. If you wish to specify the file name, you should use this option. .br;(Same as in DSR) .text .helpd /TOC .p;/TOC[=file] .br;To get a table of contents, you must create a _.RNT file using this option. Then pass _.RNT file through RNO to create the table of contents. If the file name is not specified, it is the same as the first input file with the extension _.RNT .br;(Similar to DSR) .endif VMSNative .etx.FILL .endif small .LEFT MARGIN .set paragraph 0,1,2,2