.LM .ifnot hlp .HL 1 PARAMETER SETTING .index Parameter setting .endif hlp .ts 10,30,50,70,90,110 .helpc MARGINS .if hlp .if rsx .i5;ADDITIONAL HELP AVAILABLE: LEFT RIGHT TOP PAGE note .endif rsx .helpd LEFT .endif hlp .q _.LEFT MARGIN [+-n] .qq _.LM [+-n] .p.x LEFT MARGIN sets the left margin to n, where n must be at least 16 less than the right margin but not less than 0. The initial left margin setting is 0. If n is not specified, the permanent margin is restored. If the margin is specified with a + or - sign, n is added to or subtracted from the current margin. .ifnot small For example: .i5;_.LEFT MARGIN +5 .br;moves the margin 5 spaces to the right. .i5;_.LEFT MARGIN -5 .br;moves the margin back 5 spaces to the left. .i5;_.LEFT MARGIN .br;sets the margin to the value last specifed in a _.PAGE SIZE command. .br;Tab stops are relative to the margin at 0. In other words, if you set _.LEFT MARGIN 10 _.TAB STOPS 10,15,20,25, then the tab stop at 10 will be ineffective because it is already at the left margin. .helpd RIGHT .br .endif small .q _.RIGHT MARGIN [+-n] .qq _.RM [+-n] .skip .x RIGHT MARGIN sets the right margin to n, where n must be 16 greater than the left margin. .ifnot small The initial right margin setting is 60. If n is not supplied, the current page width (set with the PAGE SIZE command) is used. If the margin is specified with a + or - sign, n is added to or subtracted from the current margin. .helpd TOP .br .endif small .q _.TOP MARGIN [+-n] .qq _.TM [+-n] .p.x TOP MARGIN sets the top margin (the number of blank lines at the top of the page) to n. .ifnot small The top margin must be less than the total number of lines on the page. The default value is 0. If n is not specified, the top margin is reset to the default or permanent value. See the _.PAGE SIZE command for more information. If the margin is specified with a + or - sign, n is added to or subtracted from the current margin. .i5;(Not available in DSR) .helpd PAGE .br .endif small .q _.PAPER SIZE [+-h],[+-w],[+-l],[+-t],[s] .qq _.PAGE SIZE [+-h],[+-w],[+-l],[+-t],[s] .qq _.PS [+-h],[+-w],[+-l],[+-t],[s] .p.x PAPER SIZE .x PAGE SIZE sets the size of the page to h lines high by w characters wide. Also, the LEFT MARGIN is set to l, the TOP MARGIN to t and the spacing to s. These settings are permanent since they are now the new default for the duration of the document. .ifnot small .bb If a _.PAGE SIZE command is given in the middle of a page, the page length (h) and top margin (l) will not change for the current page, but will change for the next page only. The left/right margins and spacing (l,w,s) will change for the current page. .eb .p Every _.CHAPTER or _.APPENDIX command will reinstate the permanent settings. Other margin commands without any margins specified will also reset the requested margin to the permanent value. All values can be set to the permanent values by issuing the _.PAGE SIZE command without any parameters. The permanent values are used to determine the margins of the heading on each page. Older versions of RUNOFF used only the temporary right margin to set the header margins. If the margins are set so that there are fewer than 16 lines on a page or fewer than 16 spaces per line, the _.PAGE SIZE command will be rejected with an error message. This restriction also applies to the margin commands. The maximum h is 127. .endif small .i5;DEFAULT: _.PAGE SIZE $DEFPAGL$,$DEFPAGW$,0,0,1. .ifnot small .i5;(DSR doesn't support permanent margins or parameters l,t,s) .HELPD NOTE .note If you wish this command or any other margin command to set the margins for the entire document, including the first page, you must put the command before any text and before _.BLANK, _.SKIP, _.FIGURE, _.CHAPTER, or any other command that generates text. .en .endif small .helpc SPACING .br .q _.SPACING [lines] .qq _.SP [lines] .p.x SPACING sets the number of spaces between lines. Spacing can range from 1 to 5 lines. .ifnot small If n is omitted, the permanent spacing (normally 1) is restored. The permanent spacing is set by the _.PAGE SIZE command. This command influences _.PARAGRAPH, _.SET PARAGRAPH, _.TEST TEXT, and _.SKIP It has no effect on _.TEST PAGE, _.FIGURE, or _.BLANK. _.SPACING 1 is like single spacing on a typewriter, and _.SPACING 2 is like double spacing. .p _.CHAPTER or _.APPENDIX resets the spacing to the permanent value. _.PAGE#SIZE also restores the permanent value if the spacing parameter is not specified. .endif small .i5;DEFAULT: _.SPACING 1 .ifnot small .if hlp .if rsx .i5;ADDITIONAL HELP AVAILABLE: HALF .endif rsx .endif hlp .helpd HALF .endif small .q _.HALF SPACING [half lines] .qq _.NO HALF SPACING .x NO>HALF SPACING .p.x HALF SPACING is similar to the spacing command except that it turns on half spacing. "half lines" is the number of half lines per line of text. text. Once half spacing is enabled, every command that specifies spacing will work in increments of half lines. .ifnot small If "half lines" is omitted, the current spacing will remain unchanged. The _.HALF SPACING command ^&does not\& change any spacing unless n is specified or unless one of the commands listed above is used. Commands that are affected by half spacing are: .lm+5.nj.DHY _.BLANK _.FIGURE _.FIGURE#DEFERRED _.PAGE#SIZE _.TOP#MARGIN _.SPACING _.HEADER#SPACING _.LAYOUT _.STYLE#LEVELS _.STYLE#CHAPTER .nf .lm-5 .s 1 _.HALF SPACING 2 - Produces single spacing _.HALF SPACING 3 - Produces 1_&1/2 spacing _.HALF SPACING 4 - Produces double spacing .j.EHY.f .p After _.NO HALF SPACING, all commands that specify a spacing will work in increments of 1 space only. Previously specified spacing will, however, remain the same. This means that if you have set the spacing to 3 half lines and you wish it to be single spacing, you must subsequently issue _.SPACING#1. .NOTE _.HALF SPACING will only work properly if the printer supports subscripting. You may have to use the _.DEFINE SUBSCRIPT command. .en .i5;(Not available in DSR) .endif small .i5;DEFAULT: _.NO HALF SPACING .ifnot small .ifnot hlp .q _.STANDARD n .qq _.SD n .skip .x STANDARD returns all parameters to their initial settings and sets the page width to n. This command has been retained for compatability with previous versions of RUNOFF and is ^&NOT\& recommended. The _.PAGE SIZE command with no parameters will reset margins to the permanent values, while this command resets them to "installation standard". If _.STANDARD 70 is specified, margins are reset as follows: .i5; _.PAGE SIZE $DEFPAGL$,$DEFPAGW$,0,3 _.SPACING 1 _.FILL .i5; _.SET PARAGRAPH 5,1,2 .br; The actual parameters may differ according to the "installation standard". .endif hlp .endif small .helpc LOCK .br .q _.LOCK .p.x LOCK locks a number of page formatting parameters. While locked, these parameters cannot be changed. All commands that change the page format are locked. The following commands will give error messages if issued after a _.LOCK command: .s.ts 10,30,50,70,90,110.nj.dhy _.ENABLE#NUMBERING _.DISABLE#NUMBERING _.ENABLE#NUMBERING#CHAPTER _.DISABLE#NUMBERING#CHAPTER _.HEADERS#UPPER _.HEADERS#LOWER _.HEADERS#MIXED _.HEADERS#PAGE _.HEADERS#NO#PAGE _.HEADERS#SPACING _.NO#HEADERS _.HEADERS _.INDENT#LEVELS _.PAGE#SIZE _.TOP#MARGIN _.STYLE#(all#commands) _.STANDARD _.NO#NUMBER _.NO#NUMBER#CHAPTER _.NO#TITLE _.LAYOUT _.DISPLAY#(all#commands) .s.j.ehy .ifnot small In addition, _.NUMBER CHAPTER will not reinstate chapter numbering, and _.NUMBER PAGE will not reinstate page numbering. If you are careful to put all page formatting commands into a separate file, this command will probably not be necessary. If, however, you have been foolish enough to sprinkle them throughout your text, or you need to merge several documents into a single coherent tome, this command can be a valuable short cut. .s This command is intended to facilitate merging several files into 1 document. First set up all the parameters mentioned above and then lock them. If you still have page formatting commands in the rest of the document, they will not be obeyed. Thus, you can produce a uniform document with the same formatting throughout. .i5;(Not available in DSR) .endif small .req "TABS"