.type greekmath.tst .type .if OSP130 .req "SYS$RUNOFF:GREEKMATH" .endif OSP130 .if LA50 .req "sys$runoff:LA50greek" .endif LA50 .if LN03 .req "sys$runoff:LA50greek" .endif LN03 .ifnot greekmath .req "sys$runoff:greekmath" .endif * .ps 55,76,14,0,1 .display title "^*" "\*" .display subtitle "^*" "\*" .display number "^*" "\*" .HEADER SPACING 1 .first title GREEKMATH demo .subtitle Flags .C;GREEKMATH demonstration .s;The following is a demonstration of the GREEKMATH prefix file. This file makes mathematical notation easy. This prefix file turns on all flags you need to do equations. These include EQUATION FLAG, SUBSTITUTE FLAG, SUB/SUPERSCRIPT FLAGS, and OVERSTRIKE FLAG. In addition a variety of substitutions are defined for convenience. To use the prefix file your main .RNO file must include: .s.i5;_.REQUIRE "SYS$RUNOFF:GREEKMATH" ;for Florida data printer .s.i5;_.REQUIRE "SYS$RUNOFF:LN03GREEK" ;for LN-03 printer .s.i5;_.REQUIRE "SYS$RUNOFF:LA50GREEK" ;for LA-50 printer .s;To subscript preface the text by _< and finish it with _>. To superscript enclose the text inside _> _<. .s;To denote a reference enclose it between _^- and _\-. .s;When the Florida Data printer is just turned on the Greek font must be loaded. To do this type: DOWNLOD .ts 25,35,45,65,75 .s;^&Result Input\& .c;WIDE characters ^=Wide\= _^_=Wide_\_= .c;Boldface example ^*Bold\* _^_*Bold_\_* .c;REFERENCE example A^-123\- A_^-123_\- .c;Subscript example A<10> A_<10_> .s B>2< B_>2_< .c;Overstrike example d%/ d_%/ .c;Equation example .separated eq {A + B}/{C + D} _{A + B_}/_{C + D_} .br;If you are doing separated equations you should issue the .SEQ command to enable automatic spacing and .ESEQ when done. These commands are not used if the equations are imbedded inside the text. .subtitle GREEK abbreviations .nf.page .c;GREEK abbreviations .s2 .s;^&Result Input\& .s $a$ _$a_$ $b$ _$b_$ $G$ _$G_$ $g$ _$g_$ $D$ _$D_$ $d$ _$d_$ $e$ _$e_$ $z$ _$z_$ $e$ _$e_$ $Th$ _$Th_$ $th$ _$th_$ $i$ _$i_$ $k$ _$k_$ $L$ _$L_$ $l$ _$l_$ $r$ _$r_$ $S$ _$S_$ $s$ _$s_$ $s2$ _$s2_$ $t$ _$t_$ $u$ _$u_$ $Ph$ _$Ph_$ $ph$ _$ph_$ $ph2$ _$ph2_$ $x$ _$x_$ $Ps$ _$Ps_$ $ps$ _$ps_$ $Om$ _$Om_$ $om$ _$om_$ .subtitle GREEK full definition .page .; .; Now full definition .; .c;GREEK .s2 .s;^&Result Input\& .s $alpha$ _$alpha_$ $beta$ _$beta_$ $Gamma$ _$Gamma_$ $gamma$ _$gamma_$ $Delta$ _$Delta_$ $delta$ _$delta_$ $epsilon$ _$epsilon_$ $zeta$ _$zeta_$ $eta$ _$eta_$ $Theta$ _$Theta_$ $theta$ _$theta_$ $iota$ _$iota_$ $kappa$ _$kappa_$ $Lambda$ _$Lambda_$ $lambda$ _$lambda_$ $mu$ _$mu_$ $nu$ _$nu_$ $Xi$ _$Xi_$ $xi$ _$xi_$ $Pi$ _$Pi_$ $pi$ _$pi_$ $rho$ _$rho_$ $Sigma$ _$Sigma_$ $sigma$ _$sigma_$ $tau$ _$tau_$ $upsilon$ _$upsilon_$ $Phi$ _$Phi_$ $phi$ _$phi_$ $chi$ _$chi_$ $Psi$ _$Psi_$ $psi$ _$psi_$ $Omega$ _$Omega_$ $omega$ _$omega_$ .subtitle Scientific _& Typographical .page .c;SCIENTIFIC _& TYPOGRAPHICAL .s;^&Result Input\& .s .; .; Scientific symbol del .; $del$ _$del_$ .; .; Foreign language symbol should appear in front of letter to be marked .; $umlaut$a _$umlaut_$a $uml$a _$uml_$a $cir$a _$cir_$a $BR$A _$BR_$A $br$a _$br_$a .; Define a dagger $dagger$ _$dagger_$ $dag$ _$dag_$ $bul$ _$bul_$ .; Angstrom symbol $angstrom$ _$angstrom_$ $angs$ _$angs_$ $hbar$ _$hbar_$ .; Single line bra,bar, and ket $bra$ _$bra_$ $bar$ _$bar_$ $ket$ _$ket_$ .; 2 line bra,line, and ket .s $bra2$ _$bra2_$ .s $bar2$ _$bar2_$ .s $ket2$ _$ket2_$ .s .; Degree symbol $degree$ _$degree_$ $deg$ _$deg_$ .; Perpendicular symbol $perp$ _$perp_$ .; Partial derivitive symbol $partial$ _$partial_$ $par$ _$par_$ .; .; less than or =, greater than or =, etc. .; .subtitle Mathematical symbols .page.c;MATHEMATICAL .s;^&Result Input\& .s $+-$ _$+-_$ $-+$ _$-+_$ $<=$ _$_<=_$ $>=$ _$_>=_$ $~=$ _$~=_$ $~$ _$~_$ $<$ _$_<_$ $>$ _$_>_$ $~<$ _$~_<_$ $~>$ _$~_>_$ $~~$ _$~~_$ $==$ _$==_$ $def$ _$def_$ $prop$ _$prop_$ $inf$ _$inf_$ $times$ _$times_$ A $dot$ B A _$dot_$ B .; .; Arrows .; .s.c;ARROWS .s $up$ _$up_$ $down$ _$down_$ $dn$ _$dn_$ $right$ _$right_$ $rg$ _$rg_$ $left$ _$left_$ $lf$ _$lf_$ .; .; Script .; .s.c;SCRIPT .s $H' _$H' $L' _$L' $M' _$M' $e' _$e' $l' _$l' .; .; Large square brakets .; .subtitle Large Math symbols .page .c;LARGE Math symbols .s ^&Result Input Result Input\& .s2 $[2$ _$[2_$ $]2$ _$]2_$ .s3 $[3$ _$[3_$ $]3$ _$]3_$ .s4 $[4$ _$[4_$ $]4$ _$]4_$ .s5 $[5$ _$[5_$ $]5$ _$]5_$ .s6 .; .; Large integral sign .; $int$ _$int_$ .; .; Large summation symbol .; .s2 $sum$ _$sum_$ .page .c;Square roots .s .s.ts 40 .s;^&Result Input\& .s $sq$ _$sq_$ $sq1,1$a _$sq1,1_$a $sq1,2$ab _$sq1,2_$ab $sq1,3$abc _$sq1,3_$abc $sq1,4$abcd _$sq1,4_$abcd $sq1,6$abcdef _$sq1,6_$abcdef .s $sq2,1$1 _$sq2,1_$1 .s $sq2,2$12 _$sq2,2_$12 .s $sq2,3$123 _$sq2,3_$123 .s $sq2,4$1234 _$sq2,4_$1234 .s $sq2,6$123456 _$sq2,6_$123456 .s $sq2,8$12345678 _$sq2,8_$12345678