.; .; This prefix file defines all of the special symbols .; for the Bonner Lab LN-03 .; .; Written by J. CLEMENT .; .ifnot greekmath .; If already defined skip it .define variable spac 4, 27"[11h" 27"[16a" 27"[11l" .flags substitute .; Turn on substitutions .flags escape .; Turn on escape seq .flags overstrike .; Turn on overstriking .flags equation .; Turn on equation mode .; .; Now define some extra DIABLO compatible escape seq. .; .; Set vertical motion to 12 lines/inch .;DEFINE ESCAPE "^!" LCK 27, "[3z" .; Set vertical motion to default lines/inch (normal setting) .;DEFINE ESCAPE "\!" LCK 27, "[0z" .; Up 1/6 of character .;DEFINE ESCAPE "^?" 27,"[", .; Down 1/6 of character .;DEFINE ESCAPE "\?" 27, .; .; Set up references .; ^- preceedes ref number .; \- follows ref number .; .; .; Define escape sequences for LN-03 printer .; ^& turns on underlining .; \& turns off underlining .; & underline 1 char .; ^* turns on bolding .; \* turns off bolding .; * bolds 1 char .; ^~ turns on reverse video (Ignored on LA-50) .; \~ turns off reverse video .; ^= turns on double width .; /= turns off double width .; < Starts subscipt .; > Starts superscript .; ^% turns on vt100 graphics set .; \% turns off vt100 graphics .; ^@ turns on scientific .; \@ turns off scientific .; ^+ turns on Dec supplemental .; \+ turns off Dec supplemental .; .; .; ^_ nnn e/_ moves the vertical pos by nnn decipoints .; ^_ nnn k/_ moves the vertical pos backward by nnn decipoints .; ^_ nnn a/_ moves the horizontal pos by nnn decipoints .; ^_ nnn j/_ moves the horizontal pos backward by nnn decipoints .reset escape .define escape "^_" HSP 0 PSP lck 27,"[" .; Begin arb escape seq .define escape "\_" HSP 1 PSP lck "" .; End arb. escape seq. .DEFine escape "^-" LCK,CHR,27,"[15m",27,"L",27,"[11l",27,"[1w" .;DEFine escape "^-" LCK,CHR,27,"[15m",27,"L",27,"[?29l",27,"[1w" .;DEFine escape "^-" LCK,CHR,27,"[15m",27,"L",27,"[0K" .define escape "\-" lck,chr,27,"K",27,"[11m",27,"[11h" .define escape "^*" CHR LCK 27 "[1m" .define escape "\*" CHR LCK 27 "[22m" .define escape "^&" CHR LCK 27 "[4m" .define escape "\&" CHR LCK 27 "[24m" .define escape "^=" LCK PSP HSP 2 27 "[5w" .define escape "\=" LCK PSP HSP 1 27 "[0w" .define escape "^<" VSP 1 27 "K" .define subscript 27 "K" .define escape "^>" VSP -1 27 'L' .define superscript 27 'L' .define escape "^%" CHR LCK 27,')0' 14 .define escape "\%" CHR LCK 15 .define escape "^@" chr lck 27 ")>" 14 .define escape "\@" CHR LCK 15 .define escape "^+" chr lck 27 ")<" 14 .define escape "\+" CHR LCK 15 .;no flags underline .flags special *<> .; .; .; Use single < or > to sub/superscript .; .; .; Define upper and lower case greek symbols .; "abbreviated" .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /a$/^@a\@ .;alpha .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /b$/^@b\@ .;beta .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /G$/^@G\@ .;Gamma (upper case) .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /g$/^@g\@ .;gamma (lower case) .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /D$/^@D\@ .;Delta .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /d$/^@d\@ .;delta .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /e$/^@e\@ .;epsilon .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /z$/^@z\@ .;zeta .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /h$/^@h\@ .;eta .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Th$/^@J\@ .;THETA .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /th$/^@j\@ .;theta .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /i$/^@i\@ .;iota .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /k$/^@k\@ .;kappa .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /L$/^@L\@ .;LAMDA .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /l$/^@l\@ .;lamda .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /r$/^@r\@ .;rho .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /S$/^@S\@ .; Upper and lowercase Sigma .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /s$/^@s\@ .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /s2$/O%^_10e\_^%oo\%^_10k\_ .; large lowercase sigma .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /t$/^@t\@ .; tau .define substitute /U$/^@Y\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /u$/^@y\@ .; upsilon .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Ph$/^@F\@ .; Capital Phi .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /ph$/^@f\@ .; small phi .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE \ph2$\O%/ .; large phi .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /x$/^@x\@ .; chi .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Ps$/^@Q\@ .; Upper and lowercase Psi .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /ps$/^@q\@ .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Om$/^@W\@ .; Upper and lowercase omega .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /om$/^@w\@ .; .; .; Now full definition .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /alpha$/^@a\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /beta$/^@b\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Gamma$/^@G\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /gamma$/^@g\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Delta$/^@D\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /delta$/^@d\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /epsilon$/^@e\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /zeta$/^@z\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /eta$/^@h\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Theta$/^@J\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /theta$/^@j\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /iota$/^@i\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /kappa$/^@k\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Lambda$/^@L\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /lambda$/^@l\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /mu$/^+5\+ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /nu$/^@n\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Xi$/^@X\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /xi$/^@x\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Pi$/^@P\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /pi$/^@p\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /rho$/^@r\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Sigma$/^@S\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /sigma$/^@s\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /tau$/^@t\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Upsilon$/^@Y\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /upsilon$/^@y\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Phi$/^@F\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /phi$/^@f\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /chi$/^@c\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Psi$/^@Q\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /psi$/^@q\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Omega$/^@W\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /omega$/^@w\@ .; .; Script symbols .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /H'/H .; Script H .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /L'/^+_#\+ .; Script L .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /M'/M .; Script M .define substitute /R'/R .; Script R .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /e'/e .; .define substitute /l'/l .; Script l .; .; Scientific symbol del .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /del$/^@E\@ .; .; Foreign language symbol should appear in front of letter to be marked .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /uml$a/^+d\+ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Uml$A/^+D\+ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /uml$e/^+k\+ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Uml$E/^+K\+ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /uml$o/^+v\+ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Uml$O/^+V\+ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /uml$u/^+_|\+ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /Uml$U/^+_\\+ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /uml$y/^+_}\+ .define substitute /cir$/_^% .define substitute /CV$/C%^@|\@ .; .; Define a dagger .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /dagger$/^-_|%^_11h\_^_20k\_^_11l\_-^_11h\_^_20e\_\- .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /dag$/^-_|%^_11h\_^_20k\_^_11l\_-^_11h\_^_20e\_\- .; .; Define a bullet .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /bul$/^+7\+^_10k\_%o^_10e\_ .; .; Angstrom symbol .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /angstrom$/^+E\+ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /angs$/^+E\+ .; H bar .define substitute /hbar$/h%^_40k\_-^_40e\_ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /BR$/^_20k\__^%^_20e\_ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /br$/^_5k\__^%^_5e\_ .; .; Bra,bar, and ket .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /bra$/_< .; large "<" .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /bar$/_| .; large vertical line .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /ket$/_> .; large ">" .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /bra2$/^@<3%>>4<\@ .; double height "<" .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /bar2$/^@<_&%>>_&<\@ .; double height vertical line .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /ket2$/^@<4%>>3<\@ .; double height ">" .; .; .; Degree symbol .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /degree$/^+0\+ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /deg$/^+0\+ .; Perpendicular symbol .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /perp$/<^%v\%> .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /partial$/^@o\@ .; Partial derivitive symbol .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /par$/^@o\@ .; .; less than or =, greater than or =, etc. .; .define substitute /+-$/^+1\+ .define substitute /-+$/^+1\+ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /<=$/^@_<\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE />=$/^@_>\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /~=$/^@I\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /~$/^@H\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /<$/_< .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE />$/_> .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /~<$/<^@H\@%>_< .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /~>$/<^@H\@%>_> .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /~~$/^@H^_20k\_%H^_20e\_\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /prop$/^@A\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /inf$/^@B\@ .define substitute /def$/^@O\@ .define substitute /==$/^@O\@ .define substitute /times$/^@K\@ .define substitute /dot$/^+7\+ .; .; Arrows .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /up$/^@_|\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /down$/^@_~\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /dn$/^@_~\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /right$/^@_}\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /rg$/^@_}\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /left$/^@_{\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /lf$/^@_{\@ .; .; Large square brakets .; $[2$ are centered double height .; $[3$ are centered triple height .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /[2$/^@<_(>>%'\@< .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /]2$/^@<_*>>%)\@< .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /[3$/^@<<_(>>%_&>>%'\@<< .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /]3$/^@<<_*>>%_&>>%)\@<< .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /[4$/^@<<<_(>>%_&>>%_&>>%'\@<<< .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /]4$/^@<<<_*>>%_&>>%_&>>%)\@<<< .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /[5$/^@<<<<_(>>%_&>>%_&>>%_&>>%'\@<<<< .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /]5$/^@<<<<_*>>%_&>>%_&>>%_&>>%)\@<<<< .; .; Large integral sign .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /int$/^@<_%>>%_$<\@ .; .; Large summation symbol .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /sum$/<____^@%%4>>%3%\@>>____<<< .; .; Square root signs .; $sq$ is ordinary .; $sq1,1 is single height single char width .; $sq1,2 is single height double char width etc.... .; $sq2,1 is double height double char width etc.... .; .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /sq$/^@V\@ .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /sq1,1$/^@V>>\@__<<% .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /sq1,2$/^@V>>\@____<<%% .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /sq1,3$/^@V>>\@______<<%%% .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /sq1,4$/^@V>>\@________<<%%%% .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /sq1,6$/^@V>>\@____________<<%%%%%% .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /sq2,1$/^@_!%>>_'\@^%o<<\%% .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /sq2,2$/^@_!%>>_'\@^%oo<<\%%% .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /sq2,3$/^@_!%>>_'\@^%ooo<<\%%%% .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /sq2,4$/^@_!%>>_'\@^%oooo<<\%%%%% .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /sq2,6$/^@_!%>>_'\@^%oooooo<<\%%%%%%% .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /sq2,8$/^@_!%>>_'\@^%oooooooo<<\%%%%%%%%% .; Set font to courier ^_c\_ ^_11m\_ .; Set pitch to 10.0 .;^_1w\_ .; Enable decipoint spacing specification ^_11h\_ .; Set no proportional font ^_?27l\_ .variant greekmath .endif greekmath