.type subst.tst .type This generates 5 WARNINGS and 4 ERRORS .type .first title SUBSTITUTION TEST .FL SUBSTITUTE .flags substitute .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /A1/This is a very long substitution. does it work? .define substitute /A2/1$A12$A13$A14$A15$A16$A17$A18$A1 .define substitute /AB/ AB substitution .br .type *** This substitution will cause WARNING 1 .define substitute /Abcd/ ABCD substitution .type *** This substitution will cause WARNING 2 .define substitute /A/ A substitution .type *** This substitution will cause WARNING 3 .define substitute /ABCDE/ ABCDE substitution .type *** This substitution will cause WARNING 4 .define substitute /ABC/ ABC substitution .type *** This substitution will cause WARNING 5 .define substitute /ABCDEF/ ABCDEF substitution .NO FILL _.NO FILL TEST CASE CONVERSION _$A (No substitution prodiced) $A _$ABCD $ABCD .type *** The following is undefined ERROR 1 $a _$Abcd $Abcd $A $AB $ABC $ABCD $ABCDE $ABCDEF $A1 .s AA$A2 .type *** The next line is a DUPLICATE SUBS. ERROR 2 .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /A/ duplicate substitution .s .DISABLE SUBSTITUTION .S $A (no subs only A appears) .ENABLE SUBSTITUTION .S MULTIPLE LEVELS OF SUBSTITUTION TEST .s .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE @L1@First level .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /L2/Second level $L1 .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /L3/Third level $L2 .DEFINE SUBSTITUTE /L4/Fourth level $L3 $L1 $L2 $L3 .type *** The following is (too many nestings) ERROR 3 $L4 .S .type *** The following is ERROR 4 Undefined substitution test $E .s;_.FILL .S.FILL AA$A2$A2$A2$A2$A2$A2 .delete substitute /L2/ .define substitute /L2/This is not an error .reset substitute .define substitute /L1/This is not an error