The programs simply convert System Accounting data (right now only process deletion for Interactive, Subprocess, Detached, Batch, and Network sessions), or PSI Accounting data (there is only one type of record now) into flat, fixed length, fixed field layout files. These files may be read by Datatrieve, and are easier to ready in other languages as well. The programs here have been set up to use command descriptors. This means that you should assemble and link the programs and put the executable images into the system directory (you have to be privileged to do this, though the programs themselves use no special privileges). For example: $ MAC/OBJ ACC_CONVERT $ LINK ACC_CONVERT $ COPY ACC_CONVERT.EXE SYS$SYSTEM $ SET PROT=(WO:RE) SYS$SYSTEM:ACC_CONVERT.EXE If you plan to use the programs a lot, you should probably install them. To use the program, you define the new commands by: $ SET COMMAND ACC_COMMAND to read the CLD file. The program is then invoked by: $ ACC_COMMAND [/output=file] input.file The help files may be placed in the system help library by: $ SET DEFAULT SYS$HELP $ LIB/INS HELPLIB.HLB disk:[directory]ACC_CONVERT.HLP, PSI_CONVERT.HLP where disk:[directory] is where the files are now. You can also use the programs without being a system manager (if you have read access to the data files themselves). Compile and link them as before: if you don't want to put them in the system account, edit the command descriptor to put them where you want them. For example, change the line in ACC_CONVERT.CLD from image ACC_CONVERT to image yourdisk:[yourdirectory]ACC_CONVERT where yourdisk and yourdirectory are wherever you want the image to be. There is also some stuff here to match up the PSI data with the System data. The two FDL files are used to load the data into indexed files with the unit as the key: this allows fast matching of corresponding sessions (see BOTH.DTR). ACCOUNTING.FDL define indexed files for account matching PSIACCOUNTING.FDL ACC_CONVERT.CLD command descriptor files PSI_CONVERT.CLD ACC_CONVERT.DTR Datatrieve record definitions PSI_CONVERT.DTR BOTH.DTR account matching definition (preliminary) ACC_RECORD.DTR Datatrieve record definitions which do a better PSI_RECORD.DTR job of formatting the information than the above definitions, but require a user-defined function FN$FAO (which may be found in the [.FUNCTIONS] directory of this submission). ACC_CONVERT.HLP Help files PSI_CONVERT.HLP CONVERT.HLB help files placed in a library for testing ACC_CONVERT.MAR Sources for the programs PSI_CONVERT.MAR INSTRUCTIONS.MAR How to determine how much your terminals are being used (Erlang traffic survey), and additional instructions on using the stuff in this directory. MEASURE.DTR The Datatrieve stuff to do the traffic survey. MOD.FDL Used with the above. DAILY*.* Also mentioned in the above instructions. TRAFFIC.RNO What an Erlang traffic survey is, why it's so useful, and why you should know about it. B. Z. Lederman ITT World Communications 67 Broad St. 28th Floor New York, New York 10004-2464