% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00XI`{0J (5$ ACC_CONVERT  PSI_CONVERT`cI 1 ACC_CONVERTA Converts System Accounting information into fixed format recordsB so it is more easily processed with Datatrieve or other languages9 that can't cope with the non-normalized accounting file. ACC_CONVERT input_file 2 ParametersA If an input file is not specified, SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT isB used. The most common error will be if this file does not exist7 or if it is locked: RMS will return "File not found". 2 Qualifiers/OUTPUT  /OUTPUT=file-specD Directs the converted data to a specific file. If you omit the C /OUTPUT qualifier, the output is written to ACCOUNTING.FIX in the current directory. ww @L#J 1 ACC_CONVERTB Converts PSI Accounting information into fixed format records so@ it is more easily processed with Datatrieve or other languages: that can't cope with the non-normalized accounting file. PSI_CONVERT input_file 2 ParametersD If an input file is not specified, SYS$MANAGER:PSIACCOUNTNG.DAT isB used. The most common error will be if this file does not exist8 or if it is locked: RMS will return "File not found". 2 Qualifiers/OUTPUT  /OUTPUT=file-specD Directs the converted data to a specific file. If you omit the C /OUTPUT qualifier, the output is written to PSIACCOUNTING.FIX in the current directory.wwww `{0J 1 PSI_CONVERTB Converts PSI Accounting information into fixed format records so@ it is more easily processed with Datatrieve or other languages: that can't cope with the non-normalized accounting file. PSI_CONVERT input_file 2 ParametersD If an input file is not specified, SYS$MANAGER:PSIACCOUNTNG.DAT isB used. The most common error will be if this file does not exist8 or if it is locked: RMS will return "File not found". 2 Qualifiers/OUTPUT  /OUTPUT=file-specD Directs the converted data to a specific file. If you omit the C /OUTPUT qualifier, the output is written to PSIACCOUNTING.FIX in the current directory.ww$@0J LEDERMAN PSI_CONVERT