6 FMSFRMFED20023-FEB-1987 15:01:0023-FEB-1987 15:01:00þ   ~~¼ 4 20n PPDTR_FUNCTION_ADD_INARGS     NAME L < IN_DESC1Describe the datatype, form of the input argument L  @IN_TYPE1NULL TEXT VALUE DESC REF are valid responses d  IN_DTYPEI06-byte 07-word 08-longword 09-quadword 10-real 14-character 35-Date/Time @   ARG_ORDER#Specify the order of input argument N  @OUTPUT2Enter Y if a value is passed back in this argumentN X  ALLLEN>Pre-allocates mm bytes to the string. Use only with Type=TEXT   @OK   ARGNUM ¨   [ *` ;b Nd -e k Cl   @ ( "DTR Function - Add Input Arguments  Function Name:  9 Argument #  Arg. Description:   Input Type:  Input Datatype:  4Order:  FOutput:  Allocation Length:  Okay to enter?