This account contains some Datatrieve definitions which will be of use to System Managers (Rights lists, SYSUAF, etc.) ** New for Fall 1987 DISKQUOTA.DTR read disk quotas DISKSPACE.DTR combine quotas and SYSUAF (easier to identify user) NETUAF.DTR read network UAF (proxy Logins) NETUAF_RECORD.DTR " RIGHTSLIST.DTR read the system rights list RIGHTSLIST_RECORD.DTR " SYSUAF.DTR read SYSUAF (the Accounting file) SYSUAF_RECORD.DTR " All of the above from Don Stern INSTALL_PROCESS.* ** A set of procedures to process the output of an INSTALL/LIST/FULL command, and reduce the data so you can find out which were the most used images, which are installed shared, how many global sections are used, etc. Can be done with Datatrieve or Fortran. Includes an article comparing the two programming approaches. VMSMAIL.DTR ** Read the VMS Mail file to get unread mail counts. RIGHTS.DTR ** An extended version of the Rights List definition which uses some user defined functions (see [DTRSIG.FUNCTIONS]) to format the UICs better. From B. Z. Lederman