! ! New EVE procedure to do wild-card loading of files into buffers... ! procedure eve_load(file_spec) local temp_file_name, temp_buffer_name, temp_file_spec ; on_error if error = tpu$_parsefail then message (fao ("Don't understand file name: !AS", get_file_name)); if eve$x_starting_up then eve$set_status_line (current_window); endif; return; endif; endon_error; eve$prompt_string (file_spec, temp_file_spec, "Load files: ", "No file specification given") ; temp_file_name := file_search(eve$x_null) ; temp_file_name := file_search(temp_file_spec) ; if temp_file_name = eve$x_null then message("No files found matching specification") ; return ; endif ; loop exitif temp_file_name = eve$x_null ; temp_buffer_name := file_parse(temp_file_name, eve$x_null, eve$x_null, name) + file_parse(temp_file_name, eve$x_null, eve$x_null, type) ; create_buffer(temp_buffer_name, temp_file_name) ; temp_file_name := file_search(file_spec) ; endloop ; endprocedure ; procedure tpu$local_init eve$arg1_load := eve$arg1_buffer ; endprocedure;