C FILDAT.INC 850226 Define stuff for FILE.FLX subr BYTE DAT(9) !date in ASCII LOGICAL*2 FLLON !.T. if output to FLL file on LOGICAL*2 FORT !.T. if fort output desired BYTE FVER(21) !ASCII FLECS version ident INTEGER*2 LINCNT !# lines left for current page BYTE LINE(106) !task command line LOGICAL*2 LIST !.T. if listing output desired BYTE NAMEHD(6) !ASCII char from .NAME directive INTEGER*2 P1(33) !Page header string, line 1 INTEGER*2 P2(59) !Page header string, line 2 INTEGER*2 PAGENO !current FLL page # LOGICAL*2 SPON !state of /SP switch BYTE TIM(8) !time in ASCII COMMON /FILES/ PAGENO,LINCNT,FORT,LIST, 1 SPON,FLLON,P1,P2 EQUIVALENCE (P1(3),FVER(1)),(P1(16),DAT(1)),(P1(22),TIM(1)) EQUIVALENCE (P2(3),NAMEHD(1)),(P2(7),LINE(1)) C END-OF-FILE FILDAT.INC