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'[??B@ Could not find: !AS@ A )B Could not find: C D ( EEF I $@#Found in !AS direction. Go there? I IFHNHLNyOO OFPPPreturnQPdoQYQR HyesS T HnoU V %W HX Z EHZ \ yesZHZ_[[ 8\$] 0] ] ^0^_ &` ( aab c d 7e 0e ] f0fg i~   return C;%evehelp ' record_countFTF ; (  >iF  n Hit down arrow for more textFBA          ' '4    6  '[F   ' ) 8E)  Selection cancelled. ` 0/Selection started. Press Remove when finished. X:F)    ! F )    ')    J  21Remove must be used in the same buffer as Select. rF 8 Nothing to removeE)  c ! ! !F    ('    ( E) !E" Remove completed.# $ 8% Use Select before using Remove.& (/1 1 1122 '2F33 4  5D66 76 8 9) 9R: :9Nothing to insert. Use Remove to select a range of text.; R< :9Nothing to insert. Use Select to select a range of text.= > AI KW bbFc '[cFd '4dFfUffg (h iUiF(j l !lFm 'mF o (ooYo/pq   r st vKvFw !wF8y 'yF z ztk{ !{F8|E@}}}t)~~F@K0F0f 'F   (8  @   'FH ( 'F  k0  :    : H      E  `h0KFt9 + u X 'F  c     ! * Already at bottom 2  (  ! 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A A IB Cannot move to line !SLB C D F F ' F HF FI I J J JK Buffer has only !SL line!%SK L (M Buffer is emptyN O xP P P (Q TQ R !R ] S U \ ^ |^ F_ _ %` a c j l |l Fm m %n 7o q |  O Cannot use !AS as a mark name    ( !Current position not marked Mark name: z  ~ E : 1 \ : F L eve$mark_ I := mark (none) i Current position marked as !AS    ` - ~  F | !   }  ~  F | !   }   L  %K D  &K   }D   (  Press the key to be added:  D \ F  D      F  ' F  Ex " No string to replace Old string: z   L ,  New string: F   ' [  %   ( (   ( }  EP" 0 '0[  % 07  @ '@[   3@ 8 87 H 3H  EP  ! FX X tq X X : F` X (    xi ,+Replace? Type yes, no, all, last, or quit:  Fh h  hyes! " Eh" Fp# \ pyes# h$ \ pall$ h% \ <p% h& p& Y& Y& Y& 3' E`( EX( ( F) P) *  + -  - .  (/ z0 00 1  82 I3 @3 4  H5 6  (7 8 9 : ; `; -; ,< E< w< = > K> F? ?  @ \ pall@ hA p@ }A fB ExC Replacing all occurrences...D  %/E F u G H \ pnoH hI \ pquitI hI YI J E`K `K K BL XL (M N O O  P uQ R S U pV \ pquitV hW \ <pW hW YU }W tY X[  &/\ Replaced !SL occurrence!%S\ ] ` g k k Fl 'l Fm !m Fn o  p p p Bp q ' r s u   +Left margin unchangedSet left margin to: z   7 Left margin must be at least 1 /  '4 F  z (currently set to !SL) J.Left margin must be smaller than right margin  v   Left margin set to !SL    -Right margin unchangedSet right margin to: z   '[ F  { (currently set to !SL) J.Right margin must be greater than left margin       Right margin set to !SL    i     Y Y U      (~        U :9Cursor has been moved to a text window; try command again  " Buffer not switched Buffer name: z  ~  F ' F 7   t ' F  ( E  E8 u  E \   @   0 ( K8 F8 ' next F      D Already in buffer !AS  &  }   '    8  0 D (Already in buffer !AS  &  }0  g " Ambiguous buffer name: !AS" O# $ % *% F@& @' ' }@( @ [End of file]* * 'width* R`* @3+ , . . 0 <  O H 2HH }I Don't understand file name: !ASI J j!K K L M N O Q Q UR :9Cursor has been moved to a text window; try command againS T W  No file specified File to get: W zW X Y ] L] F^ L_ a E(c c Fd Ld t5e K(e F(f  g h j (j vo j!p p q r Ambiguous file name: !ASr Os t x Lx az LL={ LL?{ G{ F| a~ LL= LL? G F  F (  t No files matching: !AS  j!    ' F  tr '    E@ u8 ' next F | @i L O '    EH  EH o '   '   Y  EH  EH H Buffer name !AS is in use  32Type a new buffer name or press Return to cancel: F L . No new buffer created )  F8   G Already editing file !AS  &  } )  F8 8 8 [End of file]  'width R` 83    `*     `%     `...     !     2x y \   Buffer !AS already exists    L  ' create j V Input file does not exist: !AS    * F %$Editing new file; could not find !AS   ' G * F  '  } ' read_only j % $     # . j* 2H* Q+ Don't understand file name: !AS+ , - . 0 0 U1 :9Cursor has been moved to a text window; try command again2 3 6 # No file includedFile to include: 6 z6 7 8 : !: : : : ; E< = E> ? '@ !@ FA YB C !C FD E J LJ FK K FL O O F P  LP t#Q   R  S U ' U ARW Could not include file: !ASW X DY yZ 2[ [ [ (\ 1] (^ _ ` D@b Ambiguous file name: !ASb Oe l o p !p Fq q Fr r 2s Only one window on screent wu  v  w }px py (z E{ ~ p| ~    2 Only one window on screen ^    (  (  F~    ! F  F  6 Already two windows on screen  p }    }    E ~   L    C ('Could not change tab stops as specified   ' Tab settings not changed Set tabs at: R   4  Tab stops set   C ('Could not change tab stops as specified   *Tab settings not changedSet tabs every:  @ ('Tabs must be set at least 1 space apart R   4  Tab stops set   5No columns shifted!Number of columns to shift left:    ? '&Cannot shift left by a negative amount ~  y  *)Window is now shifted right !SL column!%S    " & 6No columns shifted"Number of columns to shift right: & ' ' @( ('Cannot shift right by a negative amount) w+ + + *)Window is now shifted right !SL column!%S+ , - / 7 @ !@ FA A FB B FC C FD D F E '<E F(F }ZH L* Show buffer (H I)H -2K (K tL (M '(systemM L }M N ZO   P P Q E R S  U :9Press Do for more information, Return to resume editing: U U F0V 0doV W (X ,Y  Z ([ \ ] ^ 'previous^ F(_ ha Zb   c  d "!Press any key to resume editing: d F8e  f (h v    Z ( Z '  Information about buffer !AS   v ' '   Input file: ' F L   none 1   v '   Output file: ' F  'no_write Y   none 1   v ' ' 'modified 9 !  Modified 9 !  Not modified '[ Left margin set to !SL   '  '  9 !  Insert mode 9 !  Overstrike mode '4 Right margin set to !SL   ' ' direction  9 !  Forward direction 9 !  Reverse direction  \ ' Window width set to !SL   ' '  F  5  !SL line!%S F   No lines   E    S E V \ k    ' shift_amount F  R $ #Window shifted right by !SL columns   ' ' ' tab_stops F0 '0[  O !0 Tab stops set every !SL columns   e 0 Tab stops set at columns !AS   v ' ' key_map_list F( (M ' ( A ( Key map list: !AS   )   No key map list '  F eve$mark_   !  t  Jeve$x_buffer_of_mark:=get_info( I,eve$kt_buffer) i  9      '  D Z (   No marks o ) Z (   Marks: ' '    '  \2(C ('You are not running EVE in a subprocess  L|*3c/2h/J0 $#DCL subprocess could not be created112 36 # No DCL command given DCL command: 6z6 78 : ' [:; ;Y;[< Creating DCL subprocess...= y $ set noon=F > @@FA !AFByBCCMDEEyE&FF }yG H |I  pJ }K L  M }yNEO ~ P Q SS # DCL buffer-2T yT (X' Y  ZZ  [  \ y\ (]]  ^y^_` ccer~Cz2Pz*{ No key defined|} ~  No key definedz   cFL   ('Press the key that you want to define: F `(FB E \ F  <T \ F   C' No key defined  doF .-You cannot bind another command to the DO key  \LD n s  Key defined H 0/You cannot bind another command to a typing key    2`o %$Error in compiling; TPU not extended (  2E   " TPU not extendedProcedure name: z   ~ !F ' informational3E& E% * Extending TPU...  &    TPU extended   Searching for procedure !AS...   (2M%C$: procedure0"(0$4 >-F  t{   ( !F( 0 (  >AF8 >F  EP w   ( ! (!FHEP P E8 \ 8F@ @ 4     @ u    @   (( ! t  N ' AT Could not find procedure: !AS D Extending TPU...  & H   TPU extended DE" Ambiguous procedure name: !AS" O% ((2 LKPress keystrokes to be learned. Press CTRL/R to remember these keystrokes.3  5=JsB2XB/C Nothing to rememberDE +F2FGEH I JL(LFP A@Press the key that you want to use to do what was just learned: PFT CT7U Key sequence not rememberedVW Y YdoYGZ /.You cannot use the DO key for a learn sequence[ 8\ \\L\^ nssequence_S` 0/That key was already used in the learn sequenceaEb ;c Key sequence rememberedduee f Ig 10You cannot use a typing key for a learn sequenceh i jlw 9"Will not repeat next commandNumber of times to repeat: z  5 Will not repeat next command G #"Will repeat next command !SL times   iF  shift keypF  L \FLCt*  TF  F  do   _FCt* iTF / Cannot repeat that key       # Status not savedFile to save in:     65Press the key that you want to use as the shift key: F C) No shift key set r doA )(You cannot make the DO key the shift key  \L 1 <ns shift key1execute (lookup_key (eve$get_shift_key, program))  Shift key set C +*You cannot make a typing key the shift key    1 1FX2h? $#DCL subprocess could not be created  L  # No TPU command given TPU command: 6 ' informational3E& E%   & i l 'J I buffer -2  ! #,.|j.(// /F0 111)2  3 (~ 4 5 !5F66FR 7 (8 8 (9  ^;DGGG.H Not in command windowI 5J|jJ(KK KF(L N !NFO OOPPFQQwQ R S !SFT TT\U U (V WX  Y Z [ L\ ] \ ]^^E`Ka Ea \ aFb c (R d Le . f ;g .!h ju{ |E~L~ s csFL sL  '   t* iTF  0Edo(do}sL2 No previous command given  sDoing previous command: !AS t* iTF  ) No command given   ' }  '   Y`NH Choices Press Next Screen or Prev Screen to see other choices-2 @   Choices-2    (  (   '    !FF (  (L)     ( ( h No more commands to recall   Hw   E $ >   tg \ MF  `  t K F   L  L!E"  L#E|$E%E&EY() ** +EY,L-. 0 \ M0F2 `223E|6 ` 65Y6FY8 `87|8F|9K9F::tU; \ M;F< `<<t=1?U? \ M?@A CEYD'D"DYDEEF HKHFIItJ \ MJFKKMKMFNNOEPunQ R \ MRFSSTEUuV W XZUZ \ MZF \] ^ _L _` ab gEhKhFi \ Mikz} E} \ }}~L~   EH E \  `_F P EIQ \   L  `"F$LFu  \ JI"F EtLK E \ F  UH \ MJF `" " k `' ' + " F  LIII)F ME EMFE &L L (L 0L L L FL7 No command givenL ||V Unrecognized command: !AS L   7 \  EVE_LEVE_F Fp# +#F$L$%L%&Eh'u( ,T, \ M, Don't understand command: !AS, -L-. / 0E@1EX2 PL3 8L7  9 !9 99t::F ;K@;F@< <=  > ?  ?FH@H @AE`B C@CD PHE +FPHFGEXH I J KL M (pO v _ PPQEhRu(S T@TU V WX[T[ \ M[ Ambiguous command name: !AS[ O\L\] :^`(_ P`Ehau@b c d e iiFjLjkLklEhmun qTq \ Mq Ambiguous command name: !ASq OrLrs t ?uLP_uIuFv 7w y { \  {F(| ~ E~Q~ \ ~J(~F( 0( v 0_ Ex E xJeve$argI_I( FLtKxFxTxFxxAL(eve$x_argument_type:=eve$arg1_ i |hF ExL(F xZ\|YF LAxL)F  xN 0!AS does not take any arguments  R  0x!AS takes only !SL argument!%S  L  LxtKF E Jeve$x_argument_type:=eve$argI_I( i &&stringL""F &integer'Leve$k_no_arg+0F h ,&+Argument type !AS must be integer or string L  xL,F UL)F KF E Jeve$x_argument_type:=eve$argI_I( i &&string.LF x2 ;F te \ M `tJF FL"II"F   9&integerY8 v l1LF g & 0%!AS expects a number for argument !SL L  h ,&+Argument type !AS must be integer or string  L    F,*FL,F 3xL,F  %TARGETTTV M W M X M Y M<Z M<[  ]eeg M h M i M j M<k M<m !ow vwy|yz _sSAzz{ $O#PF4 is not DO. Redefine PF4 as DO? {?| ns doSA eve_do ('')} ~  L+FEBC z ! g! message('Key not defined');F' message('Key not defined');FO w ( 'type  E(  ':typeE: EEc 9 E;E EE " H n  92#*&'&K*0@ *.))1/3' 338%(80 8#894= string> string? string@  stringA 6 ([{<'`"B ` )]}>''"C DE EE F H %I KELMM *F   $ 3 'F     'F (     7 'FtU 't1 ' nextF '    ' }   $ e!$( 'z.(F-T-F.o.F/U/FG0oG0F1o1F2 'p[22{3 &3Fp5 )pG&06 8 '[88{9 G&9F: )&0; = '[==~?KG? &?F@ )&0A F '[FF{G &GFI )pG&0J O '[OOCQKQR R  &RFS X '[XXDYTY  %YFZ \ 'D[\\D]T]  %]FD^ `T`  -,d 'i[dd9e  %eFif hlr *MainrFs upubv }px 'pxR`x 3y {  [End of file] .LCommandsF * ' line_editing.F  % (  - }  .LPromptsFD2 D-J  ' display\ .LMessagesFi }i   .LHelpF; .LShowFZ .LDCLFy .LChoicesF * (.!nd of Insert Here buffer] Insert HereF2HU '&Don't understand output file name: !AS  E    'F ~ pp (pL!  L get file   p}     (  ' output. $ w 'FL9 LL= LL?GF FL E Can't create file: !AS  E  '' D    E ' journal ' read_only} ' journal_fileF  ' LL=FL tpu.tjl L.tjlF     F   L $ LF   V ( 'Don't understand journal file name: !AS           &ML$  1PA$ 1, ' vt200.,z,- ' vk100.-./ 0 'eightbit.1 'ansi_crt.2 ' edit_mode.1}0}2z234 5 6 8:@ABCD@HbL PEQEjS 'F ' status_lineY  '  Insert   Overstrike ' direction- Reverse  Forward 'FE0 E01 \ 0F P ES0 \ kJF (  ' key_map_listF(   (TPU$KEY_MAP_LISTH '!tpu$key_map_listfirstZF M $'&tpu$list_key_map_listfirstZF E8 E 81 \  8F P E S8 \ kJ F L Buffer I I I II I -2 ,+,.//F00G12 3 4 R 5 6 (7 8 9 ; 'z;F< ' status_line<L<=T=F> ?T?F@ AABEC I 'IF J J$K 'KF L M 'current_columnMFN3N%N4N >-N (O 'OP  Q R ' scroll_topRF(S ' scroll_bottomSF0T ' scroll_amountTF8V (9' %0WWW 'visible_bottomWW'XgXoXGXF@Y YYY ' visible_topYY'ZgZoZGZF@[ \g\F@] ^ __ `o0`J@`F@a bo(bS@bF@c d @e  g !(08&0ii&jo0jwj k #lo(l m n 'current_columnnSn ooop (q s Key  M M   '!tpu$key_map_listfirstZF WHITE_MAP YELLOW_MAPRED_MAPBLUE_MAP}}}  1PA tpu$key_map_list1!   (#  firsttpu$key_map_list& (meve$standard_keystpu$list_key_map_list(  1PA(  tpu$list_key_map_list1+ ^k`RB5'eve$vt200_keys eve$user_keysblue_mapred_map yellow_mapgrey_mapfirsttpu$list_key_map_list, -. 1 3n, eve$user_keysKeymapPAeve_set_defined_shift2 /n( white_mapKeymapPAeve_set_defined_shift3 0n) yellow_mapKeymapPAeve_set_defined_shift4 -n& red_mapKeymapPAeve_set_defined_shift5 .n'blue_mapKeymapPAeve_set_defined_shift6 .n'grey_mapKeymapPAeve_set_defined_shift9 ,n(EVE_WHITE_YELLOWQAeve_help('keypad'): nfindRA eve_find(''); SA; n Erase_lineeve_erase_line< npagewAeve_page= nSectionxAeveplus_section> nSpawnyA eve_spawn? mA? n Erase_wordeve_erase_word@ nforwardtA eve_forwardA nreverseuA eve_reverseB n" cut_selectvA eve_removeC lAC $nErase_charactereve_erase_characterD qAD n move_by_wordeve_move_by_wordE *n$ Other_WindowsAeveplus_other_windowF nEOLrAeve_end_of_lineG n! Next_linepA eve_next_lineH nselectnA eve_selectI MAI nBuffereve_buffer(eve$x_null)K 5n1$grey_mapEVE_WHITE_YELLOWQAeve_help('keypad')L #n%grey_mapfindRA eve_find('')M SAM #n#grey_map Erase_lineeve_erase_lineN n%grey_mappagewAeve_pageO )n(grey_mapSectionxAeveplus_sectionP !n&grey_mapSpawnyA eve_spawnQ mAQ #n#grey_map Erase_wordeve_erase_wordR %n(grey_mapforwardtA eve_forwardS %n(grey_mapreverseuA eve_reverseV Hn.!grey_map remove buffervA(bufed_remove_buffer;eve_toggle_white_mapW lAW -n(grey_mapErase_charactereve_erase_characterX qAX 'n%grey_map move_by_wordeve_move_by_wordY 3n- grey_map Other_WindowsAeveplus_other_windowZ %n$grey_mapEOLrAeve_end_of_line[ )n*grey_map Next_linepA eve_next_line^ Hn.!grey_map select buffernA(bufed_select_buffer;eve_toggle_white_map_ MA_ 'ngrey_mapBuffereve_buffer(eve$x_null)d ?n& EVE_YELLOW_REDQA'eve_help('keypad');eve_toggle_white_mapf <n" define_keyRA(eve_user_define_key;eve_toggle_white_maph <n% Restore line SA%eve_unerase_line;eve_toggle_white_mapi +n  dowAeve_do('');eve_toggle_white_mapk ?n& Fill_paragraphxA'eve_fill_paragraph;eve_toggle_white_mapl 7n" Spawn_mailyA#eve_spawn_mail;eve_toggle_white_mapn ;n$ Restore_wordmA%eve_unerase_word;eve_toggle_white_mapo /n BottomtAeve_bottom;eve_toggle_white_mapp )n TopuAeve_top;eve_toggle_white_mapr :n$ paste_selectvA$eve_insert_here;eve_toggle_white_mapt En) Restore_characterlA*eve_unerase_character;eve_toggle_white_mapv =n% Delete_to_EOLrA&eve_delete_to_eol;eve_toggle_white_mapw 9n# Change_caseqA$eve_change_case;eve_toggle_white_mapy Fn# Two_windowssA1eve_toggle_number_of_windows;eve_toggle_white_mapz 6n# line_numberpA!eve_line('');eve_toggle_white_map| Cn, Print_Current_BuffernA%eve_print_buffer;eve_toggle_white_map~ ;n" Write_fileMA'eveplus_write_file;eve_toggle_white_map =n$ EVE_RED_BLUEQA'eve_help('keypad');eve_toggle_white_map /nMarkRA!eve_mark('');eve_toggle_white_map ;n$ Number_linesSA%eve_number_lines;eve_toggle_white_map ;n" Extend TPUwA'eve_extend_tpu('');eve_toggle_white_map =n% List_commandsxA&eve_list_commands;eve_toggle_white_map -nDCLyA eve_dcl('');eve_toggle_white_map =n% Close_journalmA&eve_journal_close;eve_toggle_white_map ?n+message_buffer_downtA"eve_mess_down;eve_toggle_white_map En3&Backup in message_buffer_upuA eve_mess_up;eve_toggle_white_map Bn% Cut_RectanglevA+eve_rectangular_remove;eve_toggle_white_map :n'Translate_asciilA!eve_controls;eve_toggle_white_map 8nReplaceqA'eve_replace('','');eve_toggle_white_map 9n# Center_linerA$eve_center_line;eve_toggle_white_map 3n Get_filesA!eag_get_file;eve_toggle_white_map 5n! Trim_linepA"eve_trim_line;eve_toggle_white_map En(Select_RectanglenA+eve_rectangular_select;eve_toggle_white_map In+Include_Buffer_fileMA,eve_include_buffer_file;eve_toggle_white_map ?n&EVE_BLUE_WHITEQA'eve_help('keypad');eve_toggle_white_map =n! Goto_MarkRA*eve_go_to(eve$x_null);eve_toggle_white_map ?n'Un_number_linesSA&eve_unumber_lines;eve_toggle_white_map @n Save TPUwA.eve_save_extended_tpu('');eve_toggle_white_map ?n$ List_buffersxA)eve_list_all_buffers;eve_toggle_white_map 9n# Set_journalyA$eve_set_journal;eve_toggle_white_map ;n$ Open_journalmA%eve_open_journal;eve_toggle_white_map En'set_left_margintA,eveplus_set_left_margin;eve_toggle_white_map Gn(set_right_marginuA-eveplus_set_right_margin;eve_toggle_white_map In'Paste_RectanglevA0eve_rectangular_insert_here;eve_toggle_white_map Kn/"Display_Ascii_CharacterlA*eve_display_character;eve_toggle_white_map 9n! Set_widthsA&eve_set_width('');eve_toggle_white_map Dn,Transpose_charactersrA&eveplus_transpose;eve_toggle_white_map 5n" Draw_a_BoxqA!eve_draw_box;eve_toggle_white_map 9n# Trim_bufferpA$eve_trim_buffer;eve_toggle_white_map >n.!Insert_Ascii_CharacternAeve_ascii;eve_toggle_white_map Kn.!Destroy_current_bufferMA+eve_destroy_buffer('');eve_toggle_white_map n findB eve_find ('') %n$ insert_hereBeve_insert_here n removeB eve_remove n selectB eve_select -n( previous_screenBeve_previous_screen %n$ next_screenBeve_next_screen 7n" Spawn_mailB#eve_spawn_mail;eve_toggle_white_map nSpawnB eve_spawn &n) red_map Spawn DCLB eve_dcl('') 7n) white_mapEve_lseBeve_lse;eve_toggle_white_map <n, yellow_map Eve_spellBeve_spell;eve_toggle_white_map (n) red_map Fix_crlfsB eve_fix_crlfs &n$ Describe_keyBeve_describe_key /n) change_directionBeve_change_direction 'n% move_by_lineBeve_move_by_line 4n+Erase Previous WordBeve_erase_previous_word %n$ change_modeBeve_change_mode "n helpBeve_help ('keypad') n doB eve_do ('') On2% white_mapSelect_RectangleB+eve_rectangular_select;eve_toggle_white_map Mn0# yellow_map Cut_RectangleB+eve_rectangular_remove;eve_toggle_white_map Qn/" red_mapPaste_RectangleB0eve_rectangular_insert_here;eve_toggle_white_map Cn-  white_map Copy_buffer B$eve_copy_buffer;eve_toggle_white_map 8n( yellow_mapRuler Beve_ruler;eve_toggle_white_map An+ red_map Move_column B$eve_move_column;eve_toggle_white_map Jn0#blue_mapRectangular_pad B(eve_rectangular_pad;eve_toggle_white_map Cn-  white_map Grow_screen!B$eve_grow_window;eve_toggle_white_map Hn0# yellow_map Shrink_screen!B&eve_shrink_window;eve_toggle_white_map >n, red_map Print_screen!B eve_pscreen;eve_toggle_white_map Bn,blue_map Next_buffer!B$eve$next_buffer;eve_toggle_white_map 1n# Two_windows"Beve_toggle_number_of_windows n Quit TPUCeve_quit 2n1$ eve$user_keys Change_modeCeve_change_mode <n6) eve$user_keysChange_DirectionCeve_change_direction .n/" eve$user_keys What_line C eve_what_line ,n, eve$user_keysRepeatCeve_repeat('') ,n.! eve$user_keysLock_mapC eve_lock_map n deleteC eve_delete nTab Ceve_tab n return C eve_return n recallC eve_recall %n$ end_of_lineCeve_end_of_line )n& start_of_lineCeve_start_of_line 5n, erase_start_of_lineCeve_erase_start_of_line n  refreshC eve_refresh n exitCeve_exit  n space eve_space !n" move_leftDA eve_move_left #n# move_rightCAeve_move_right !n" move_downBA eve_move_down n  move_upAA eve_move_up d >   'mode F     #""#%`% >%F&&' (( )) 'mode)F** +  ,, --. //0 2;> ? 7@ ' first@FBBtZC 'nameCCt1D ' nextDFEFFHLVCP2PQQR SST VX +XFYY[`b Bd BeCe\f  1PAf 1g  h |i 1k <n shift key1execute (lookup_key (eve$get_shift_key, program))l nnp  E FL if(get_info(I,"type")=integer)then I eveplus$x:=II;Ielse II :=eveplus$x;Iendif; i 1L:= eveplus$x; i _F 'typeL)_doc := lookup_key ( eveplus$x, comment);II)_pgm := lookup_key ( eveplus$x, program); i 4L_doc := "~none~"; i neve$standard_keys L_pgm FrL define_key(I_pgm,II,II_doc,"eve$standard_keys"); i NLundefine_key (I"eve$standard_keys"); i  E E     ' key_map_listFTPU$KEY_MAP_LISTE $E l '!tpu$key_map_listfirstZF WHITE_MAPt] p $'&tpu$list_key_map_listfirstZFGREY_MAPt]  ' key_map_listF     ' firstZF   ' firstZF   ' firstZF   ' firstZF    first$ ' firstFEtw 'nameEu8 ' next F w    A Error buffer doesn't exist [[\FLAG4\ FHE@rF E@! Append select range to buffer: " "F(# (7$ 0($F%%C& *(&F' Creating buffer...( ) e* Append which buffer? + +F ,  7- 0 -F.. /0 1 Append to buffer: 2 2F(3 (74 0(4F55C6 *(6F7 Creating buffer...8 9 ; ; (< =@8>E) ? Selection cancelled.@ A (HCCFIRSTOMPh_SECOND_THIRD A!  A    CancelledDelete buffer: z   F  3!LNo such buffer: ! " $05 D LIST BUFFER66 377 $88 :  LIST BUFFER:F<  tpu$list_key_map_list\= Collecting buffer list? ' last?F@ ' first@FCCtE 'systemEE\EF' G { H 'nameH {I ' record_countI !6UL IFJJ!JK {L 8NN!NtO { PQ R {S 'modifiedS#T { Modified U #V { W X 'no_writeX#Y { No-write Z #[ { \ ] 'system]!^ {System _ !` { a b ' permanentb"c { Permanentd "e { f ggFhhwh i !ii i !i j Ck  l nnt1o ' nextoFpr  eveplus_sortrds Sorting buffer listt 'i&eveplus_sort ( current_buffer , "" ); u ww w (y Q yFzztz{ (| } { -~'  #{" J  ( 5{4 Buffer name Lines Attributes'   (  |g   % ;i6)bufed_select_key select bufferBbufed_select_buffer ;i6)bufed_remove_key remove bufferBbufed_remove_buffer  & g   5 'name LIST BUFFER2 Not in the LIST BUFFER  % bufed_select_key bufed_remove_key  & g! 'OtypeF YY iO   w   --w  $w   !  'modified ' record_count}  modified 'system Lsystem F ( \   I is a IIbuffer. Are you sure? F  E E \ yesY. No buffer deleted.   r ' firstFto 'system!}t1 ' nextF DMain 3 'name D 'nameMAIN     LDeleted buffer  ' firstF  'name LIST BUFFER2 Not in the LIST BUFFER  % bufed_select_key bufed_remove_key  & g! ''typeF YY i'  ` 5   'name  P! ,+Already in List Buffer-- try another buffer"5#$ % D&  %' bufed_select_key( bufed_remove_key)  &* g!+ , -5/79 :E<< 'name< LIST BUFFER</= Not in the LIST BUFFER> ??w? @3@*@$  @4@ >@@5A This is not a buffer listingB C D !DFE F G HH-H I J (KKV K L M !M MFN EN \ NFO  %CP PFQQ3RLNo such buffer: R S TTVT U V WYFLJ $#Did not specify buffer to copy from L H "!Did not specify buffer to copy to   Fs *F 3 New buffer created  Fc ,+Buffer to copy from doesn't exist-try again (   (   (!#  Copy from: $  $F% 7&  Copy to: '  'F( 7) )F*$++  !   C ('At end of buffer, no current character. Et= ctKFE  4K@ cJ, ^F   #6Current Character is '!AS', Octal=!OB, Decimal=!-!UB, Hex=!-!XB!AS## # %% 4 6 Mapping is already enabled  E4ET  10 ,i.eag$x_show_mapShow Map Window eve_show_map  11 .i) eag$x_map1Show Buffer #1eve_map_buffer("1")  12 .i) eag$x_map2Show Buffer #2eve_map_buffer("2")  13 .i) eag$x_map3Show Buffer #3eve_map_buffer("3")  14 .i) eag$x_map4Show Buffer #4eve_map_buffer("4")  15 .i) eag$x_map5Show Buffer #5eve_map_buffer("5")  16 .i) eag$x_map6Show Buffer #6eve_map_buffer("6")  17 .i) eag$x_map7Show Buffer #7eve_map_buffer("7")!  18! .i) eag$x_map8Show Buffer #8eve_map_buffer("8")"  19" .i) eag$x_map9Show Buffer #9eve_map_buffer("9")$((*4*=+ "!Mapping keys are already disabled,- .E45 eag$x_show_map6  eag$x_map17  eag$x_map28  eag$x_map39  eag$x_map4:  eag$x_map5;  eag$x_map6<  eag$x_map7=  eag$x_map8>  eag$x_map9? A Mapping keys disabled.BFFII?J $#EAG window keys are already enabledKL NEP4PQR SETZ ^  +eve_destroy_buffer^^`  1C` Ii$eag$x_opps_keyOpps!3eve_destroy_buffer(get_info(current_buffer,'name'))a txxzz@{ %$EAG window keys are already disabled|} ~E EAG window keys disabled. eag$x_write_file_key eag$x_write_new_key eag$x_get_file_key  +eve_destroy_buffer' eag$x_opps_key eag$x_toggle_win_key eag$x_other_win_key eag$x_mess_up_key eag$x_mess_down_key eag$x_shift_right_key eag$x_shift_right_key eag$x_top_buffer_key_:<E: Map window is now set ON NE: Map window is now set OFF (~ ? 'type (  (~ b:?  $i $i ' shift_amountFLI 10You're already at the left border of this buffer LF 'widthJFKF E F E FL<---------------------->I     %/4  :?  &/ (~ F yFiE ' FIRSTFt 'systemKF t1 ' NEXTFgQ3 'NAME D 0 name? b :Z_AF  (  1F? ( F '_type_Y, .BuffersF_  'buffer_r  'type ! 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O`-d 3&4 > ( d 3&4 > (  K3&4 > (  `-b   $w   =w     mail  !F)  ') bufferO 76Change case must be used in the same buffer as Select. =rF = Nothing to change caseE c ! ! !F    (E) E  V F/ /  /    -Name of Journal file :  F tpu.tjl  F f4 } %' (Enter journal frequency number <1-10> : ( (F) A* y*F++ +Y+H, 0/Illegal number entered must be between 1 and 10- %. / 035 $Ok to un-number file? 6 6F7 78YES8Y8Y899 9 (; !;; ;;t<2<0 <4= >=F> ?@@w@ A B*C DGH Delete how many lines? : I IFJ AK yKFLENNt"OKOFPQRUW !Enter ASCII value for character: X XFUY UAZ yUZF[ c[  \^` !Enter procedure name to execute: a aFb Ac idg ]hkl$mqs "!Press key you wish information onttFu _9uFvvw x )y Key is undefinedz { #5 L $ Help buffer-2    '!tpu$key_map_listfirstZF  WHITE_MAP9 != keypad_diagrams eve_white_yellow  YELLOW_MAP7 =keypad_diagrams eve_yellow_red  RED_MAP5 =keypad_diagrams eve_red_blue X BLUE_MAP7 =keypad_diagrams eve_blue_white    EX 98Press key that you want help on (Return to leave help): F i JIPress key that you want help on (Help for keypad, Return to leave help): F  Ct !  FreturntLW \L typing  unknown  help|}    '!tpu$key_map_listfirstZF  WHITE_MAP9 != keypad_diagrams eve_white_yellow 5 =keypad_diagrams eve_red_blue E 2Leve  =E  )   (~  F   }; return L ~  keypadu%  next_screenprevious_screenYP _ i   L?commandsYY/ L  eve commands $ cFL   eve commands   `(  B  E  \  F P `(Q \ F Leve F   eve commands ZaOI Help buffer Press Next Screen or Prev Screen to see other commands-2|( = E( ` $ Help buffer-2 = E(! " $(V& 76Type command you want help on (press Return if done): &F' Y) :9Type command name, or ? for list (press Return if done): )F* + ~,L,-- -F.tpu.do.}.I/ C;&vaxtputpuhelp0un1 A2return3do4exit4Y4Y4t-5 6 7 return8 :u;  < ( =E> L@D`DD E F G H IL MN OO P  QTT 'offsetTTdU V3V&V4V >V (W X Y Z\\ ' beyond_eol\d] ^3^%^4^ >^ (_ ` a beg Press Key to Describe:hhFi _ZiFjk:lLFunction Description : l m /n Key Has No Function...o p;DB ( /CDF ' /typeFFIG * translationGF /H  /$I J2-J)#J4L ( /M  /N  O  /O (R >RFS (TTFU V  WY/ HOW_MANY_SCREENS/ HOW_MUCH_SCROLL/  SCROLL_WHR 0 UUUWWFnW XX EX XFnYYwY Z [ ![[ [[]D] ^ _ ` aEbEct ADJUSTMENTt v SAVE_WINDOWvCURRENT_WINDO12 !22 22?3 '&Attempt to move past the end of buffer4 5 5F"6"67 c 7F"88F9 : !:: :; E;;Y;<D= > ? @ A Bd EAG_MAP_LINESd\ d@ \ eGET_INFOeSAVED_POSITIONeH c H"IJ  "K M' M N Oe( fPOSITIONfikEl' m  nnnHnwn o p EnpFqr !rr rq}r)s' t u v  nwyw x yWINDOWy y9typey  y:WINDOW E  ! Jw FnEE EE  O E FnEE NT :  SET:/w Fnnm ! )  EE:   ADJUST_u F c FH !   ! 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XiOBvle_ctrl_x_key(EDT CTRL_U (delete_to_beginning_of_line)Ceve_erase_start_of_line# XiOBvle_ctrl_u_key(EDT CTRL_U (delete_to_beginning_of_line)Ceve_erase_start_of_line% LiC6vle_ctrl_j_keyEDT CTRL_J (erase prev word) Ceve_erase_previous_word' OiF9 vle_f13_key"EDT LINEFEED (erase_previous_word)Beve_erase_previous_word( * CiD7vle_ctrl_h_keyEDT BACKSPACE (start_of_line)C eee_backspace, ?i@3 vle_bs_keyEDT BACKSPACE (start_of_line)C eee_backspace. @iA4 vle_f12_keyEDT BACKSPACE (start_of_line)B eee_backspace0 TiOBvle_ctrl_x_key(EDT CTRL_U (delete_to_beginning_of_line)Ceee_delete_beg_line2 TiOBvle_ctrl_u_key(EDT CTRL_U (delete_to_beginning_of_line)Ceee_delete_beg_line4 IiG:vle_ctrl_j_key EDT ctrl_j (erase_previous_word) Ceee_del_beg_word6 HiF9 vle_f13_key"EDT LINEFEED (erase_previous_word)Beee_del_beg_word7 8  &9  . . . Done!;  d 6TPU$LOCAL_INIT6 AVE ?0?@E0A %$Removing VMS Line Editing Keys . . .B  %C vle_ctrl_a_keyD vle_ctrl_d_keyE vle_ctrl_f_keyF vle_ctrl_h_keyG  vle_bs_keyH  vle_f12_keyI vle_ctrl_x_keyJ vle_ctrl_u_keyK vle_ctrl_j_keyL  vle_f13_keyM  &N  . . . Done!O WP ?>Can't remove key definitions - no older definitions available.Q SUNSPECIFIEDP < P WWX>XKXW}Y Z[ \] _ EAG_MAP_BUFFERccd !dd deYe fg hi k h x GET_INFOx 2 _ E 2 JError ( I ) at line E K G    !F 'nameJConverting CR's&LF's in buffer  E  ( c  c G >Fts  K F! ! ("""#' $ %!)) ) (+ c + >+F,,ts- .K.F/ / (0001' 2 3=77 7 (9 c 9 >9F::ts; ; (<<<=' > ?K?F@ A=B (C '&Converted CR's & LF's at !UL positionsC ENONE   BEGINNING_OFCURRENT_BUFFERST8  T  ` p  MOVE_VERTICAL ::  eveplus_saved_buffer  +eve_I F (  Building command listt ` F  , Can't find space T  \   K  E \ F' !! ! (#3#%#$ EVE_#4# Q#F $ $t)% ( &  'z)) ) (+   EVE_++t,.. . 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