.literal 1 MCL .end literal .lm 2 .indent -1 Multi-Column Lister .skip The Multi-Column Lister will copy an ASCII file into a file having multiple columns, if possible. As many as nine columns will be written on one page with a vertical line separating the columns. The output file name gets a default file type of .MCL if not otherwise specified. Imbedded control character are acted on in the following manner: FF - skip to next column or page, CR - start new line, LF - start new line unless immediately following a CR, TAB - expand according to the /FTAB__EXPAND qualitier. .skip Format: .skip ######MCL input-file-name [/qualifiers] .indent -2 2 Parameter .skip .indent -1 input-file-name .skip The name of the ASCII file which is to be copied into a Multi-Column format. .indent -2 2 Command__Qualifiers .indent -2 /FTAB__EXPAND .skip .indent -1 /FTAB__EXPAND .break .indent -1 /NOFTAB__EXPAND (D) .skip If this quilifier is positive, tab characters in the input file will be expanded according to the manner in which the Fortran compiler would interpret them; otherwise, tab characters will be expanded to the standard 8-column tab step. .skip .indent -2 /OUTPUT .skip .indent -1 /OUTPUT=file-name .skip The output file may be named explicitly by means of this qualifier. .skip .indent -2 /TRUNCATE .skip .indent -1 /TRUNCATE .break .indent -1 /NOTRUNCATE (D) .skip If this qualifier is positive, a line which exceeds the page width on the output file will be truncated to the width of the page. May not be used with WRAP. The specification of TRUNCATE will override the default specification of WRAP. .skip .indent -2 /WIDTH .skip .indent -1 /WIDTH=width .skip The output page width may be altered with this qualifier [default=132]. .skip .indent -2 /WRAP .skip .indent -1 /WRAP (D) .break .indent -1 /NOWRAP .skip If this qualifier is specified, a line which exceeds the page width on the output files will be continued on the following line. The continuation line is flagged with the characters "-->". May not be used with TRUNCATE.