************************************************************************* Submissions from Steve Pratty of REUTERS Ltd. 85 Fleet Street London EC4P 4AJ England 011-44-1-250-1122 ************************************************************************* ACL ACL was developed from PERMIT , which was originally submitted by the Battelle Memorial Institute . Like PERMIT, it provides a simplified way to grant another VAX user ACL access to one or more files . The ACL command adds or modifies an Access Control List (ACL) entry for each of the specified users to the specified files . Files: ACL.PAS, ACL.DOC, ACL.CLD, ACL.COM, ACL.HLP, ACL.MSG ************************************************************************* WIN This software program allows the user to simulate having windows such as the Apollo or MacIntosh computers . Each window is attached to a separate process ( which the program spawns ) and different commands may be running in each window. ( This program was earlier submitted by Glenn Everhart from the original submission by Rick Eesley ; I converted it from the original C source into Pascal and have modified/upgraded it .) Files: WIN.PAS, WIN.DOC, WIN.COM ************************************************************************* MAILRRR Program that will show whether or not a specified user has read MAIL sent to him/her by the person running the program. (Originally submitted by Hunter Goatley, Western Kentucky University .) Modified to : i) correctly locate recipient's name in mail.mai ii) use the correct-size buffer to read mail.mai iii) correctly handle mail sent /self iv) locate user-set mail directory to sys$login (held in vmsmail.dat) Files: MAILRRR.MAR, MAILRRR.DOC ************************************************************************* BB This is a bulletin board . Unlike most, it is not a text-based facility but file-based : ideal for .exe files, etc. Files: BB.COM, BB.DOC ************************************************************************* REMINDOLD This command file complements the Reminder utility ; using it replaces the REMIND ME command . All old reminders are saved in an archive file Reminders.Old before REMINDER deletes them and reminders that were missed are output to the terminal in the same format that REMINDER outputs current reminders . Files: REMINDOLD.COM, REMINDOLD.DOC ************************************************************************* REMINDTIM This command file complements the Reminder utility ; using it will result in being reminded at a given time . Files: REMINDTIM.COM, REMINDTIM.DOC ************************************************************************* AUSSIE To celebrate Australia's 200th birthday, here is a DCL command f i le that turns your screen display upside down : upside down characters, and upside down scroll. Files: AUSSIE.COM, AUSSIE.DOC *************************************************************************