[72"p(B)<+0[12;78"s[2"z [4"zG L O B A L A C C E S S[2"z Volume 1, No. 6 May, 1988  MUMPS means you never have to say you're sorting. [4"z $VIEW(Editor)[2"z I don't want this piece to sound like an obituary, but I'm afraid that at least a little of that aspect is inevitable, so here goes: on February 24, Bill Leroy resigned from DECUS. At that point, his numerous DECUS hats included chairmanship of both the Atlanta LUG and the SIG Publications Committee (which brings you this amazing compendium of editorial excellence every month). Bill had done some reflecting, and come to the (unfortunate for DECUS) conclusion that his heavy DECUS commitment was just not compatible with the rest of his responsibilities. I first met Bill bright and early on the Sunday morning which preceded the initial Symposium I attended after joining the MUMPS Steering Committee. We chanced to sit next to each other in a leadership training session, and proceeded to work together on the assigned problems. This pure coincidence turned out to be a great stroke of luck. Back then, Bill was the RT-11 SIG News- letter Editor, and already totally qualified in DECUS leadership arcana. I was brand new, and feeling like I had just parachuted into a strange city with a blank page where the roadmap was sup- posed to be. Bill did a lot to put information on my roadmap. For that, and for all the other ways Bill helped me personally, and DECUS in general, I would like to express my thanks. And, I am sure you will all join me in wishing Bill the best of luck in all his future endeavors.  MMP-1 [4"z $DATA[2"z Just look at all the goodies we've cooked up for you in Cincinnati: General Interest MUMPS Roadmap M010 Mo 9:00AM Multi-Lingual Translation of Text M021 Mo 9:30AM DECUS Abstract Keyword Index M014 Mo 10:30AM Large MUMPS Systems M005 We 4:00PM MUMPS System Management Panel M006 We 5:00PM MUMPS Tricks and Treats M008 Th 8:00PM MUMPS Development Committee Report M019 Fr 10:00AM MUMPS Future Planning Session M018 Fr 1:00PM Tutorials Multi-Way B-Tree Database Implementation M009 Mo 11:30AM Software Prototyping M020 Mo 6:00PM MUMPS Tutorial, an Overview M016 Mo 7:00PM Public Domain Software The Government and MUMPS M004 Tu 2:00PM Medical Query Language (MQL): An Application Generator for MUMPS Applications M017 We 3:00PM Full Relational Database in the Public Domain M022 Fr 9:00AM DSM Specific DSM Product Panel M015 Tu 9:00AM DASL--A 4th Generation Application Generator M011 Tu 10:00AM DECRAD: Radiology Application System M012 Tu 1:00PM DSM and Networking M007 We 12:00M FMS, All-IN-1, and MUMPS M013 We 2:00PM MUMPS Dump Busters M002 Th 7:00PM [4"z $HOROLOG[2"z May 8 Submission deadline for July newsletter May 16-20 Spring '88 Symposium; Cincinnati, OH June 13-17 MUG '88 Conference; New Orleans October 17-21 Fall '88 Symposium; Anaheim, CA  MMP-2 [4"z $ORDER("Podium")[2"z EVERYBODY misuses the word [2"zpodium.[2"z The podium is the wooden contraption you stand behind, clamp your microphones to, and rest your note cards on while you're making a speech, right? (Joe Clubmember told several amusing stories while he was behind the podium....) Wrong! The podium is the dais or platform Joe was standing on at the time. The word comes from the Greek root [2"zpod- [2"z which means [2"zfoot.[2"z The same root appears in the English word for "foot doctor," [2"zpodiatrist.[2"z And, to finish straightening things out, the proper term for the microphone and note card stand is [2"z lectern,[2"z from the Latin word [2"zlector,[2"z meaning [2"zreader.[2"z [4"z $NEXT[2"z Did you know that there is a Kermit written in MUMPS? Find out about that, and what really went on at the Cincinnati Sym- posium, in the July issue. [4"z$NEXT($ORDER)=[2"z"Mission" [4"z $RANDOM[2"z "Unless you're the lead dog, the scenery never changes." --Bumper sticker  MMP-3