This directory contains the source for EVE_EDT, an interactive text editor built using the VAX Tex Processing Utility. EVE_EDT was built using the EVE (V 1.0-000) source, and it includes a keypad that provides the mostly the same placement of keys and functionality of the EDT keypad. It also provides all of the functionality of EVE, along with multi-window capability from VTEDIT.TPU (by Ned Freed and Kevin Carosso), rectangular cut and paste routines that make a significant attempt to handle tabs, and several other nifty features too numerous to mention here. The exceptions to the placement rule include: 1) The REPEAT command, since TPU does not allow a command on the SHIFT (or GOLD in EDT terminology) key it had to be moved to SHIFT_PF2. 2) the SUBS (GOLD_ENTER), since this command is serviced nicely by the EVE REPLACE function it wasn't needed. In it's place is the EVE LEARN command. Most of the functionality of the keypad remains the same, although there are slight differences in the way that some commands are used. These differences are: 1) The SPEC INS key (GOLD_KP3) in EDT has been mapped to the QUOTE key (SHIFT_KP3). To insert a special character, you now hit the QUOTE key and then type in that character. (This means less fumbling with the ASCII charts to figure out what ^G or maps to!) 2) The REPLACE command uses the very nice EVE REPLACE function. Other than these differences, EDT hackers should have very few problems adjusting to EVE_EDT. To install: If you have MMS, edit the DESCRIP.MMS file, delete the INCLUDE line, define HELPLIB to be your public domain help library file, DESTDIR to be your public domain directory, and PROT to be the protection that you want EVE_EDTSECINI.TPU$SECTION to have. If you don't have MMS, the following commands should be used: $ EDIT/TPU/NODISPLAY/NOSECTION/COMMAND=EVE_EDTSECINI.TPU $ COPY EVE_EDTSECINI.TPU$SECTION :* $ COPY KEPT_TPU.COM :* $ LIBRARY/HELP/CREATE SYS$HELP:EVE_EDTHELP EVE_EDT $ LIBRARY/HELP/INSERT EVE_EDT Use tips: TPU checks for the logical name TPUSECINI whenever it starts up. If TPUSECINI is defined, then TPU will attempt to use the section file that TPUSECINI points to. This means that the line: $ DEFINE TPUSECINI :eve_edtsecini in your will cause your default TPU Section file to be EVE_EDT. By combining this with the line: $ DEFINE MAIL$EDIT "Callable_TPU" you will end up using EVE_EDT whenever you use any command in MAIL with the /EDIT qualifier. KEPT_TPU.COM allows any user to spawn off a subprocess with *any* TPU based editor running in it. Use the ATTACH command in TPU to get back to your main process, (SHIFT_A in EVE_EDT) and execute the command file again to get back to the editor. This is useful when you are editing several files at once and you have to hop out of the editor a lot. The "code-compile-debug-code..." cycle is also helped because you don't have to start up the editor again every time that you start up a new process. Have fun! Please report all bugs and make suggestions to: -- Chris Yoder Harvey Mudd College Bitnet ----- Chris@Ymir.Bitnet