This is TeX, Vax/VMS Version 2.0 (preloaded format=lplain 86.5.6) 11 FEB 1988 09:59 **&lplain eve_edt_guide (PUB$ROOT:[SOURCE.EVE_EDT]EVE_EDT_GUIDE.TEX;36 LaTeX Version 2.09 - Released 7 January 1986 (TEX$ROOT:[INPUTS]ARTICLE.STY;2 Document Style 'article'. Released 23 September 1985 (TEX$ROOT:[INPUTS]ART12.STY;2) \c@part=\count78 \c@section=\count79 \c@subsection=\count80 \c@subsubsection=\count81 \c@paragraph=\count82 \c@subparagraph=\count83 \c@figure=\count84 \c@table=\count85 ) (TEX$ROOT:[LOCAL.INPUTS]MATH_DOCS_HEADER.TEX;2) (PUB$ROOT:[SOURCE.EVE_EDT]EVE _EDT_GUIDE.AUX;1) (TEX$ROOT:[LOCAL.INPUTS]MATH_DOCS_MACROS.TEX;5) [0 ] [1] [2] [3] [4] (PUB$ROOT:[SOURCE.EVE_EDT]EVE_EDT_GUIDE.AUX;2) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 151 strings out of 2520 1475 string characters out of 29530 36311 words of memory out of 65501 2083 multiletter control sequences out of 2500 19306 words of font info for 73 fonts, out of 35000 for 100 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 307 12i,9n,15p,198b,229s stack positions out of 200i,40n,60p,500b,600s Output written on PUB$ROOT:[SOURCE.EVE_EDT]EVE_EDT_GUIDE.DVI;23 (5 pages, 16796 bytes).