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Reverse Find: F    F 0 K find find Klfindfind}KA No previous target to find  'typeK Finding previous target: !AS  2 Finding previous target:    6 Nothing to find      'type%  E0" E0  !F( EF ` (t|5|      >0F8 E8   (t  y    >0-F8 E8  8`$E@- Hreverse $E@ Hforward  ((@ (_|     >0F8 E8   (t  y    >0-F8 E8  8 'typeB Could not find: !AS  ) Could not find:   (( ( $H#Found in !AS direction. Go there?  FPPKy  FXXreturnXdoY Pyes  Pno  % P  EP \ yesP @ B 8   ) 8  8 & ((    B  8     ) 8  8 !((F ) * }X+ return, K. / 0 2keypad234uI5 7screen8 next_screen9previous_screen9Y9Y9P:: _: i;  < =K=?>commands>Y>Y>3? K@ eve_edt commandsA ,B oBFCKC"D eve_edt commandsE F `(FFBH EH \ HFI PK `(KQK \ KFL MLeve_edt MFN O Qeve_edt commandsQS ZaOI Help buffer Press Next Screen or Prev Screen to see other commands-2T|(TU V WE(X `Y $ Help buffer-2Z [E(\ ] _(Va 76Type command you want help on (press Return if done): aFb Yd :9Type command name, or ? for list (press Return if done): dFe f gKghh  hFitpuidoi}iIj CX&vaxtputpuhelpkunl AmreturnndooexitoYoYot-p q r returns uQv  w ( xETy K{   CX% eve_edthelp X (  >gF E   0 EQ   X ! !    K $ Help buffer-2 eve_edt keypad_diagramEX 938Press key that you want help on (Return to leave help): F i J3IPress key that you want help on (Help for keypad, Return to leave help): F   FreturntKW K typing  unknown  help|}: eve_edt keypad_diagramE 6Leve_edt  E   ' beyond_eolF`-|>    3%4 >- (Y \ } }   ~3%4 >- (    >K    3&4 > (   ' beyond_eolK3%4 >- ( !   i  K K 3 & 4 > (      F y  `    9      $ $ ' current_row% % 'visible_bottom$ % .& & $' ( -) + 2 4 ; = D D ' current_rowE E ' visible_topD E .F F $G H -I K ^ d d F e  e Fg ' offset_columng Fi sj k Ll m n ' offset_columnn Fs Lt u Lv x !x x ty y y tz Lz t{ | ' offset_column| F} L~ '  D    {  t] L tK  ' offset_column F  s      `       2 } - 2   ( 2   (   ` F    c > F  (        F  G T I   (   'visible_length F ' status_line K  T F  T F   E  ' current_row F    0 ' visible_top F  3 % 4 >- ( ' beyond_eol    ' scroll_top F( ' scroll_bottom F0 ' scroll_amount F8 ' visible_top S  'visible_bottom R  )&0 g  !(08&0 !       (  % ' ' ' ( ) * * ' offset_column+ + ' right_margin* + , - . / 0 1 1 ' left_margin1 F2 2 3 4 5 7 > ' @ G G 8H EI Selection cancelled.J CK Selection started.L X8L FM O X [ ![ F\ \ ] 'buffer] ] ] J^ 21Remove must be used in the same buffer as Select._ ` r` Fb b c c c c 8d Nothing to removee Ef g ch !h !h !h Fi j k nl (nm ' n o p (q Er Es Remove completed.t u 8v Use Select before using Remove.w y   ! F   'buffer  J 21Append must be used in the same buffer as Select.  r F     8 Nothing to append E  c ! ! ! F n (   ( E E Append completed. 8 Use Select before using Append.   n n  'mode F    n D     R :9Nothing to insert. Use Remove to select a range of text. R :9Nothing to insert. Use Select to select a range of text.      F ' left_margin F ' right_margin F U   (  U F( ! F ' offset_column F  (  Y /     K F ! F8 ' offset_column F   tk ! F8 E@   t)  F@ K0 F0 X ' offset_column F    (8 @      ' offset_column FH ( ' offset_column F   k 0   :       :  H         ! ! ! 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F    \ }    R} F  1 y  Fo E m y  Fo E  ' left_margin %       + Nothing to fill   ! F  w  !   t[   +  u  h ! F a (  w  !    t0  t    !  9 Nothing to fill ( ! " !" F& !& F'  + (. / 1 ; > > ? 'buffer? ? ? ?@ $#Select marker not in current bufferA B D !D FE rE FF 9G EH (I J K L N Q [ Z E([ ] !] F^ ^ Fb ac (g i i F(k v(o !o Fr (s t w !w F|  } v(~   (      ( 2 * 0  4 > F  (  ! F   > (  F   (      2G %= &' 0' &  % 4 > F   -  F    F (  ! F   * ! F   (  K  DD   w   ! F      >          -    [ 2 B  Mark !AS not set     zNo mark name givenGo to: z   L eve$mark_F 7 FFF8 !F@  ; F0 ]   (8"0K".%L0eve$x_buffer_of_mark:=get_info(&I ,'buffer')& i''}'(( (U* :9Cursor has been moved to a text window; try command again+, --../ 00}0@11 }}22 3 4 5L0eve$position_in_middle (5I)5 i6 E06 \ 0 6FH7 H8 HGoing to mark !AS8 9 G: Ambiguous mark name: !AS:  ; =DD EGNN (OQ\dZa Cannot move to line !SLa b (cdf !fFh #UNo line number given Line number: hzh ij llIm Cannot move to line !SLm no qq ' record_countqHqFssttJu Buffer has only !SL line!%Su v (w Buffer is emptyx y xzz z ({T{ | !| }  !F ' record_countFKFE  ! V  ! t2 TF ( W $ #You are at line !SL of !SL line!%S.    !FF%   ( !FF% 7  (O Cannot use !AS as a mark name  (z!Current position not marked Mark name: z    E1 \ F L eve$mark_I := mark (none) i Current position marked as !AS `-F ! }0 F  ~4F| ! }    `-        K  %KD  &K$& }3' ( ( ()  Press the key to be added: *  3+\+F,  3-  /=U  V  XXFYY 'modeYF Z [E^ "zNo string to replace Old string: ^z^ _` b cKc,d  New string: dFe g (h '(typehh%i (j k 0l 0m(m0m}mnEX"o 8p '8typepp%q 87r s Ht 'Htypettu zHv w @x @7y Pz zP{ |EX}  \ F``t{ ` ` 8Fh ` (  i ,+Replace? Type yes, no, all, last, or quit: Fp p  pyes  EpFx \ xyesp \ xallp \ xlastpxYYY3Eh E` FX   (  0 z8  @ IH  P   0    `-, Ew  KF   \ xallpx}fE Replacing all occurrences...  %/ u   \ xnop \ xquitpYEh`B ` (    u  x \ xquitp \ xlastpY}tA    &/ Replaced !SL occurrence!%S    +ULeft margin unchangedSet left margin to: z  7 Left margin must be at least 1 < ' right_marginFz (currently set to !SL)J.Left margin must be smaller than right margin   v  Left margin set to !SL    -URight margin unchangedSet right margin to: z   ' left_marginF{  (currently set to !SL) J.Right margin must be greater than left margin    .   .   Right margin set to !SL   ' beyond_eolK3%4 >- ( v4 Already at start of line ! $""w" # $ (((Y)) \ })*+ }, - /=>?@IA3AYAYAYAYAsBBBGCCCD  E F ( G HHI JJK MY cc cUd :9Cursor has been moved to a text window; try command againef i "zBuffer not switched Buffer name: izi jk l ppFq ' firstqFr 7s $vvtw 'namewFxx(yE zE8{u| } E} \ }}@~   0 (K8F8   ' nextF  D Already in buffer !AS  & }   '$ record_count80D (Already in buffer !AS  & }0  g  Ambiguous buffer name: !AS     *F@ }@ @ [End of file] 'widthR @    zNo file specified File to get: z     !zNo file specifiedFile to read: z    2H} Don't understand file name: !AS  !    U :9Cursor has been moved to a text window; try command again  KF K $ FKt#    '$ record_countv !   Ambiguous file name: !AS      Ka KK= KK?GF a KK= KK?GF  F ' firstFtw 'nameE(u8  ' next F!w'()K)[* ' output_file**+E0, -E0. / 0 ' output_file01 ' file_name11Y12E03 4E05 7 90: Buffer name !AS is in use: < 32Type a new buffer name or press Return to cancel: <F=K=.> No new buffer created? .B 0BF C D EEEGF Already editing file !ASF G &HH }I J L .O 0OF P R RS  [End of file]UU 'widthURU  V ZZ \lto2xoyq \ q Buffer !AS already existsq rrs tvKvw ' createww wVx Input file does not exist: !ASx yz { *{F| %$Editing new file; could not find !AS| }  '~ G *F  '  } ' read_only [% $  &$ %$j2HQ Don't understand file name: !AS   U :9Cursor has been moved to a text window; try command again  #zNo file includedFile to include: z   ! E E ' !F Y  !F   KF F $ F  Kt#      '$ record_countAR Could not include file: !AS D y2  ( 1 (  D@ Ambiguous file name: !AS   E -,Cannot reduce windows while in system window 2 Only one window on screen  !FFF ' status_lineFi &F( (-2 9 %F(  ' scroll_top ' scroll_bottom ' scroll_amount !(&0  'text   (5  'width   (G  ' shift_amount  (  }(  (  ((  ( ' firstF 'nextF  z(}   t  yE !   %' ) 'next)F**@+|+tT, ' firstH,F- . .z.t/j00268 : 'previous:F;;?<|<tS= ' lastH=F> ? ?z?t@gAACGJJ JHK -,Cannot switch windows while in system windowLM OO5P Only one window on screenQR T !TFUU UFV (WWF Y]`` `Ha -,Cannot switch windows while in system windowbc ee5f Only one window on screengh j !jFkk kFl (mmF ow  5 Cannot split a system window F ' status_lineF 'original_lengthF}Y: "!This window is too small to split  !FF( ' original_topF  'current_columnF@o  &F0oJ oS &F8 0-2 8-2 o  %F0oJ oS %F8  ' scroll_top ' scroll_bottom ' scroll_amount !0&0 'text  05 'width  0G ' shift_amount 0 ' scroll_top ' scroll_bottom ' scroll_amount !8&0 'text  85 'width  8G ' shift_amount 8 }0(  0 }8(  8 KF o@ (8  (0 F    5 Only one window on screen  !FF 'visible_length9 Window is too small to shrink  Fn ( #  #   F ( #  #   ( (5 Only one window on screen  !FF F 'visible_lengthq #  #  (   F9 No place for window to expand  'visible_length9 No place for window to expand  #  #  (!  K(  F -  F   ' ,0 2!33 4 667 'buffer777?8 $#Select marker not in current buffer9: < !<F=r=F> 9? No range selected!@@A C ECCD File name for selected region: DFE EEE2F No file name provided.GH I K  MEN (PW KXZejCh ('Could not change tab stops as specifiedijm 'zTab settings not changed Set tabs at: mRnn  4o  Tab stops setp r}C ('Could not change tab stops as specified *UTab settings not changedSet tabs every: @ ('Tabs must be set at least 1 space apart R  4  Tab stops set       !UWidth not changedSet width to: z  I Cannot set width to !SL  +\ \   ' lastHF ' firstHF  Gt1 ' nextHF Width set to !SL  5UNo columns shifted!Number of columns to shift left: ? '&Cannot shift left by a negative amount ~y  *)Window is now shifted right !SL column!%S    6UNo columns shifted"Number of columns to shift right: @ ('Cannot shift right by a negative amount w  *)Window is now shifted right !SL column!%S     ! F  F  F  F  F  ' lastF( }wL* Show buffer (I) -2(t( '(system} w j E     :39Press Do for more information, Return to resume editing:   F00do  (! ,"  # ($% & ' 'previous'F((h* w+ j ,  - "3!Press any key to resume editing: -F8.  / (1?HHJ wJ (K wN 'nameN  Information about buffer !ASN  O  P' Q' S   Input file: T ' file_nameTFUKUV  noneW 1X  Y  Z [' ]   Output file: ^ ' output_file^F__ 'no_write_Y_`  nonea 1b  c  d e' f' h 'modifiedh9i !  Modified j 9k !  Not modified l n ' left_marginn Left margin set to !SLn  o' qq 'modeqq9r !  Insert mode s 9t !  Overstrike mode u w ' right_marginw Right margin set to !SLw  x' z ' directionzz9{ !  Forward direction | 9} !  Reverse direction ~ b 'width Window width set to !SL   '  ' record_countF5  !SL line!%SF   No lines    E     S EV  \     ' shift_amountF  R $ #Window shifted right by !SL columns    ' '  ' tab_stopsF( '(typeO !( Tab stops set every !SL columns   e ( Tab stops set at columns !AS     '   F eve$mark_  ! $tJeve$x_buffer_of_mark:=get_info(I ,'buffer') i}9      '$ record_countD w (   No marks o  w (   Marks: ' '   $ '   !F F(F0K     }wL* Show buffer (I) -2 w (w 3 2 Buffer Name Status Length Filename'  Q P--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'  ' firstFt 'systemF|Y  S     0  =      'name !20AS    'mode  Ins    Ovr   'no_write  R     R/W   'modified    Mod       ' record_count !6SL    ' file_name  '   ' nextF Q P--------------------------------------------------------------------------------'  3 2 Buffer Name Status Length Filename   "3!Press any key to resume editing: F   ((-\)2()C* ('You are not running EVE in a subprocess+, -/ K0|2AKcG2hGJH $#DCL subprocess could not be createdIIJ KN #zNo DCL command given DCL command: NzN OP R '/typeRS/SYS[T Creating DCL subprocess...U  $ set noonUF/V X !XFZZZ[[\x] ^^F__F`.aaa&bb }c d ff # DCL buffer-2g g (k' l  mm  n /o o (pp  r }s uuwn2hU /.DCL background subprocess could not be created  1z!No background command givenBackground command: z   '/type/Y[ Creating DCL subprocess...  $ set noonF/  /  !F  ('    / (C2P* No key defined  zNo key defined Eve command: z   oFK   (3'Press the key that you want to define: F `(FB E \ F  <T \ F   C' No key defined   doF .-You cannot bind another command to the DO key  K? n   Key defined H 0/You cannot bind another command to a typing key    2`o %$Error in compiling; TPU not extended (     2 E   "zTPU not extendedProcedure name: z    !F ' informational3E& E% * Extending TPU...   &!! " #  TPU extended$% ' $( Searching for procedure !AS...( )) ) (* UK-2M,%C,$: procedure,0",(0-$-40 >-0F 1 1t{2  2 (6 !6F(7 07 (8 9 >?9F8= >=F > >?EP@ wA  A (C !C (!CFHDEPE IPJ E8J \ 8JF@K@K4L $M  @NuO P  @Q R T ((U !UU UUt V WNY '$ record_countYAT[ Could not find procedure: !AS[ \D] Extending TPU...^  &_ H` a  TPU extendedbDEd Ambiguous procedure name: !ASd  g (is LKPress keystrokes to be learned. Press CTRL/R to remember these keystrokes.t  v~s2X/ Nothing to remember +2E  (F A3@Press the key that you want to use to do what was just learned: F C7 Key sequence not remembered   doG /.You cannot use the DO key for a learn sequence 3 K nsequenceS 0/That key was already used in the learn sequenceE ; Key sequence rememberedue  I 10You cannot use a typing key for a learn sequence   9U"Will not repeat next commandNumber of times to repeat: z  5 Will not repeat next command G #"Will repeat next command !SL times   F   shift key F  K FKCt*  TF   F  do n  _FCt* iTF / Cannot repeat that key       #zStatus not savedFile to save in:       635Press the key that you want to use as the shift key: F C) No shift key set m  doA )(You cannot make the DO key the shift key  K 1 <n shift key1execute (lookup_key (eve$get_shift_key, program))  Shift key set C +*You cannot make a typing key the shift key   +-- 1.. 1.F//1:CX?2h??@ $#DCL subprocess could not be createdAB CE KFKFG H I !IFJJFK (L L (M  N  %/O  PPFQ  &/R (S (TU Wbf #zNo TPU command given TPU command: f;g ' informational3ghE&i jE%k l  &m in oooqqq 'nameqJ qI bufferq -2r s u 'buffer? $#Select marker not in current buffer  !FrF  !F   !F  ' file_nameF `]HF `;RF  \  F `.HF EF  \  JSYS$SCRATCH:EVE_SPELL_TMP.F  Lspell     Ldelete I;* E ( 'buffer? $#Select marker not in current buffer  !FrF  !F   !F   sys$scratch:eve_edt_sort.tmp ?>sort sys$scratch:eve_edt_sort.tmp sys$scratch:eve_edt_sort.tmp  sys$scratch:eve_edt_sort.tmp &%delete sys$scratch:eve_edt_sort.tmp;*E (C ('You have not selected a region to rule.  'buffer@ %$Select marker not in current buffer. r EF $#You have selected !SL character!%S.  -F>F  F7!K 32A tab is interfering with selecting the rectangle. G /.An error has occurred selecting the rectangle. |6       (  * ;;9 Error in Get Rectangle routine.:;=|=>T? <;Please Mark the opposite Corner before Copying a Rectangle.@ WA ?>Please Mark the opposite Corner before Extracting a Rectangle.B C D 'bufferDDD@E %$Corner marked not in current buffer.FG III EII:K LL  M OOFPQ !QFR>RFS  SFUUWWX 0Y (Z [ 0\ (] _7_` 7a  b c d  7e i j (k 8o 'P record_countoFXr8 rtt  8(tFuuvv.w 0x  8(y Uz X({ (P|R| (}~   !F@  80F}* X(  !FH @H!F`  (  `  ` 'P record_countXU 'P record_countFXT F T8F8   (K8F8E  (U0(   (  !F`   (  `  `      z z ; Error in Put Rectangle routine. 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