PS converts normal ascii text files to postscript (PS) files that may be printed on the Apple LaserWriter. This new and improved translator has many features including allowing the user to choose any of the built-in LaserWriter fonts. Users may also adjust margins, and set the size of the chosen font. PS also can translate RUNOFF .mem files. And yes! That means you can have underlining and boldfacing on the LaserWriter!!!! Please look at the the additional information on RUNOFF to find the RUNOFF specific commands. Bug reports to DOUG@HMCVAX.BITNET. Installation: Copy PS.EXE to a your public-domain software directory. Edit the image line of PS.CLD to reflect this directory. Install PS.CLD into your system command tables ( $ SET COMMAND PS/TABLE=SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES- /OUTPUT=SYS$COMMON:[SYSLIB]DCLTABLES $ MCR INSTALL SYS$LIBRARY:DCLTABLES/REPLACE ) and you're done.