Converting F4P (FORTRAN 66) keywords to lowercase....    finished accept, assign   finished backspace, block data, byte, byte function   finished call, carriagecontrol=, close, common, complex, complex function, continue    finished data, decode, define file, delete, dimension, do, double precision, double precision function   finished encode, end, end=, endfile, entry, equivalence, external, err=   finished find, format   finished goto   finished if, implicit, include, integer, integer function   finished logical, logical function   finished name=   finished open   finished parameter, pause, print, program   finished read, readonly, real, real function, return, rewind, rewrite   finished stop, subroutine   finished type, type=   finished unit=, unlock   finished virtual   finished write   finished .and., .eq., .eqv., .false., .ge., .gt., .le., .lt., .ne., .not., .or., .true., .xor.   Ready for the second pass, the one which handles only VAX FORTRAN (FORTRAN 77) keywords. The v q-register text area has been saved on the q-register stack. If you wish to terminate execution now, type ]v If you wish to convert VAX FORTRAN (FORTRAN 77) keywords to lowercase, type mv  @^uv\eiteco$macros:FORLC3.TEC\