Converting standard PASCAL keywords to lowercase....   finished abs, and, arctan, array   finished begin, boolean   finished case, char, chr, const   finished div, do, downto   finished else, end, eof, eoln, exp   finished false, for, forward, function   finished get, goto   finished if, input, integer   finished label, ln   finished maxint, mod   finished new, nil, not   finished odd, of, or, ord, output   finished pack, packed, page, pred, procedure, program, put   finished read, readln, real, record, repeat, reset, rewrite, round   finished set, sin, sqr, sqrt, succ   finished text, then, to, true, trunc, type   finished unpack, until   finished var   finished while, with, write, writeln   Ready for the second pass, the one which handles only VAX PASCAL nonstandard keywords. The v q-register text area has been saved on the q-register stack. If you wish to terminate execution now, type ]v If you wish to convert VAX PASCAL nonstandard keywords to lowercase, type mv  @^uv\eiteco$macros:PASLC3.TEC\