Test q-register commands having to do with the numeric part of q-registers. This includes the nUq, m,nUq and Qq commands. You should see 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 -9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 101 102  1uaqa:=  2ubqb:=  3ucqc:=  4udqd:=  5ueqe:=  6ufqf:=  7ugqg:=  8uhqh:=  9uiqi:=  10ujqj:=  11ukqk:=  12ulql:=  13umqm:=  14unqn:=  15uoqo:=  16upqp:=  17uqqq:=  18urqr:=  19usqs:=  20utqt:=  21uuqu:=  22uvqv:=  23uwqw:=  24uxqx:=  25uyqy:=  26uzqz= 1uAqA:=  2uBqB:=  3uCqC:=  4uDqD:=  5uEqE:=  6uFqF:=  7uGqG:=  8uHqH:=  9uIqI:=  10uJqJ:=  11uKqK:=  12uLqL:=  13uMqM:=  14uNqN:=  15uOqO:=  16uPqP:=  17uQqQ:=  18uRqR:=  19uSqS:=  20uTqT:=  21uUqU:=  22uVqV:=  23uWqW:=  24uXqX:=  25uYqY:=  26uZqZ= -9u0q0:=  -8u1q1:=  -7u2q2:=  -6u3q3:=  -5u4q4:=  -4u5q5:=  -3u6q6:=  -2u7q7:=  -1u8q8:=  0u9q9= 101,102ua=qa=  Please strike any key to continue, or ^A to exit Test that q-registers return values  @^ua/10/ @^ub/5/ @^uc/2/ (ma+mb+mc)-17"ntest 1 failed |test 1 passed '