% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00c[+[+235r)6 ASCII_CodesnBULLET.CRTL_DjCRTL_LCRTL_PDATE0 EDT_KEYPADF10HELPLIFELIST LOADMENUNPF1_1PF1_2PF1_L:PF1_T\PF1_UPF1_WPF1_XXRULERFSORTSPELL Standard_EVEPTIMETRIM@UPDATEf VT100_Keys VT200_Keys s[+1 HELPFObtain this help information. To use your own help library redirect2the logical name EXTENDED_EVE_HELP to point to it.ww iu[+1 SPELLFThe SPELL command will check the spelling of words in a specifiedFrange or type of file. If a range is specified the file is assumed toFbe a text file and all word are spell checked. If a particular typeFtype of file is specified only some lines/word will be checked forFspelling. For example, the spelling checker know a little aboutFFORTRAN syntax and will only spell check comments and character constants.FNote: only the first character (upper or lower case) of the parameter5BUFFER, PARAGRAPH, FORTRAN, etc. needs to be entered.FThe SPELL command notifies the user that it is loading theFdictionaries. A warning message is displayed if the project and/orFthe user dictionary is not found. Execution is terminated if the#common dictionary can not be found .FEach word is displayed in reverse video as it is checked. If the wordFcan not be found in any of the dictionaries the prompt "EnterFReplacement Word :" is displayed. At this point the user has severalFoptions. They may enter a carriage return which accepts the currentFspelling of the word. They may enter one or more characters (followedFby a carriage return) to be substituted for the word. They may alsoFmay enter a CRTL Z which stops the spell checking activity and retu rnback to the normal edit mode.2 BUFFERFTo spell check the entire buffer enter SPELL, SPELL BUFFER or SPELL B.FEvery word in the buffer will be spell checked. Words do not span across the end of line boundary.2 HEREFTo spell check the buffer starting at the beginning of the line thatFthe cursor is currently on enter SPELL HERE or SPELL H. Words do not%span across the end of line boundary. 2 PARAGRAPHFTo spell check the current paragraph enter SPELL PARAGRAPH or SPELL P.FPara graphs are delimited by blank lines, beginning or end of buffer.FEvery word in the paragraph will be spell checked. Words do not span across the end of line boundary.2 CFTo spell check a C source code file enter SPELL C. Only comments areFspell checked. A comment is everything starting with "/*" and ending with "*/".2 DCLFTo spell check a DCL command file enter SPELL DCL or SPELL D. OnlyFcomments are are spell checked. A comments is everything after a "!" on a line. 2 FORT RANFTo spell check a FORTRAN source code file enter SPELL FORTRAN orFSPELL F. Only comments and character constants will be checked. AFcomment is any line with a 'C' in column one or everything after a '!'Fon a line. A string constant is anything delimited by single quotemarks on a line.FTwo passes through the file are made. The first checks comments and&the second checks character constants.2 MACROFTo spell check a MACRO source code file enter SPELL MACRO or SPELL M. FOnly comments are spell checked. A comment is is everything after a";" on a single line.2 RNOFTo spell check a RUNOFF source file enter SPELL RUNOFF or SPELL R.@Spell check every line except those with a period in column one.ww`[+1 LOADFThe LOAD command creates a new buffer and fills it with the words inFthe user dictionary. If no user dictionary is found the buffer isFfilled with a default set of words. After filling the new buffer, theBbuffer may be edited (changed) to reflect the users current needs.ww2[+1 UPDATEFThe UPDATE command initialize the user dictionary and fills it withFthe words found in the current buffer. If no user dictionary existsFone is created. If one already exists it is over-written. The wordsFare inserted into the user dictionary in lexical sort order. If theFcurrent buffer was created by the LOAD command the user returns backFto the previous buffer. If an error occurs during the update step theFuser dictionary may be left in an undefined state. Stop and correct the problem.ww[+1 BULLETFThe BULLET command formats a paragraph into bullet type form. TheFfirst non-blank word is the bullet item. All other text makes up the bullet text.*A formatted bullet has the following form:@ item text text text text text text text text text text text@ text text text text text text text text text text text@ text text text text text text text text text text text@ ^ ^^ ^@ | || |@ | |+----------- TEXT LEFT AND RIGHT MARGINS ------------+ | | ->| |<----- ITEM SPACE |! +----------- ITEM LEFT MARGIN+The BULLET command has the following forms: Commands Description: BULLET Format a bullet using the defined marginsB BULLET X Display the bullet margins that are currently set. (X is any non numeric string)D BULLET 10 Redefine the bullet item space to 10 (the text leftD margin is adjusted so that the item space = 10) and% then format a bulletE BULLET 2 4 60 Redefine the item left margin to 2, the text margins7 to 4 thru 60 and then format a bullet.wwY[+1 DATE>Insert the current system date at the current cursor location.ww`[+1 LIFEC Play the game of life. The number of generations may be entered asDpart of the command, otherwise the game will prompt the user for it. For example:. LIFE or LIFE nDAll nonblank characters will be translated to '*'s when the the gameGstarts. The buffer should be VERY SHORT and not have many cells or thegame will take forever.FThis is a version of Conway's Life experiment from the Spring 86 DECUS2Lang&Tools Sessions Notes modifed by Michael Good.ww[+1 LISTCList the all of the current buffers. The user selects which buffer:to edit. The default is to return to the original buffer.ww@t[+1 MENUFDisplay a menu that allows the user to execute special functions. Thefunctions are:6 . Remove all TABs and spaces at the end of all lines.. . Convert all TAB characters to eight spaces.F . Replace control characters (0 - 31) with descriptive ASCII strings.F . Replace descriptive ASCII strings with control characters (0 - 31).-All functions effect only the current buffer.ww[+1 RULERBDisplay a ruler on the status line with the tab stops marked. TheAcurrent line is move to be bottom of the window if possible. TheBnext ruler command or status line update delete the ruler display.ww[+1 SORTBSort the lines in a named buffer into assending order. The bufferBname may be entered as part of the command, otherwise the the user$will be promped for it. For example:0 SORT or SORT X.Xww`[+1 TIME>Insert the current system time at the current cursor location.ww"[+1 TRIMFThe TRIM command removes spaces and tabs at the end of each line inthe current buffer.ww@[+1 CRTL_DDelete the current line.ww/[+1 CRTL_LFDisplay information about the location of the current line in relationto the complete file.ww[+1 CRTL_P7Display the current position of the cursor on the line.ww =[+1 PF1_1HReturn spilt screen to a single window that displays the current buffer.3To execute press the PF1 key followed by the 1 key.ww`J[+1 PF1_2FSplit the screen into two sections which are separate windows into the?same file or two different files. To execute press the PF1 keyfollowed by the 2 key.wwѪ[+1 PF1_L@Convert the current word to lowercase. To execute press the PF1key followed by the L key.ww@ޭ[+1 PF1_TCTranspose the two characters to the left of the cursor. To execute(press the PF1 key followed by the T key.ww[+1 PF1_WBToggle the display between 80 and 132 characters wide. To execute(Press the PF1 key followed by the W key.ww r[+1 PF1_UDConvert the current word to uppercase. To execute press the PF1 keyfollowed by the U key.ww`[+1 PF1_XADisplay a menu that allows the user to execute special functions.ESee MENU for more information. To execute press the PF1 key followed by the X key.ww[+1 F10CMove the cursor from one window to the other. To execute press theF10 key.ww [+ 1 VT200_Keys;Some of the VT200 terminal control key definitions for EVE.! ^B Recall Most Recent Command ^E End of Line ^H Start of Line ^U Erase to Start of Line/ ^V Insert Special character Into the Buffer ^Z Exit F11 Forward F13 Erase Word F14 Insert Modeww[+ 1 VT100_Keys;Some of the VT100 terminal control key definitions for EVE.# ^B Recall Most Recent Command ^E End of Line ^H Start of Line ^U Erase to Start of Line1 ^V Insert Special character Into the Buffer ^Z Exit PF3 Forward (keypad) , Erase Word (keypad) ENTER Insert Mode (keypad)wwU[+ 1 Standard_EVEFThese are some of the standard commands defined within EVE. They areFexecuted after entering command mode with the DO command. some of the.commands have also been bound to control keys.2 attachFSuspend the current EVE session that was created using the DCL commandFSPAWN, and reconnect the terminal to the parent process. Use theFcommand ATTACH only after creating a subprocess with the DCL commandFSPAWN. SPAWN assigns a name to all created subprocesses. Use the DCL Fcommand SHOW PROCESS/SUBPROCESS to determine the names of yoursubprocesses. For example.A $SPAWN EDIT/TPU TEXT.TXT (create a subprocess to edit a file) .D Command: ATTACH (returns control to the parent process) .8 $ ATTACH SMITH_1 (return to edit subprocess) 2 botttom1Move the cursor to the end of the current buffer.2 bufferFPlaces the specified buffer in the current window and moves the cursorCto the specified buffer. The cursor retur ns to the last rememberedEposition. If the buffer does not exist, EVE creates a new buffer and,places the cursor at the top of that buffer. BUFFER buffer-name2 capitalize wordGMake the first character of the current word uppercase (and the rest ofDthe word lowercase), and moves the cursor to the first letter of theCnext word. If the cursor is between words, the first letter of thenext word is capitalized. 2 center line;Center the current line between the left and right margins.2 dcl) 2 define key) 2 extend TPU) 2 FillFReformats the text in the current paragraph so that the maximum numberFof words fits between the left and right margins, and moves the cursorEto the end of the paragraph. blank lines and DIGITAL Standard Runoff3(DSR) commands are treated as paragraph boundaries. 2 get fileGCreate a new buffer that contains the text of the specified file (on anGempty buffer if you specify a file that does not exist), places the newDbuffer in the current window, and places the cursor at the beginningGof the new buffer. If you specify the same file and and file type withCa different device or directory name during an editing session, EVE@prompts for a buffer name into which to read the file. Wildcard?characters may be used in the file specification. If there areAmultiple matches, EVE displays all of the choices and  prompts youfor the one you wish to select. GET FILE file-spec2 go toAMoves the cursor to the location previously labeled with the MARKFcommand. If the mark is in a buffer not mapped to the current window,Ithe buffer that contains the marked text is mapped to the current window. GO TO mark-name2 include file) 2 learn) 2 line7Move the cursor to the beginning of the specified line. ! LINE n2 lowercase wordAChange the entire current word to lowercase letters, and move theCcursor to the beginning of the next word. If the cursor is between words, the next word is changed.2 markCLabel a location in your file to which the command GO TO can return the cursor. MARK mark-name2 move by word) 2 one windowKReturns a split screen to a single window that displays the current buffer.2 other windowHMoves the cursor from on "e window to the other so you can perform editing functions in the desired window.2 quitGterminate EVE without saving your edits. If you modify a file and exit-using QUIT, EVE prompts you for confirmation.2 quoteDInsert the a special character into the buffer. You may insert formGfeeds or nonprinting characters such as control characters. QUOTE alsoIallows you to insert printing characters, such as letters and punctuation2marks, that are bound or programmed to other keys.ITo searc #h for a special character use CTRL/V when using the command FIND.2 recall@Place the most recent command (issued using DO or RECALL) on the<command line. Press RETURN to execute the recalled command.2 repeatEReiterates the next character or command a specified number of times. REPEAT n 2 replaceHremoves an old string of text and replaces it with a new string of text.GEVE highlights each occurence of the old string and prompts you for theGaction to be taken. At the end of the REP$LACE session,EVE displays the"total number of replacements made.$ REPLACE "old string" "new string" 2 restoreFRestores the last text erased with an EVE command or editing key. The(text is inserted at the cursor position.2 save extended eve2 set left marginFAligns the left margin of subsequently entered text with the specified&column. The default left margin is 1. SET LEFT MARGIN n2 set right marginGAligns the right margin of subsequently entered text with the specified %Ecolumn. The cursor moves to the start of the next line if it is lessGthan eight spaces away from the the right margin. To prevent text fromEwrapping, set the right margin to at least eight more the the longestEline in the file. By default, the right margin is one character lessthan the width of the screen. SET RIGHT MARGIN n 2 set tabs atJset tab stops at the columns specified as a sequence of integers separatedFby spaces. Default tab stops are set at every eight characters.& thisGcommand does not affect the hardware tab settings on your terminal. IfCyou use terminals or printers that have tab settings different fromJthose you specified, the file does not appear the as it does during an EVEediting session. SET TAB AT n [n...]2 set tabs every) 2 set width SET WIDTH n 2 shift left SHIFT LEFT n 2 shift right SHIFT RIGHT n2 showFDisplay information about the current buffer, such as input an 'd outputFfile names, margin and tab settings, number of lines current directionHand mode, and the name of marks associated with the buffer. If you haveDmore than one buffer in your edit session, SHOW asks you whether you>wish see additional information. Press the DO key to see this information.2 spawnASuspend the current EVE session and connect the terminal to a newHVAX/VMS subprocess at the DCL level. To resume the EVE session, log outCof the VAX/VMS subprocess. The command SPAWN is u (seful for running>VAX/VMS utilities or executing DCL command with out ending thecurrent EVE session.2 top7Move the cursor to the beginning of the current buffer. 2 two windows>split the screen into two sections, making it possible to viewEdifferent parts of one file or two different files. When one file isDdisplayed in both windows, edits made in one window are simultaneousmade in the the other window. 2 uppercaseAChange the entire current word to uppercase letters, and move the )Ccursor to the beginning of the next word. If the cursor is between words, the next word is changed. 2 write fileEWrite the contents of the current buffer to a specified file. If youGdo not provide a file specification, EVE write the file to your currentFdefault directory and uses the buffer name as the file name. If thereCis no output file associated with a buffer (for example, if this isFthe first write file in a buffer created with the command BUFFER), EVE%prompts you for a file spe *cification. WRITE FILE ww[+ 1 ASCII_Codes2 OctalG 0 nul | 20 ^p | 40 sp | 60 0 | 100 @ | 120 P | 140 ` | 160 pG 1 ^a | 21 ^q | 41 ! | 61 1 | 101 A | 121 Q | 141 a | 161 qG 2 ^b | 22 ^r | 42 " | 62 2 | 102 B | 122 R | 142 b | 162 rG 3 ^c | 23 ^s | 43 # | 63 3 | 103 C | 123 S | 143 c | 163 sG 4 ^d | 24 ^t | 44 $ | 64 4 | 104 D | 124 T | 144 d | 164 tG 5 ^e | 25 ^u | 45 % | 65 5 | 105 + E | 125 U | 145 e | 165 uG 6 ^f | 26 ^v | 46 & | 66 6 | 106 F | 126 V | 146 f | 166 vG 7 bel | 27 ^w | 47 ' | 67 7 | 107 G | 127 W | 147 g | 167 wG 10 bs | 30 ^x | 50 ( | 70 8 | 110 H | 130 X | 150 h | 170 xG 11 tab | 31 ^y | 51 ) | 71 9 | 111 I | 131 Y | 151 i | 171 yG 12 lf | 32 ^z | 52 * | 72 : | 112 J | 132 Z | 152 j | 172 zG 13 vt | 33 esc | 53 + | 73 ; | 113 K | 133 [ | 153 k | 173 {G 14 ff | 34 ?? | 54 , | ,74 < | 114 L | 134 \ | 154 l | 174 |G 15 cr | 35 ?? | 55 - | 75 = | 115 M | 135 ] | 155 m | 175 }G 16 ^n | 36 ?? | 56 . | 76 > | 116 N | 136 ^ | 156 n | 176 ~H 17 ^o | 37 ?? | 57 / | 77 ? | 117 O | 137 _ | 157 o | 177 del 2 HexadecimalG 0 nul | 10 ^p | 20 sp | 30 0 | 40 @ | 50 P | 60 ` | 70 pG 1 ^a | 11 ^q | 21 ! | 31 1 | 41 A | 51 Q | 61 a | 71 qG 2 ^b | 12 ^r | 22 " | 32 2 | 42 B | 52 R | 62 b | 72 rG -3 ^c | 13 ^s | 23 # | 33 3 | 43 C | 53 S | 63 c | 73 sG 4 ^d | 14 ^t | 24 $ | 34 4 | 44 D | 54 T | 64 d | 74 tG 5 ^e | 14 ^u | 25 % | 35 5 | 45 E | 55 U | 65 e | 75 uG 6 ^f | 16 ^v | 26 & | 36 6 | 46 F | 56 V | 66 f | 76 vG 7 bel | 17 ^w | 27 ' | 37 7 | 47 G | 57 W | 67 g | 77 wG 8 bs | 18 ^x | 28 ( | 38 8 | 48 H | 58 X | 68 h | 78 xG 9 tab | 19 ^y | 29 ) | 39 9 | 49 I | 59 Y | 69 i | . 79 yG A lf | 1A ^z | 2A * | 3A : | 4A J | 5A Z | 6A j | 7A zG B vt | 1B esc | 2B + | 3B ; | 4B K | 5B [ | 6B k | 7B {G C ff | 1C ?? | 2C , | 3C < | 4C L | 5C \ | 6C l | 7C |G D cr | 1D ?? | 2D - | 3D = | 4D M | 5D ] | 6D m | 7D }G E ^n | 1E ?? | 2E . | 3E > | 4E N | 5E ^ | 6E n | 7E ~H F ^o | 1F ?? | 2F / | 3F ? | 4F O | 5F _ | 6F o | 7F del 2 DecimalG 0 nul | 16 ^p | 32 sp | 48 0 | 6/4 @ | 80 P | 96 ` | 112 pG 1 ^a | 17 ^q | 33 ! | 49 1 | 65 A | 81 Q | 97 a | 113 qG 2 ^b | 18 ^r | 34 " | 50 2 | 66 B | 82 R | 98 b | 114 rG 3 ^c | 19 ^s | 35 # | 51 3 | 67 C | 83 S | 99 c | 115 sG 4 ^d | 20 ^t | 36 $ | 52 4 | 68 D | 84 T | 100 d | 116 tG 5 ^e | 21 ^u | 37 % | 53 5 | 69 E | 85 U | 101 e | 117 uG 6 ^f | 22 ^v | 38 & | 54 6 | 70 F | 86 V | 102 f | 118 vG 7 bel | 23 ^w | 39 ' |0 55 7 | 71 G | 87 W | 103 g | 119 wG 8 bs | 24 ^x | 40 ( | 56 8 | 72 H | 88 X | 104 h | 120 xG 9 tab | 25 ^y | 41 ) | 57 9 | 73 I | 89 Y | 105 i | 121 yG 10 lf | 26 ^z | 42 * | 58 : | 74 J | 90 Z | 106 j | 122 zG 11 vt | 27 esc | 43 + | 59 ; | 75 K | 91 [ | 107 k | 123 {G 12 ff | 28 ?? | 44 , | 60 < | 76 L | 92 \ | 108 l | 124 |G 13 cr | 29 ?? | 45 - | 61 = | 77 M | 93 ] | 109 m | 125 }G 14 ^n | 30 ? 1? | 46 . | 62 > | 78 N | 94 ^ | 110 n | 126 ~H 15 ^o | 31 ?? | 47 / | 63 ? | 79 O | 95 _ | 111 o | 127 delww[+ 1 EDT_KEYPADF +--------+--------+--------+--------+ DELETE - Delete characterC | | | FNDNXT |ERASE L | BACKSPACE - Start Of Line' | GOLD | HELP | | |< | | | FIND |RESTOR L| CTRL/B - Recall@ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ CTRL/K - Define Key> | PAGE | SCREEN | AP 2PEND |ERASE W | CTRL/R - RememberL | | | | | CTRL/U - Erase To Start Of Line; | DO | FILL |REP RANG|RESTOR W| CTRL/V - Quote= +--------+--------+--------+--------+ CTRL/W - Refresh: |FORWARD |REVERSE | REMOVE |ERASE C | CTRL/Z - Exit' | | | | |I | BOTTOM | TOP | INSERT |RESTOR C| GOLD/A - Compute left marginJ +--------+--------+--------+--------+ GOLD/D - Decrease left marginJ |MOV W ORD| EOL |MOV CHAR| | GOLD/E - Increase left margin' | | | | RETURN |' |CHNGCASE|ERAS EOL| SPECINS| |A +--------+--------+--------+ | Use the Do key to enter< | LINE | SELECT | | advanced commands.' | | | SUBS |' | OPEN LINE | RESET | |' +-----------------+--------+--------+ww