!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! Procedure to initiate two windows with the current cursor-position ! ! as the boundary between them: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PROCEDURE cjc_set_window_top_here LOCAL this_position , this_row , dtop1 , dbot1 , dtop2 , dbot2 ; eve$check_bad_window ; this_position := mark ( NONE ) ; this_row := get_info ( current_window , "current_row" ) ; this_buffer := current_buffer ; if eve$x_number_of_windows = 1 then unmap ( eve$main_window ) ; map ( eve$top_window , this_buffer ) ; eve$set_status_line ( eve$top_window ) ; map ( eve$bottom_window , this_buffer ) ; eve$set_status_line ( eve$bottom_window ) ; eve$x_number_of_windows := 2 ; eve$x_this_window := eve$bottom_window ; endif ; dtop1 := 0 ; dbot1 := this_row - get_info ( eve$top_window , "visible_bottom" ) - 1 ; dtop2 := get_info ( eve$bottom_window , "visible_top" ) - this_row + 1 ; dbot2 := 0 ; adjust_window ( eve$top_window , dtop1 , dbot1 ) ; adjust_window ( eve$bottom_window , dtop2 , dbot2 ) ; eve$top_window_length := eve$top_window_length + dbot1 ; eve$bottom_window_length := eve$bottom_window_length - dtop2 ; eve$position_in_middle ( this_position ) ; ENDPROCEDURE ;