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L/ L00F1 'modified2 'no_write2z1}23`4 Trimming buffer...5 l6 Trimming completed7 8  9 $: < '<F??t@ 'modifiedA 'no_writeAz@}A)B 'C \ CFE Write buffer !AS? E EF`G Trimming buffer...H lI Trimming completedJ K  L N $O P ' nextPFQIV  %KWYf hy +2E0  FL  z`. Forward Find: F . Reverse Find: F   FLgfindfind}nLA No previous target to find  'n[K nFinding previous target: !AS  2 Finding previous target:    6 Nothing to find   n  n '[%  nE(" E(  !F `  _|    >n(F0 E0    J  >n(-F0 E0  0:`$E8- @reverse $E8 @forward  ( 8  J  >n(F0 E0    J  >n(-F0 E0  0 'n[B nCould not find: !AS  ) Could not find:   (   $@#Found in !AS direction. Go there?  FHHLy FPPreturnPdoY Hyes  Hno  % H  EH \ yesH_ 8 0 0 & (    7 0 0  )   ! (" ##F $ % }& return' L) * + -keypad-.J/u%0 2 next_screen3previous_screen3Y3P44 _4 i5  6 7L7?8commands8Y8Y8/9 L:  eve commands; $< <F=L=>  eve commands? @ `(@@BB EB \ BFC PE `(EQE \ EFF GLeve GFH I K eve commandsKM ZaOI Help buffer Press Next Screen or Prev Screen to see other commands-2N|(NO )P QE(R `S $ Help buffer-2T )UE(V W Y(V[ 76Type command you want help on (press Return if done): [F\ Y^ :9Type command name, or ? for list (press Return if done): ^F_ ` aLabb bFctpucdoc}cId C&vaxtputpuhelpeunf AgreturnhdoiexitiYiYit-j k l returnm oup  q ( rEs Lu   C%tpuhelp  (  >iF E   0 EQ    ! !    L $ Help buffer-2'2 )keypad_diagrams eve_vt200 2 )keypad_diagrams eve_vt100 EX 9@8Press key that you want help on (Return to leave help): F i J@IPress key that you want help on (Help for keypad, Return to leave help): F  ! s FreturntJLW L typing  unknown  help|}'2 )keypad_diagrams eve_vt200 2 )keypad_diagrams eve_vt100 E 2Leve  )E    'F`-|>    3%4 >- ({Y \ ^ ^ ^    ~3%4 >- (    >L    3&4 > (  ' 'visible_bottom.   $   -     '' '(( ''(.)) $* + -, .5 ^7> ^@M[Z^[]^^^F__G`a b c d e (f g h j 'zjFk ' status_linekLklTlFm nTnFo ppqEr x 'xF y y$z 'zF { | 'current_column|F}3}%}4} >-} (~ '~    ' scroll_topF( ' scroll_bottomF0 ' scroll_amountF8 'S  'visible_bottomR  )&0g    'current_columnS  (  !(08&0  ' '4  @   '[F   ' 8E Selection cancelled. ` 0/Selection started. Press Remove when finished. X:F  !F  'J 21Remove must be used in the same buffer as Select. rF 8 Nothing to removeE c ! ! !F   m  (m '    (EE Remove completed.  8 Use Select before using Remove.  m  m  'F   m D  R :9Nothing to insert. Use Remove to select a range of text. R :9Nothing to insert. Use Select to select a range of text.    @   & & F' '[' F( '4( F* U* * + (, - U- F(. 0 !0 F1 '1 F 3  (3 {3 Y3 /4 5   6 7 8 : K: F; !; F8= '= F >  > tk? !? F8@ E@A >A A t)B aB F@C K0C F0D fH 'H F I  I J (8K M @N O O P Q R 'R FHT (U 'U F V  V kW 0W X @Y :Z [ [ \ ] ^ _ :`  H` ` a   b c e l n n n o o p r Et u u `hu u 0v Kv Fw w w t9x +y z u{ | X~ ~     ' F   c      !   * Already at bottom 2   (  !   ' Already at top 2   (    F   } E w  F   ' F         ! F      w   L t_  `h t2 K F   y  3 & 4 > (  tf   `h t    '[ F  '4 F  ' F     ' F( U R( l I F % (   ' K 3 % 4 >- ( !   / Already at end of line  L / Already at end of line K 3 & 4 > (     ! F        L   !         n  ' (       ! # * E+ + + , , FH- / / E/ / FH0 0 w0 1 2 !2 2 2 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 A H H FI I I <J 'K K^ J K L M N P 'Q '[P Q R !R R R MS S 6T T T 'U c U FV IW X X FY Z [ `[ [ k\ '\ F] ^   _ ` a Eb HLc d e f g h j >k !k Fl cm n !n F p  !p F(q (r E(r r FHs Eu }  !      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F  %     F  % 7   O Cannot use !AS as a mark name    (!Current position not marked Mark name: z   E  1 \  F L eve$mark_ I := mark (none) i Current position marked as !AS    ` - ~ > F | !   }  ~ c F | !   }   L  %K D  &K   }   (  Press the key to be added:   \ F        F  ' F  Ex "No string to replace Old string: z ! " $ % L% ,&  New string: & F' )  * ' [* * %+  , - (. (/  / (/ }/ 0 EP"1 02 '0[2 2 %3 074 5 @6 '@[6 6 7 @8 9 8: 87; H< H= > EP? B B FXC XC tqE XF XF :F F`G XG (H H  J xiL ,+Replace? Type yes, no, all, last, or quit: L FhM hN O hyesP Q EhQ FpR \ pyesR hS \ pallS hT \ <pT hU pU YU YU YU 3V E`W EXW W FX PX Y  Z \  \ ]  (^ z_ 0_ `  8a Ib @b c  Hd e  (f g h i j `j -j ,k Ek wk l m Km Fn n  o \ pallo hp po }p fq Exr Replacing all occurrences...s  %/t u u v w \ pnow hx \ pquitx hx Yx y E`z `z z B{ X{ (| } ~ ~   u  p \ pquit h \ <p h Y } t X  &/ Replaced !SL occurrence!%S      F ' F ! F   H     '    +bLeft margin unchangedSet left margin to: z   7 Left margin must be at least 1 /  '4 F  z (currently set to !SL) J.Left margin must be smaller than right margin  v   Left margin set to !SL    -bRight margin unchangedSet right margin to: z   '[ F  { (currently set to !SL) J.Right margin must be greater than left margin  +  +   Right margin set to !SL    ' K 3 % 4 >- ( v  4 Already at start of line  $  w   { Y  \ ^  ^  ^          Y Y U       (       )  3 t3 U4 :9Cursor has been moved to a text window; try command again5 6 9 "Buffer not switched Buffer name: 9 z9 : ; < @ @ FA 'A FB 7C H F F tG 'G FH H (I E J E8K uL M EM \ M M @N & O 0P (Q K8Q F8R S T ' nextT FU W X  Y Y DZ Already in buffer !ASZ [ &\ \ }] ^ _ 'H  _ _ ` 8` a 0a Db (Already in buffer !ASb c &d d }0e f gg i Ambiguous buffer name: !ASi  j k l *l F@m @n n }@o @ [End of file]q q 'q R q @ r s u u w    2H } Don't understand file name: !AS  !     t U :9Cursor has been moved to a text window; try command again  No file specified File to get: z  L F L H E(  F L t5 K( F( &    ( v !   Ambiguous file name: !AS    L a LL= LL? G F a LL= LL? G F  F (  t No files matching: !AS  !    ' F  tr '    E@ u8 ' next F | @i L O '    EH  EH o '   '   Y  EH  EH H Buffer name !AS is in use  32Type a new buffer name or press Return to cancel: F L . No new buffer created ) F8   G Already editing file !AS  & }    )   F8  8 8 [End of file] 'R  8    `*  ! `%!!" "# % `...%%& &' )!)+9A<2x<y> \ > Buffer !AS already exists> ??@ ACLCD ' createDDDVE Input file does not exist: !ASE FG H *HFI %$Editing new file; could not find !ASI K  'L GM *MFN  'O QQ }R ' read_onlyRR%S $T X ZZ\hsjo2HoQp Don't understand file name: !ASp qr sutuUv :9Cursor has been moved to a text window; try command againwx { #No file includedFile to include: {z{ |}  ! E E ' !F Y  !F   LF F H  F  Lt# &     'H  AR Could not include file: !AS D y2  ( 1 (  D@ Ambiguous file name: !AS  t !FFg2 Only one window on screen w  @  b }  (Eg  tg2 Only one window on screen ^@ (b  (@ F t !FFg6 Already two windows on screen    }@ @  @ }b b  bEg b i Trimming buffer... l Trimming completed L(  F -     F     ' L#(C& ('Could not change tab stops as specified'(+ 'Tab settings not changed Set tabs at: +R,,  4-  Tab stops set. 0;@C> ('Could not change tab stops as specified?@C *bTab settings not changedSet tabs every: CDD@E ('Tabs must be set at least 1 space apartF RGG  4H  Tab stops setI J LW] !bWidth not changedSet width to: ]z] ^_ aaIb Cannot set width to !SLb cd +eYef Yg h j '<HjFk 'HkFm  Gnnt1o ' nextHoFpq Width set to !SLq s 5bNo columns shifted!Number of columns to shift left: ? '&Cannot shift left by a negative amount ~y  *)Window is now shifted right !SL column!%S    6bNo columns shifted"Number of columns to shift right: @ ('Cannot shift right by a negative amount w  *)Window is now shifted right !SL column!%S    !FFFFF  '<F( } L* Show buffer (I) -2(t( '(system}    E     :@9Press Do for more information, Return to resume editing:  F00do ( ,   (   'previousF(h       "@!Press any key to resume editing: F8   (   (   '  Information about buffer !AS    ' '    Input file:  'FL  none 1     '    Output file:  ' F   'no_write Y   none 1     ' '  'modified9 !  Modified  9 !  Not modified   '[ Left margin set to !SL  '  '9  !  Insert mode ! 9" !  Overstrike mode # % '4% Right margin set to !SL%  &' ( ' direction((9) !  Forward direction * 9+ !  Reverse direction , ..\0 '0 Window width set to !SL0  1 2' 4 ' 4F5556  !SL line!%S6F7 8  No lines9 :  ; E; ;<   = S> E>V > \ k>  ? AAB ' shift_amountBF C CRE $ #Window shifted right by !SL columnsE  F G H' I' K ' tab_stopsKF0L '0[LLOM !0 Tab stops set every !SL columnsM  N eO 0 Tab stops set at columns !ASO  P  Q R' T ' key_map_listTF(U(UV' W(WAX ( Key map list: !ASX  Y )Z   No key map list[ \' ] a  F eve$mark_a c !c H cctddJeve$x_buffer_of_mark:=get_info(eI,eve$kt_buffer)e if-f9g  h i jk ln 'H  nnDo  o (p   No marksq or s  s (t   Marks: u' v' w  H x zzz{' | ~\2(C ('You are not running EVE in a subprocess  L|c2hJ $#DCL subprocess could not be created  #No DCL command given DCL command: z   ' [ Y[ Creating DCL subprocess... & $ set noonF  F !F& gMh & & }&   |   }@ @  @ }b& Eg b   # DCL buffer-2 &  ('        &  (  & h  C2P* No key defined  No key definedz   FL   (@'Press the key that you want to define: F `(FB E \ F  <T \ F   C '  No key defined  doF .-You cannot bind another command to the DO key  LD n   Key defined H 0/You cannot bind another command to a typing key   ) A62`6o8 %$Error in compiling; TPU not extended9 (: ;< >2>?E @ AD "TPU not extendedProcedure name: DzD EF H I !IFJ ' informational3JKE&L ME%N O*OP Extending TPU...Q  &RR S T  TPU extendedUV X H Y Searching for procedure !AS...Y ZZ Z (]2M\%C\$: procedure\0"\(0]$]4` >-`F a at{b  b (f !fF(g 0g (h i >AiF8m >mF n noEPp wq  q (s !s (!sFHtEPu yPz E8z \ 8zF@{@{4| H } & @~u  & @   (( ! t  N 'H  AT Could not find procedure: !AS D Extending TPU...  & H   TPU extendedDE Ambiguous procedure name: !AS   ( LKPress keystrokes to be learned. Press CTRL/R to remember these keystrokes.  s2X/ Nothing to remember +2E  (F A@@Press the key that you want to use to do what was just learned: F C7 Key sequence not remembered  doG /.You cannot use the DO key for a learn sequence 8 L nsequenceS 0/That key was already used in the learn sequenceE ; Key sequence rememberedue  I 10You cannot use a typing key for a learn sequence   9b"Will not repeat next commandNumber of times to repeat: z  5 Will not repeat next command G #"Will repeat next command !SL times   F  shift keyF  L FLCt*  TF  F  do   z   _ F  Ct* iTF / Cannot repeat that key      '* #Status not savedFile to save in: *+  , .:= 6@5Press the key that you want to use as the shift key: =F? C?)@ No shift key setA rB BdoBAC )(You cannot make the DO key the shift keyD E ELEF 1H <n shift key1execute (lookup_key (eve$get_shift_key, program))I  Shift key setJ CK +*You cannot make a typing key the shift keyL M N P\^^ 1__ 1_F``bpXl2hl?m $#DCL subprocess could not be createdno pr Ls u #No TPU command given TPU command: 6 ' informational3E& E%   & i l 'J I buffer -2  |( F )   (  !FF ( { (  ^. Not in command window 5|( F  !F {Fw   !F {\ { (      L  \ ^ ^EK^  E \ F  ( L    !  EL  F  L L  '   t* i TF  0Edodo}L2 No previous command given  Doing previous command: !AS t*  i  T F    ) No command given   ' }H   'H  0  Y`NH Choices Press Next Screen or Prev Screen to see other choices-2 @   Choices-2    ( { (  ! # '##$  % & !&F''F( () {) (*L*)+ ,- .  / (0 (1 3:Ah= No more commands to recall> ? @ACC{CDzE GGHGwG ITV W EWWX Y >ZZZ[\ ]z^ _ auxU|xtgy \ UyFz `zzt{KU{FU|~ L LE  LEEE?E0 UU| E]L  \ UF `E ` F `FKUFUU|tU \ UF `t1UU \ ] E'"YE KUFUU|t \ UFKUFUU|Eun  \ UFEu  UU \ F ]  L ]  E~KUFU \ ] E \ L   EH E \  `_F P EIQ \    L  `"F$LFu  \ JI"F EtLK E \ F !!#15 8U|U8H8 \ U8J8F9 `"99: "; k< `'<<= '> +? "@ @FA B CLCICICI)CFEEGXmmo pEUq EqF|rEs Lt Lu (Lv 0Lw Lx Ly H ]FL7 No command givenL |V Unrecognized command: !AS L   7 \  EVE_LEVE_F Fp +FLLEhu TU \  Don't understand command: !AS L  E@EX PL 8L  ! H tF K@F@      FHH E` @ PH +PHEX    j  (p v H _ Ehu( @  XTU \  Ambiguous command name: !AS  L :`( PEhu@    ]FLLEhu TU \  Ambiguous command name: !AS  L  ?LP_IF 7   \  F(  EQ \ J(F( 0( v 0_ Ex E xJeve$argI_I( FLtKxFxTxFxxAL(eve$x_argument_type:=eve$arg1_ i |h  ] F  ExL(F xZ\|Y]F !L!A"x"#L)#F$ %%& 'x'N( 0!AS does not take any arguments( ) R+  0x!AS takes only !SL argument!%S+ , -L-. / 5L57x7t8K8F9 E 9Jeve$x_argument_type:=eve$arg:I_:I(: i; <string<=L""=F> ?integer?'@Leve$k_no_arg+0@FA hD ,+Argument type !AS must be integer or stringD ELEF G HxHIL,IFJ KUML)MFNNO SKSFT E TJeve$x_argument_type:=eve$argUI_UI(U iW XstringX.YZLZF[ \x\2^ ^F__` bU|btef \ Uf `fftg]gJgFhi iFjL"jIjI"jFk l m 9nintegerno8p v l1qLqFr gt & 0%!AS expects a number for argument !SLt uLuv w hy ,+Argument type !AS must be integer or stringy zLz{ | ]F,*]FL,F 3xL,F  % "  F  j  <F <j ' %%' " ( F ) j * <"+ <j- '!/7 679|'9: _SA::; $#PF4 is not DO. Redefine PF4 as DO? ;?< n doSA eve_do ('')= > ? A  B1 {   X E    ' vt200.    VX *XFY  Z $[ 3\\^lnn 'nFoo p  qq s} 'F (     7 'FtU 't1 ' nextF '    ' }  ) 'z.F}T}FoFUF '[9 &F  '@[9 &F@  'b[<K &Fb  '[9 &F  '[CKR0  0 &F   '[DT}  %F  '[DT}  %F T}  -, '[9 } %F "( *Main(F\) \++b, }\. '.R . \ / 1 \ [End of file]5 LCommands5F{6 {*8 ' line_editing.8F99: {; %< {(= ? {-AAB }{C G LPromptsGFII2J -JK Q ' displayQ\R LMessagesRFSST }U V Z LHelpZF[ LShow[F \ LDCL\F& ` LChoices`FH a H *e (!nd of Insert Here buffer] Insert HereeFm gkzr2HrssUu '&Don't understand output file name: !ASu v wE x y z~ '~F   ( L!  zL  get file   \} \    (\  ' output. $ w 'FL9  LL=  LL?GF FL E Can't create file: !AS  E  '' D    E ' journal ' read_only} ' journal_fileF  ' LL=FL tpu.tjl L.tjlF   F  L$ LF   V ( 'Don't understand journal file name: !AS           &ML  1PA 1 ' vt200.z ' vk100.t  'eightbit. 'ansi_crt. ' edit_mode.}}zt   Y8 E !F`F3%$)()[]{}4 >FI .-Not found; nothing to match in that direction (F((( 0)E () 0(E- ([ 0]E (] 0[E- V({ 0}E  0{E- E@ !F281$)#(#04   >8F  \ Could not match (  ( (K@F@ T@F@ @t jj j (m >  mFnnto (pp 'current_columnpFqKqlqcqHqFr s   uut,v   wKwFxz|'    &  ' visible_top   ' current_row P  -  'visible_bottom ' current_rowP -% n Cmatchit( n Beve_dcl ( '' )+ n Beve_include_file( '' ). n Beve_buffer( '' )1 n "Bdetab4  1T4 ntop_move7  1B7 n bottom_move:  1M: n middle_move= n  C fortran_cont@  1P@ nget_current_positionC  1CC ;n:message ( 'Current column is ' + str ( current_column ) )F <n  C3change_case ( search ( remain , FORWARD ) , LOWER )I  1LI 4n3change_case ( search ( remain , FORWARD ) , UPPER )L n Cerase_entire_lineO n Cerase_rest_of_lineR n SAerase_rest_of_wordV 'visible_bottom ' visible_topGl ' current_rowP - 'current_columnFKlcHF  t,   K F ##F$ !$F&&' '(( `h()Y)Y) )* .2.$.).4/ >/ (030*0&040 >00 1 2 3 !3F6 !6F 7 (9 E 9 9FH:E<BGGFH !HFJJK KLYL LM O3O&O4O >O (P Q !QFS !SFT (V EV VFHWEYE !F3%4 >- ( !   t2 KF ( E JCURRENT POSITION: line I , column > E G `EaaFHc 3 % 4 >- ( ! F    t2 3 & 4 >  F !F t 3%4 >- (3&4 > F M  `t  ! !   " !"F## ##t$3$&%4% >% $%th&& `&'(' )v '* + -//  1B355@0E Etg \  !xb  K F z   !FFF }    *1MANAGE BUFFERS & FILES-2   ( H GNAME STATUS ASSOCIATED FILE ' ' "E # '<#F&&t' 'system'( ` system ) ) ` USER * , 'modified,- X MODIFIED . . X not modified / 1 '1FP2PL23 none 4 6 '6FH9 EH9V9 \ k:JH:IX:I`:IP:  <' =K =F > 'previous>F@B  B (C E ( FE G '<GFJ3J%J4J >-J (K X-KF0L3L&L4L >L (M  SRETURN--same, ENTER--another, TIUP,DOWN--move, UI W--write, VI D--delete: V @VFhXh CX:Y }Z ([\] _hMA_)` }abc ehAAe e}e\g hT hF i ' nextiFk khBAk (k}k`m nK nF o 'previousoFq q wqhr WrhrYrTt  u3u%u4u >-u (v w !wF8x  y !yF@z 8@!z { (8|   not modified } 8~ @ dh DhY 'systemM r DT(F( ; #"System buffer: permission denied. 0.& E 2&JERROR &I line & E K'G'I; returning to original buffer ' (  ) }* (+ !+ ,-.1 !1F22F33F5 } 6  7 *1MANAGE BUFFERS & FILES-28  8 (= H GNAME STATUS ASSOCIATED FILE>' >' @E(A '<AFDDtE 'systemEF h system G G h USER H J 'modifiedJK ` MODIFIED L L ` not modified M O 'OFXPXLPQ none R T 'TFPW EPWVW \ kXJPXI`XIhXIXX  Z' [K([F(\ 'previous\F^`  ` (a c 0(dE(e '<eFh3h%h4h >-h (i X-iF8j3j&j4j >j (k  pRETURN--same, ENTER--another, qIPERIOD--new file, rIUP,DOWN--move, sIW, tID, uIC: u @uFpwpCw{{ }p C}F   (  pMAu   } ( !  pB]   }& (  pB>   (  pBe -xno command entered Command:  x cp CpY   } (#! 8   pnAT   } (  pAApDAY(}\ T(F( ' nextF pBApCAY(0}` K(F( 'previousF B wp WpYT  3%4 >- (  !F@  !FH @H!  (@   not modified @ H  dp DpYd 'system 'modifieda ! Buffer modified: delete anyway? !r (0\ ' nextF T0F( 5 'previousF g '@buffer  'bbuffer } M  ! displaying one window on returnF     ! WARNING: deleting origin-buffer    F    T0F0  i!r! "#(0#\$ ' next$F % &T0&F(' 5' 'previous'F ( **\+ ! WARNING: deleting origin-buffer,  -  -F. / 0  1T01F03 5 ;5 #"System buffer: permission denied.6 8 8 8 8 : 8<>[^E_ !_F`3`%`4` >-` (c !cc cct2d eKeFfh (i E iJCURRENT POSITION: line jI , column j>j E jGj kmtzzF{ !{F}}~ ~ `hYY  2$)4 > (3*&4 >    !F !F  ( E  FHEF !F Y  3&4 > ( !F@  !F  !F ( E FHEEFH2JQ  Fatal error in detab 2 DETAB operation completed  !F  ( c  >Ft ( ! ' offset_columnFEKFt  c   KFt    Z2AQ   Fatal error  !F`F3%$)()[]{}4 >FI .-Not found; nothing to match in that direction  (F((( 0)E () 0(E- ([ 0]E (] 0[E- V({ 0}E  0{E-     E@ !F281$)#(#04      >8F  \ Could not match     ( (K@F@ T@F@ @t   x2 X ,+Fatal error in PREFILL -- returning to user   JX/)no string entered; no insertion performedEnter string to be inserted: K !F( F N   #  (     3%4 >- ( !t1   d    '    & ! E " " ' LEFT_MARGIN" F% % t,&   ) K) F) + l l ' visible_topm m ' current_rowm Pm -o u u 'visible_bottomv v ' current_rowv Pv -x ~ ~ 'visible_bottom  ' visible_top G l  ' current_row P - . 7n- lower case of current wordBcjc_lowercase_words2 0n&UPCASE current wordBcjc_uppercase_words6 5n*Capitalize current wordBcjc_capitalize_words: 3n,toggle width and margins Bcjc_toggle_width> "n#do a DCL commandB cjc_dclB nn9,&include a file at the current positionB>eve_include_file( '' ); eve$position_in_middle( mark( NONE )) F Tn!change buffer Bn5(" toggle: one window / two windows Bcjc_toggle_windowsN Wn# paragraph fill !B=eve_fill_paragraph; eve$position_in_middle ( mark ( NONE ) );R *n!buffer manager"Bcjc_buffer_managerV  1AAW "ngo to top-of-window cjc_top_moveZ  1BA[ (n"go to bottom-of-windowcjc_bottom_move^  1 C_ 4n,!vertical jump < NUMBER OF LINES >cjc_jump_verticalb 5message ( 'Use arrow keys to stop scroll safely' ) ; scroll ( current_window ) c  1Bd ncontinuous scrolli &n!go to < LINE >SAeve_line( '' )m Kn=0*set left margin at current cursor locationsAcjc_set_leftmargin_herep  1vAq 8n0%multifile delete lines with a patterncjc_del_pat_linest  1mAu 7n2'delete remainder-of-lines after patterncjc_del_remainx  1wAy @n0%search-and-replace for current_buffercjc_global_search_replace|  1xA} 7n(multi-file search-and-replacecjc_multi_search_replace  1yA >n5*space FORTRAN operators for current_buffercjc_pretty_fortran  1 C Pn#replace tabs with spaces6cjc_detab ; message ( 'DETAB operation completed' ) ;  1MA en<1replace CRLFs , CRs, and LFs with TPU line-breaks2eve_fix_crlfs ; message ( 'CRs and LFs fixed' ) ;  1B /n"find next FORTRAN labelcjc_find_fortran_label  1A an!insert ASCII characterIcopy_text ( ascii ( int ( read_line ( 'Decimal value of character: '))))  1B Ln<1display character as octal, hex, decimal, controltww_eve_display_character  1C 3n)FORTRAN-compile current buffercjc_fortran_compile  1D $ninsert today's datecjc_insert_date  1C 'n%construct FORTRAN DO loop cjc_do_loop  1F )n"File-list in DCL-buffercjc_get_filelist  1C (n%construct FORTRAN IF-block cjc_if_block  1G %n$decimal-to-hex conversion dec_to_hex  1H %n$hex-to-decimal conversion hex_to_dec  1I npre-fill cjc_pre_fill  1J n post-fill cjc_post_fill  1L HnUPCASE rest-of-line3change_case ( search ( remain , FORWARD ) , UPPER )  1M (n"go to middle-of-windowcjc_middle_move  1N 'nIndent select-range cjc_indent_block  1O 2n'write current buffer to file cjc_write_whatever  1P 7n(get current col, line numberscjc_get_current_position !message ( 'TPU compiling...' ) ; set ( INFORMATIONAL , ON ) ; Icompile ( current_buffer ) ; Iset ( INFORMATIONAL , OFF) ;  1T nTPU-compile current buffer  1C Yn TRIM current bufferC eve$trim_buffer ( current_buffer ) ; message( 'TRIM complete' ) ;  1W 'n&do line , word , char count cjc_count 3n1$match parens, braces, bracketsC cjc_matchit 9n2%generate FORTRAN continuation Ccjc_fortran_cont 7n- generate FORTRAN commentCcjc_fortran_comment Rn(downcase REST-OF-LINE C3change_case ( search ( remain , FORWARD ) , LOWER )  1 C 3n,!remove headers from listing filescjc_listing_fix 0n$erase entire lineCcjc_erase_entire_line cn/"change insert/overwrite modeC=eve_change_mode ; message ( 'changing INSERT/OVERSTRIKE' ) ;  3n2%auto-indent (CTRL-J is outdent)C cjc_indent 3n1$auto-outdent (CTRL-N is indent C cjc_outdent 2n%erase rest-of-lineCcjc_erase_rest_of_line 2n%erase rest of wordCcjc_erase_rest_of_word ,:x3235 X6 ,+Fatal error in PREFILL -- returning to user7 89 :< !<FD R`C=No file-spec entered; listing all files in current directory.Enter file-spec: FL"dir/noheader/notrailer/versions=1 F Hh K > -dirK (L !LFO > ;OFPPtQ (R3R&R4R >R (S T !TF U U  !U VX Z\ ;  ( > F  t ( 3 & 4 > (  !F  ! ce  !%De  f g gFh i iFj k kFl mL. mImI, mIm  o 'widthF '<HF 'HF 'bufferFH  PG!!?"  X# $ c$P$% G&&?'  ( ) ))* PG+ HG,,?-  H . / / / 11t12 ' nextH2F46H6L7 43Reset width and margins--WIDTH: 80, MARGINS 1 - 888 38P8N9 65Reset width and margins--WIDTH: 132, MARGINS 1 - 132: ::L; 43Reset width and margins--WIDTH: 72, MARGINS 9 - 72< g= E =JCurrent width = >I ; not 72, 80, or 132. Not reset> ? ? ? AC*6y/2/1 Y2 -,Fatal error in POSTFILL -- returning to user3 45 6; JX/)no string entered; no insertion performedEnter string to be inserted: ;= !=F??(@@ @FA NBBC D #E (F G H K3K&K4K >K (L !LLtuM  N O3O%O4O >-O (Q S U WY 'current_column ' right_margin JKK 'current_columnLL ' right_marginL OO 'current_columnO E OJLEFT MARGIN set to O QSK R @P ('NO MORE LABELS in the current directionR Y 2T %U ) 0123456789V $) V ) 0123456789V cW $* W ) 0123456789W 4X $+ X ) 0123456789X Y 4[ ![ 3[ %[ 4[ >-[ [ \ ^] `] ] ^ _ _ ` a b `b >b d L y_\2h\F] Could not create DCL subprocess^^_ d2de @f Compile successful.hghoi8j8PjYjkF l 8mh nn }8oh p q s Pt @uuw y{ {]| Creating DCL subprocess... ~ & $ set noon ~F  FH !F@g)h F8h  E8   F  =F  ?F  ;F   <FJL.LISF `FORS -,Not a FORTRAN file. No compilation attempted L  Compiling I with listfile: I L $ for/extend/lis/cont=99 IJI   '<F00t^ '0namet5 'previousF00# P0 P  *FP  P ( y P ( > FORT-F``gMh P& }P  |   }@H @  @ }bPEg b  `   h  nFORT- 0/EVE search target 'FORT-' for additional errors   6bDNo response given. Enter number of lines to jump: B  !  3%4 >- ( !   t;  $    ' left_marginFKF E   ' right_margin  E J left margin set at   ' left_marginF TF E  ' right_margin  E J left margin set at  3 5 ' 6  C.......7 E 8 8 ' LEFT_MARGIN8 F; ; t,<  .? K? F? A   C 2J Complete !ul replacement!%s  A )(Fatal error in global search_and_replace    !F E -;No string entered.String to be replaced: L   )String to be replaced:  >F   (   !K!F"~$3Um?2x?DL8buffer EI already exists. EIEnter new name: G !/8No string entered -- returningG$H *8HF0I IIJ L L2LqN $#FATAL ERROR in substitution-processO } (P ( QQS S U] ;INo string entered.&String to be replaced (RET to quit): X] ^_ g -String to replace it with: i !iF jjF(k  l 8M_S_R_work_bufferv @N("Multi-file-edit session completed.Input file (RET to quit): pvtm{ *8{F0} 0} (  0'E  >Ft]   (  K F l  Complete !ul replacement!%s   0 0% } (  Z2AQ   Fatal error  0 EEE !S  ( F( n !F   ( # ( (    !F  (KF 3&4 >  KF v  3&4 >  KF KF !3%4 >- (   `0aKF KF !  =  KF   ] E JThis buffer/range has I lines,  E GI words, and  E GI characters.  '5No number enteredEnter hex number: gEE    8 abcdefABCDEF ( 0123456789L(8F0 \ F ` tKF Et \ F ` t `0~LIllegal character I in string II; current value:  cG   `(-j yGF aAY jH F mbBY jH F $cCY jH F dDY jH F eEY jHF IfFY jHF        KFLHEX ( I ) == I DECIMAL (  E GI )   +9(No number enteredEnter decimal number: C   y(FtohSF  E F   A   B   C    D  X    E  ,    F        L F oFj E   0 L (DECIMAL ( I ) == IHEX ( I I )   % 2 p! E 2!JError (!I ) at line ! E K!G! " #$ %* !*F++ + (- c - c -G- >-F..ta/ 0 0 (1112' 3 4388 8 (: c : >:F;;ta< = = (>>>?' @ AOEE E (G c G >GFHHtaI I (JJJK' L M NOP Q s and< LF>s fixedSgn001234567.89101112131415oI81617181920212223pI32425262728293031qI632127132133134135136rI7137138139140141142143sI7144145146147148149150sI.151155156157158159sFv !vv vvCw ('At end of buffer, no current character.xy }Et= ctKFE  4K@ cJ, ^F    }}YYY E  ` E  EG \ F \  >9 \  F  F )Current Character is '!AS', Decimal=!UB, Hex=!-!XB, Octal=!-!OB!AS  ~2xL0buffer I already exists. IEnter new name:  !/0No string entered -- returning$ *0F( &   2q $#FATAL ERROR in substitution-process }      Tb*$No string entered--no deletions made-Delete lines containing what target-string?    !FF    0D_P_L_work_buffer 5CEdit session completed.Input file (RET to quit): t *0F( ( (   (' >F ! Yt 3&4 > y >F3%4 >- (   !#  ($ (&( }  ) +:GQB2B8C D  Fatal errorEF GO O](*$No string entered--no deletions made(Delete lines after what target-string? IP PQ S !SFUUSVV V (WW WFX SYYZ [ (\ (]]F^ _ b >(bFcctd ddtie (f !fFg3g&g4g >g (h !hF i i@j k !kF l m (n  !n o ppwp rAt v !Fgt }@ @ (@   @ }b b (b   bEg b :g!F    oEq #"adding whitespace around operatorss   ( (t   ) )u   , ,v   + +w   - -x   * *y   / /z   = ={   < <|   > >}   .GT. .GT.~   .GE. .GE.   .LT. .LT.   .LE. .LE.   .EQ. .EQ.   .NE. .NE.   .OR. .OR.   .AND. .AND.   .NOT. .NOT. fixing up extra whitespace  ( (( (  ) )) )  ( (   ) )    ) )   ( (   + +   - -  + +   - -  --- - --- -  * * * *  *** * *** *3%$  *4 *  CHARACTER* CHARACTER *  LOGICAL* LOGICAL *  INTEGER* INTEGER *   REAL*REAL *  COMPLEX* COMPLEX *   .GT. .GT.   .GE. .GE.   .LT. .LT.   .LE. .LE.   .EQ. .EQ.   .NE. .NE.    .GT. .GT.   .GE. .GE.   .LT. .LT.   .LE. .LE.   .EQ. .EQ.   .NE. .NE.  / / / /  /// /  , ,  , , , ,  , ,  >=> = <=< =   = =   = =  = =   = =   /LIST / LIST  PF/MFPF / MF pretty_fortran completed *2   !FS  ( F N  # (    >Ftj tK   (  _ ak*g2gi ij kmm ' FILE_NAMEmFn  ?n `LISnnNo ('NOT a listing file. No fixing attemptedppq s  t !tFuu u (x >xFyytMz z (||}}~| ( &%LISTING fixed -- page headers deleted    ! r    ( F n !F  # (   JX/)no string entered; no insertion performedEnter string to be inserted: !#3#%#4# >-# ($ !$$t1%  & (d) +-    # ! F        ( !  t #       ! F        ( !  t        ! F         ( !  t   *2  L 43Mark block to be indented before using block-indent  !F       (3%4 >- ( !t$  C  * }    ` 0123456789   3 0 0123456789 4  >  (       q3C%9$0 )&$*#+-12345678904  &  =PFQ EQ QFR3R%R4R >-R (S  U W3W%W4W >-W (X Z\  ^ FORTRAN labels now fixed`   ! F ! " DCL command completed$ | ' LEFT_MARGINFB ' LEFT_MARGINF   DO  4BNo label entered!Enter LABEL to bound DO-loop >>>        8FNo counter entered#Enter name of COUNTER variable >>> D 7L =     8F No value entered%Enter STARTING VALUE for DO-loop >>> D  7L  ,     6D(No value entered#Enter ENDING VALUE for DO-loop >>> 6 (7  ( '    ' OFFSET_COLUMNFt,   KF  CONTINUE3%4 >- ( 3&4 > ( !  ' LEFT_MARGINFB ' LEFT_MARGINF   IF (  8FNo condition entered!Enter CONDITION for IF-block >>>       ) THEN !F  %3"ELSEIF condition [ omit] >>> ztXL ELSE IF ( I ) THEN   P ELSE clause ? (Y/N)  A   ELSE      ENDIF     TPU$KEY_MAP_LISTEVE$STANDARD_KEYS recall- end_of_lineO start_of_line tab return remember erase_start_of_line quote  refresh exit# spaceN delete move_up move_down move_right move_left  find insert_here remove select7 previous_screen next_screen/ exit change_directionm move_by_linel erase_word  keypad help  doEVE$VT200_KEYS return  , typing  - typing  . typing  0 typing  1 typing  2 typing  3 typing  4 typing  5 typing  6 typing  7 typing  8 typing  9 typingEVE$VT100_KEYS+XT change_mode  find  keypad help change_direction  dol erase_wordm move_by_line7 previous_screen next_screenEN move_left move_down move_right move_up select remove insert_hereEVE$USER_KEYS generate FORTRAN comment_erase rest-of-lineconstruct FORTRAN DO loop 5erase rest of wordconstruct FORTRAN IF-blockerase entire line DETAB operation completedreplace tabs with spacesauto-outdent (CTRL-N is indentgenerate FORTRAN continuation3'4 > downcase REST-OF-LINEremove headers from listing filesgvertical jump < NUMBER OF LINES >auto-indent (CTRL-J is outdent)match parens, braces, brackets+ changing INSERT/OVERSTRIKEchange insert/overwrite mode l  TRIM complete TRIM current buffer Decimal value of character:  y c  insert ASCII characterdisplay character as octal, hex, decimal, control#FORTRAN-compile current buffer:insert today's dateFile-list in DCL-buffer?decimal-to-hex conversion!hex-to-decimal conversionpre-fillpost-fill 3'4 > 7UPCASE rest-of-lineugo to middle-of-window!Indent select-range write current buffer to file get current col, line numbers TPU compiling...  &   %TPU-compile current bufferdo line , word , char count2go to top-of-windowRgo to bottom-of-windowrestore CRs and LFs fixedreplace CRLFs , CRs, and LFs with TPU line-breakschange_direction2jR go to < LINE >Perase_characterlerase_word delete remainder-of-lines after pattern get_filerecallemove_by_word-end_of_lineset left margin at current cursor locationbottomtopwerase_linemultifile delete lines with a pattern xreplace. search-and-replace for current_buffer Imark[ multi-file search-and-replace zgo_tospace FORTRAN operators for current_bufferfind next FORTRAN label %$Use arrow keys to stop scroll safely $continuous scrolllower case of current wordUPCASE current wordCapitalize current word]toggle width and margins gdo a DCL command "  ! include a file at the current position  ! change buffer h other_windowr toggle: one window / two windows ! 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