Late breaking comments o I have not tried compiling and executing all source files with NDEBUG *not* defined. When NDEBUG is not defined, many assertions in the code get enabled and will give error messages if they fail. Recent revisions may have made some of these assertions invalid. o On systems with ints longer than 32 bits, there were some minor portability problems reported in the past. I suggested some fixes (which are incorporated in the current distribution) but was unable to confirm if they worked. If you get zoo 2.0 working on a Cray, CDC, or similar machine with very large ints, please let me know. o Handling of pathnames longer than 255 characters is probably not robust at this time. Zoo should be able to handle pathanmes of up to 510 characters, with the filename part and the directory prefix part each being 255 characters or less. But it will probably choke on any pathname that is longer than 255 characters. o The **IX "file" command, at least on System V Release 2 and on 4.3BSD, can be made to recognize zoo archives. Instructions are in the file "file.fix".