Finger V51_1_00 VMS V5 required. Major changes: o none Minor changes: o Fixed the TT_UCB. Idle times and network locations are now displayed. Ted Nieland TNIELAND@AAMRL.AF.MIL Systems Research Laboratories, Inc. 2800 Indian Ripple Road Dayton, OH 45440-3696 (513) 255-8846 Finger V50_1_00 VMS V5 required. Major changes: o none Minor changes: o NoOp'd the call to TT_UCB because I, and everyone I've asked, haven't figured out how to fix it. I, personally, don't mind it being broken. The only feature I miss is the originating DECnet node name for RT terminals. The Idle time code, in this day of Virtual terminals, requires a re-write of the Finger Common Block for which I haven't the time. o The sections dealing with mail.mai and vmsmail.dat have been re-written to conform to their new formats. o The Magic Lat and Queue Name Macros have been replaced with Fortran code that uses documented interfaces to the terminal ucb and jbcsysque.dat. (PSI terminal recognition is a side benefit of this.) o A VMS v5-compatible load average driver has been included and the necessary modifications to Finger have been made to facilitate it. o New TCP code has been included, but not tested by me. Others say it works fine. o An example of using REGISTER in a multi-node environment is included. Parting comments: My (as Jamie Hanrahan would say) 'copious free time' is quickly dwindling to just a few hours a week. Hence, V50.1.0 hasn't been rigorously tested. It works for me. Furthermore, as the self-appointed maintainer of Finger, I resign. If someone would like to pick up the ball and run with it, please do. I must say, though, that Finger has reached a point were it might be better to start over. Virtual terminals have caused much of Finger's original functionality to go away. Finger was designed and implemented using 'real old' versions of VMS and Fortran and could stand an overhaul just for efficiency sake. And finally with VMS v5 serious consideration should be given to writing a cluster connection using an SMISERVER SYSAP instead of beating DECnet into the ground. Many thanks to Richard Garland for giving us Finger. Ciao. Rand P. Hall (csnet) Director, Academic Computing 508.683.7111 Merrimack College 315 Turnpike Rd. "There is elegance in simplicity." North Andover, Mass. 01845 - Kimball S. Maddocks