% VAX-11 Librarian V04-00tN|=Jb|=57ADD "CLEAR XEXITHELP SHOWZ|=1 HELP>The SHR program maintains the finger databases. These are forBUsername <--> personal name, Terminal <--> location, and Host <-->routing information.wwZ|=1 ADDAdd an entry to the database. 2 Qualifiers/USER Add a user to the database. Format:3 ADD /USER=username /PERSONALNAME=personalname or ADD /USER /UAFF The /UAF qualifier causes each user in the UAF to be entered into theE database. The UAF OWNER  field is used as the personal name. If theJ personal name contains blanks or special characters, it should be quoted. /TERMINAL1 Add a terminal and its location to the database. Format:G ADD /TERMINAL=terminal /LOCATION=location [/TTType=terminal-type]F "terminal" should be of the form "Txynnn:". "location" and "terminal-E type" should be quoted if they contain blanks or special characters./HOST) Add a Network Host name to the database. FormatA ADD /HOST=host name /TYPE=x /LINK=linkname /ROUTE=route-pathB "hostname" is the name that Finger will recognise when typed by aB user and it may be a pseudonym. "x" is a type field denoting the network type: type Network D DECnet J jnetD if /TYPE is ommited, DECnet is assumed. "linkname" is the internalD name for the host used by the network. If ommited, "linkname" willA be set to "hostname". "route-path" is a series of linknames forF explicit routing. Routing is from right to left and  each linkname isB preceded by an "@". eg. /ROUTE="@SU-AI@COLUMBIA-20". Any field D containing special characters (hence "route-path" if given) must be inclosed in quotation marks./NETWORK$ Add a Network name to the database. Format' ADD /NETWORK=network-name /TYPE=xA "network-name" is the name that Finger will use when typeing the host name on output. Valid types are: type Network D DECnet J jnet T TCP/IP /LOCAL_HOST@Set the local host name. This a llows any name to be used in the>Header when finger produces its output. If /LOCAL_HOST is notDspecified, the DECnet node name is used, and if the DECnet node nameBis not defined, the word "FINGER" is put in the place of the name. /ORGANIZATIONEThis allows a one line site identification to be placed in the headerthat finger outputs. /ROUTER_HOSTFA router host is used as an indirect target host if a host name cannotDbe found in the local database. The qualifiers /TYPE and /ROUTE arevali d with this qualifier.ww@`|=1 CLEAR"Initialize one or more data-bases. Format: CLEAR /qualifier1any qualifier valid with ADD is valid with CLEAR. 2 Qualifiers/USER+ Clear the Username <--> personal database. Format: CLEAR /USER /TERMINAL% Clear the Terminal location database Format: CLEAR /TERMINAL/ALL Clear the entire database. Format: CLEAR /ALL /LOCAL_HOST Clear the local host name /ORGANIZATION%" Clear the site identification string /ROUTER_HOST Clear the router nameww@`|=1 EXITExit from the program.wwJb|=1 SHOW4Display one or all entries in the selected database. 2 Qualifiers/USER Format: SHOW /USER=username or SHOW /USER /ALL /TERMINAL Format: SHOW /TERMINAL=terminal or SHOW /TERMINAL /ALL/HOST Format: SHOW /HOST=hostname or SHOW /HOST / ALL/NETWORK Format: SHOW /NETWORK=network-name or SHOW /NETWORK /ALL /LOCAL_HOST /ORGANIZATION /ROUTER_HOSTww