ALOCWAIT - ALLOCATE/WAIT 13-May-1988 This command is to provide a feature needed on VAX/VMS but not provided -- ALOCATE/WAIT. This command allows you to attempt to allocate a device and if it is not available, wait until it is. In addition, multiple devices may be allocated on 1 command. This is especially useful for batch jobs which need to allocate multiple tape drives/disk drives, etc. The only qualifier added from the ALLOCATE command is the /NUMBER qualifier. This qualifier allows multiple devices. Multiple logical names may be specified when multiple devices are allocated. ALOCWAIT also supports pseudo-random allocation of tape drives so the low- numbered drives are not worked to extinction. In this realese, that logic applies only to allocates using MU or /GENERIC TA78. NOTE: ALOCWAIT must be installed with CMEXEC privilege. Usage examples: $ ALOCWAIT/GENERIC TU78 DRIVE1 This will wait for and allocate 1 tape drive $ ALOCWAIT/GENERIC/NUMBER=2 TU78 DRIVE1,DRIVE2 This will wait for and allocate 2 tape drives. Neither drive will be held until both become available. This helps to prevent resource deadlock. ALOCWAIT is provided for your enjoyment by: Dale Miller Computing Center - NS204 University of Arkansas at Little Rock 2801 S. University Little Rock, AR 72204-1099 DOMILLER@UALR.BITNET (501) 569-8714 (voice - 8:00-17:00 Central) (501) 568-9464 (UBBS) ALOCWAIT is copyrighted (c) 1986 by Dale O. Miller, and is released for private and commercial use. It may not be sold, either alone or as part of a package. The author excludes any and all implied warranties including warranties of fitness for a particular purpose and will not be liable for incidental or consequential damages as a result of using this product.