This is a collection of user defined functions which may be added to Datatrieve, and some Datatrieve definitions to make it easier to add your own functions. ** New material for Fall 1990 [.BABY_ED] ** In this subdirectory is Joe Gallagher's version of the Baby Editor, the purpose of which is to be able to edit text or blob data in a DATATREIVE field. With some care and planning it is possible to use FMS and the BABY_ED2 to allow for entry or editing of fields longer than one line and even larger than the size of the screen. There are demonstration definitions, forms, and procedures to show how to do this. data fields HELP_RELAY.* How to access VMS Help libraries from within Datatrieve. The function, a relay program, and an article on why and how it's done. HELP_SYSGEN.TXT Additional text which goes with the above. SOUNDEX_DESC.MAR A user-written function which adds the SOUNDEX SOUNDEX.TXT name matching function. Also used when trying to retrieve data when the exact spelling isn't known. B. Z. Lederman DTR/4GL SIG Library Representative